Sunday, April 17, 2011

Stomach Pain Causes More Condition_symptoms

Japanese nationals Keiko Fujimori defended his father's crimes: "My dad ordered the elimination of terrorists. It was crazy to say so publicly. "

writes: César Vásquez Bazán

The illegal candidate for president of Peru, a Japanese
藤森 恵 子 ( Fujimori Keiko) should be tried for complicity in the crimes committed by the dictatorship that presided over his father.

Instead of charging the parasitic income perceived as a congressman, the Japan should be behind bars at the Prison for Women in Chorrillos. We base our conclusions on a video interview very widespread in Peru, in which the said Keiko Fujimori acknowledged their participation in the acts of the Fujimori dictatorship.

In the attached video, you will appreciate the Keiko Fujimori a Japanese citizen acknowledging that his father, the former dictator subject Japan and Ken Fujimori
' already "ordered eliminate terrorists and not was mad for being told publicly. "

With the shell and cynicism that characterized the daughter of Montesinos partner refuses to understand that such deletions are precisely los crímenes por los cuales se sentenció a su padre.

La entrevista es en inglés y en ella la hija nipona del dictador nipón reconoce entre otras cosas:

1.- Que vivió y “trabajó” con su padre, en especial cuando ambos residieron en las instalaciones del centro criminal llamado Servicio de Inteligencia Nacional . Durante la dictadura fujimorista, desde el SIN se dirigió los escuadrones de la muerte. En el SIN también se torturó y cremó a detenidos políticos.

2.- Que es testigo directo de lo que ella llamó “los trabajos y logros” de su padre, el dictador Fujimori Ken ' now. In other words, Japanese nationals Keiko Fujimori agreed that was part of a dictatorial group that ruled the country between 1990 and 2000 and is witness to the decisions that led to the execution of the crimes committed by the regime.

3 .- during the dictatorship of his father "eliminate terrorists." East with a smile on his lips, says that according to the version of your dad " not eliminated but terrorist suspects."

Realizing that he was acknowledging the execution Peruvians who had not been subjected to trial, the Fujimori indicating that attempts to correct it using the word "disposal" in the military sense.

only get more sink on his own vomit, as in military jargon "elimination" means destruction and annihilation. In a tone of arrogant confidence, the daughter of dictator ends this part of the interview, explaining that it "could not be said in public."

4 .- His prior knowledge of the criminal actions of the INS Fujimori. Note in particular that illegal now presidential candidate used the term "we" to refer to the killings and abuses committed by the Fujimori government. Hypocritically, the underling asks Japan apologized for the murders of Barrios Altos and La Cantuta and the crimes of the military thugs organized by his father and Montesinos called Colina Group . Not perceive that in addition to the apology is required corrective action for justice.

Thus, not only as a foreign citizen but have known earlier crimes and crimes of the Fujimori dictatorship and agree with them, voters should not vote for Keiko Fujimori Japan.

Otrosídigo: A future Constitution should ensure that the rulers of our country are not only Peruvian by birth, but never have renounced his Peruvian citizenship and have no second or third nations that could compromise their loyalty to the homeland, as is the case of members Fujimori dictator's family.

The following is the English version and the translation into Castilian of responses Higuchi Keiko Fujimori a Japanese citizen in the interview that led to Mariana Sánchez Aizcorbe Al-Jazeera on April 7, 2009.

Answers translated into Castilian of Japanese nationals 藤森 恵 子 ( Fujimori Keiko)

[Times interview included in parentheses]

Interview Mariana Sánchez-Aizcorbe: "You have always maintained the innocence of his father. "Why?" (0:01 - 0:04)

Keiko Fujimori: "I lived and worked with my father when he was president. I witnessed their work and achievements ... "(0:04 - 0:15)


Interviewer: "The doctrine that his father implemented included the elimination of suspects." (1:02 to 1:06)

Keiko Fujimori: "No. They said ... the elimination of terrorists. Elimination of terrorists does not mean, and he was not going to say in public, he would kill people. Obviously. I mean, only someone crazy would do that. This is a word that is used in military terms. "(1:06 to 1:26)

Interviewer: " It's no secret that fought a bloody war and fought a dirty war. "( 1:26 to 1:31)
Keiko Fujimori
: " can not deny that people died in the Barrios Altos and La Cantuta. We can not deny that there Colina Group. Did exist. Those killings occurred and we regret it. We are very sorry for their families ... "(1:31 to 1:45)

Answers in English of Japanese nationals 藤森 恵 子 ( Keiko Fujimori)

Mariana Sánchez-Aizcorbe Interview: "You have always maintained the innocence of your father. Why?” (0:01 - 0:04)

Fujimori Keiko: “I have lived and worked with my father when he was president. I am a direct witness of his work and his accomplishments...” (0:04 - 0:15)


Entrevistadora: “The doctrine that your father implemented included the elimination of suspects.” (1:02 - 1:06)

Fujimori Keiko: “No. They said… the elimination of terrorists. Elimination of terrorists doesn’t mean –and he is not gonna say it in public– that he was to kill people. Obviously. I mean, only somebody crazy will do that. This is a word that is used on militar terms.” (1:06 - 1:26)

Entrevistadora: “It is not a secret that there was a bloody war going on and that a dirty war was being fought.” (1:26 - 1:31)

Fujimori Keiko: We cannot deny that people die in Barrios Altos and La Cantuta. We cannot deny that Colina Group existed. It did exist. These killings did happen and we regret for this. We feel very sorry for their families…” (1:31 - 1:45)


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