Wednesday, April 6, 2011

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U.S. $ 3.115 million in revenues for Yanacocha between 2005 and 2010 .- The right remains silent about the miners involved wolves in sheep's clothing

writes: César Vásquez Bazán

In the period between 2005 and 2010, the Minera Yanacocha taxes paid to the Peruvian income by the sum of 1.411 million dollars. His earnings were more than doubled amounted to 3.115 million dollars.

For this ore, the distribution of surplus is not fifty-fifty . Is 69% for foreign interests and 31% for Peru.

If you add up the numbers of Buenaventura Yanacocha is found that between 2005 and 2010 earnings for both companies totaled U.S. $ 5.516 million and paid income taxes of $ 1.528 million. The difference between profits and taxes reached nearly 4 billion dollars!

The financial information presented to suggest that Peru's natural resources are the big business of foreign companies and large mining corporations related to foreign entities.

You can check this data by clicking in links from sources that appear at the end of this article.

Lobos miners involved in lambskin

In recent days, politicians and the press paid by mining companies the movement launched the idea that are wolves involved in lambskin presidential candidates who advocate the need to rethink the rules of the game with respect to the distribution of revenues from the extraction of natural resources.

I have the impression that the thing is backwards.

No wolves more fierce than those companies that carry the major portion of our natural resources and defend their profits by displaying the lamb skin tax stability and defend the Constitution neoliberal, 1993.

Los mayores lobos envueltos en piel de cordero son aquellos que no quieren soltar la presa.

El 10 de abril votemos por el candidato a la presidencia que ofrezca poner bajo control a los lobos mineros envueltos en piel de cordero. Elijamos a un candidato que comience a poner justicia en la distribución de la riqueza y devuelva la dignidad al Perú.

sources of financial information
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