Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Arabic Birthday Greetings

Bill Ryan and Kerry Cassidy: What really happened to Camelot? A Panoramic Review

Practically everyone who come to this blog looking for some information regarding the UFO / alien, hidden history, secret military projects, conspiracies, etc., you probably should know or have any idea about the incredible amount of information provided by testimonies of the distinguished Camelot Project. This web space has become something of a label connected to the high quality, in general, information available not only through interviews, but also through lectures, audio, and transcripts.

is not surprising that Camelot has been transformed into a benchmark for excellence catalysts, related to arouse the interest of many people for a considerable range of relevant topics. Even from the personal, we ourselves can recognize that their work was essential to "re-enchant" and relaunch, after a short break from worldliness anyone, an unbridled quest to discover the truth in matters almost laughable for our teen age. Hence, whenever we reflect on these areas of information, not stop thinking about that, "like us, there are undoubtedly many others."

sometimes with an energy-like a moth that is directed toward focus of the mysteries and paranormal phenomena, we also carry a filter at all times, inexorable and inherent to human nature otherwise, regarding this whole host of issues, as we polished and worn ourselves our own learning. Yes, we like you! Curious and eager for a higher dose of "theme of the issues."

But ultimately, what happened to Camelot? Why divide ended? Well, after watching the First Part of the interview with Mel Fabregas to Bill Ryan and Kerry Cassidy of Project Avalon y Project Camelot respectivamente, podemos decir que sencillamente se trata de una entrevista imperdible. Los puntos tocados no sólo se centran en los motivos de su división, sino que también, y lo más importante aún, en las experiencias anómalas y las presiones provenientes de grandes grupos externos, y sus perspectivas sobre algunos de los confidentes y denunciantes - entrevistados - que han pasado por allí.

Sin duda, uno de los puntos más notables de la entrevista es el relato elaborado mutuamente sobre los supuestos seven or more groups which would be or have been involved in trying to prevent and straight blasting of any form of cohesion as a team. From this position, the two explain the dangers entailed for themselves the words of some respondents who revealed "sensitive information" about certain organizations: As the case of Leo Zagami, Illuminati alleged that provide important information this secret group, would have endangered both. Luca Scantamburlo, a man who revealed secret information Vatican. Pete Peterson, Kerry information that Cassidy took and ended up screwing the Pentagon. Henry Deacon , linked to black projects funded U.S. Government Agencies. Dane Tops, a man who allegedly revealed the dark secrets of Scientology. Dan Burisch , linked to Majestic-12 . And Jake Simpson, who provided information linked to Military Intelligence technologies . Obviously this review

panoramic give them an idea of \u200b\u200bthe individual perspectives of Kerry Cassidy and Bill Ryan, the potential danger involved holding sensitive information platform, and perhaps even a sense of direction in it.

regard to subtitling in English of this interview, who would be working on that Youtube user Fabiocomplejo , which has so far completed the Video 1 of Part I of the interview. So insert the remaining videos as they become ready. Interview

strongly advised.

Video 1 / 8

- Data -
Interviewees: Bill Ryan - (Avalon Project )
Kerry Cassidy - ( Project Camelot Productions )
Interviewer: Mel Fabregas - ( Veritas Show )
Location: International UFO Congress. Phoenix, Arizona.
Date: February 27, 2010
Approx: 1 hour 2 minutes
translation and subtitles: Fabiocomplejo

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