Saturday, April 16, 2011

Serena Snelling Hooters

Japanese Nationality 藤森 恵 子 Keiko Fujimori .- Illegal presidential candidate resigned from the Peruvian national to assume sexual Sick Japanese Japanese

Escribe: César Vásquez Bazán

藤森 恵 子 (Keiko Fujimori) hidden from the Peruvian public that before twenty-two years old, resigned from the Peruvian to take Japanese nationality. His resignation was similar to the renunciation of citizenship made by Peruvian Kuczynski to acquire U.S. citizenship. For the laws Nipponese Keiko Fujimori not only Japanese but, moreover, is Japanese by birth.

Is it true that 藤森 恵 子 (Keiko Fujimori) is Japan's birth?

Yes, indeed. Japan under the law, Keiko Fujimori birth is considered Japanese.

In accordance with article 2, paragraph 1 of Nationality Law of Japan, a newborn acquires the nationality of Japan when his father or mother or both have Japanese nationality. That is the case of Keiko Fujimori , daughter of father and Japanese mother.

Why be born in Peru lost 藤森 恵 子 (Keiko Fujimori) Japanese nationality?

No, not lost Japanese nationality.

According to the laws of the land of the Rising Sun, while Keiko Fujimori was born in Peru, for being the daughter of parents Nippon holds and maintains Japanese nationality.

This is required by Article 11 of the Nationality Act Japan. Japanese forfeits her nationality only when it acquires a foreign nationality by voluntarily .

Therefore, Keiko Fujimori Japanese no longer being born in Peru. Obviously, she could not determine their place of birth willingly.

resigned " 藤森 恵 子 (Keiko Fujimori) to Peruvian nationality?

Yes, he renounced his Peruvian citizenship to retain Japanese nationality.

Initially, having been born in Peru, Keiko Fujimori had two nations: the Peruvian by birth in the territory of our country, and Japan for being the daughter of father and mother Nipponese .

In these cases, Japan has Article 14 of the Nationality Act which provides that before the age of twenty-two years old a person with dual citizenship must choose one of them.

According to paragraph 2 of that article, the decision to Keiko Fujimori of take Japanese nationality, was formalized in Election Affidavit of Nationality. Keiko Fujimori, willingly assumed the renounced Japanese nationality and nationality Peru. His statement was seated in the family register (Koseki) Fujimori family.

Peruvian Can a president to entrust the nation to a Peruvian nationality resigning as 藤森 恵 子 (Keiko Fujimori) ?

No way. The illegal Peruvian presidential candidate said his preference for years by Japan's nationality. As overseas Kuczynski, who renounced his Peruvian nationality to get your current U.S. citizenship, Keiko Fujimori years hidden his resignation to be Peruvian.

The case of Japanese nationality Keiko Fujimori, is an experience you should keep in mind when choosing the new political authorities.

Having renounced his Peruvian nationality, Keikono Fujimori is worthy of trust of any Peruvian public office in the Government of Peru.

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Notes on the determination of nationality in Japan

What are the laws governing the determination of nationality in Japan?

Existing legislation in Japan for the determination of nationality is constituted by the Nationality Act Japan, Law No. 147 of 1950. This law was amended by Law No. 268 of 1952, Act No. 45 of 1984, Act No. 89 of 1993, Act No. 147 of 2004 and the Law No. 88 of 2008.

Those interested can read the English version of this legislation on the official website of the Ministry of Justice of Japan. To this should click here .

koseki What is?

The koseki is the household registration system in force in Japan. Is the official document which records births, deaths, marriages and divorces of the Japanese. Nipponese government offices receive and maintain this information that constitutes a kind of national registry de identidad de los japoneses.

El koseki de cada japonés es el mismo durante toda su vida. Cuando los japoneses se casan, divorcian, o tienen descendencia deben actualizarlo. Para ello notifican a la municipalidad donde se mantiene dicho registro.

El koseki está normado por la Ley No. 224 de 1947, conocida como la Ley del Registro Familiar o Ley del Koseki.

¿Cuál es el texto en inglés de la Ley de Nacionalidad del Japón?

El texto es el siguiente:

The Nationality Law

(Law No. 147 of 1950, as amended by Law No. 268 of 1952, Law No. 45 of 1984, Law No. 89 of 1993, Law No. 147 of 2004, and Law No. 88 of 2008)

Purpose of this Law
Article 1.- The conditions necessary for being a Japanese national shall be determined by the provisions of this Law.

Acquisition of nationality by birth
Article 2.- A child shall, in any of the following cases, be a Japanese national:
(1) When, at the time of its birth, the father or the mother is a Japanese national;
(2) When the father who died prior to the birth of the child was a Japanese national at the time of his death;
(3) When both parents are unknown or have no nationality in a case where the child is born in Japan.

Acquisition of nationality by an Acknowledged Child
Article 3.- A child (excluding a child who was once a Japanese national) under twenty years of age whose father or mother has acknowledged paternity or maternity respectively, may acquire Japanese nationality through a notification to the Minister of Justice, if the father or mother who made the acknowledgement was a Japanese national at the time of the child's birth, and such father or mother is presently a Japanese national or was a Japanese national at the time of his or her death.

2. A child who makes notification in accordance with the preceding paragraph shall acquire Japanese nationality at the time of the notification.

Article 4.- A person who is not a Japanese national (hereinafter referred to as “an alien”) may acquire Japanese nationality by naturalization.

2. The permission of the Minister of Justice shall be obtained for naturalization.

Article 5.- The Minister of Justice shall not permit the naturalization of an alien unless he or she fulfills all of the following conditions:
(1) that he or she has domiciled in Japan for five years or more consecutively;
(2) that he or she is twenty years of age or more and of full capacity to act according to the law of his or her home country;
(3) that he or she is of upright conduct;
(4) that he or she is able to secure a livelihood by one's own property or ability, or those of one's spouse or other relatives with whom one lives on common living expenses;
(5) that he or she has no nationality, or the acquisition of Japanese nationality will result in the loss of foreign nationality;
(6) that he or she has never plotted or advocated, or formed or belonged to a political party or other organization which has plotted or advocated the overthrow of the Constitution of Japan or the Government existing thereunder, since the enforcement of the Constitution of Japan.

2. When an alien is, regardless of his or her intention, unable to deprive himself or herself of his or her current nationality, the Minister of Justice may permit the naturalization of the alien, notwithstanding that the alien does not fulfill the conditions set forth in item (5) of the preceding paragraph, if the Minister of Justice finds exceptional circumstances in his or her family relationship with a Japanese national, or other circumstances.

Article 6.- The Minister of Justice may permit the naturalization of an alien notwithstanding that the alien does not fulfill the condition set forth in item (1) of paragraph 1 of the last preceding Article, provided that the said alien falls under any one of the following items, and is presently domiciled in Japan:
(1) One who has had a domicile or residence in Japan for three consecutive years or more and who is the child of a person who was a Japanese national (excluding a child by adoption);
(2) One who was born in Japan and who has had a domicile or residence in Japan for three consecutive years or more, or whose father or mother (excluding father and mother by adoption) was born in Japan;
(3) One who has had a residence in Japan for ten consecutive years or more.

Article 7.- The Minister of Justice may permit the naturalization of an alien who is the spouse of a Japanese national notwithstanding that the said alien does not fulfill the conditions set forth in items (1) and (2) of paragraph 1 of Article 5, if the said alien has had a domicile or residence in Japan for three consecutive years or more and is presently domiciled in Japan. The same rule shall apply in the case where an alien who is the spouse of a Japanese national has been married with the Japanese national for three years or more and has had a domicile in Japan for one consecutive year or more.

Article 8.- The Minister of Justice may permit the naturalization of an alien notwithstanding that the alien does not fulfill the conditions set forth in items (1), (2) and (4) of paragraph 1 of Article 5, provided that the alien falls under any one of the following items:
(1) One who is a child (excluding a child by adoption) of a Japanese national and has a domicile in Japan;
(2) One who is a child by adoption of a Japanese national and has had a domicile in Japan for one consecutive year or more and was a minor according to the law of its native country at the time of the adoption;
(3) One who has lost Japanese nationality (excluding one who has lost Japanese nationality after naturalization in Japan) and has a domicile in Japan;
(4) One who was born in Japan and has had no nationality since the time of birth, and has had a domicile in Japan for three consecutive years or more since then.

Article 9.- With respect to an alien who has rendered especially meritorious service to Japan, the Minister of Justice may, notwithstanding the provision of Article 5, paragraph 1, permit the naturalization of the alien with the approval of the Diet.

Article 10.- The Minister of Justice shall, when permitting naturalization, make an announcement to that effect by public notice in the Official Gazette.

2. The naturalization shall come into effect as from the date of the public notice under the preceding paragraph.

Loss of nationality
Article 11.- A Japanese national shall lose Japanese nationality when he or she acquires a foreign nationality by his or her own choice.

2. A Japanese national having a foreign nationality shall lose Japanese nationality if he or she chooses the foreign nationality in accordance with the laws of the foreign country concerned.

Article 12.- A Japanese national who was born in a foreign country and has acquired a foreign nationality by birth shall lose Japanese nationality retroactively as from the time of birth, unless the Japanese national clearly indicates his or her volition to reserve Japanese nationality according to the provisions of the Family Registration Law (Law No. 224 of 1947).

Article 13.- A Japanese national having a foreign nationality may renounce Japanese nationality by making notification to the Minister of Justice.

2. The person who made notification in accordance with the preceding paragraph shall lose Japanese nationality at the time of the notification.

Choice of nationalities
Article 14.- A Japanese national having a foreign nationality shall choose either of the nationalities before he or she reaches twenty two years of age if he or she has acquired both nationalities on and before the day when he or she reaches twenty years of age or, within two years after the day when he or she acquired the second nationality if he or she acquired such nationality after the day when he or she reached twenty years of age.

2. Choice of Japanese nationality shall be made either by depriving himself or herself of the foreign nationality or by the declaration provided for in the Family Registration Law in which he or she swears that he or she chooses to be a Japanese national and that he or she renounces the foreign nationality (hereinafter referred to as “declaration of choice ”).

Article 15.- The Minister of Justice may, by written notice, require a Japanese national having a foreign nationality who fails to choose Japanese nationality within the period prescribed in paragraph 1 of the last preceding Article to choose one of the nationalities he or she possesses.

2. The notice provided for in the preceding paragraph may be made by means of announcement thereof in the Official Gazette, in the case where the person who is to receive the notice is missing or in any other circumstances where it is impossible to send the notice to the person concerned. In this case, the notice shall be deemed to reach the person concerned on the day following the day when the announcement is made in the Official Gazette.

3. The person to whom the notice has been sent in accordance with the preceding two paragraphs shall lose Japanese nationality at the expiration of one month after the day he or she receives the notice, unless he or she chooses Japanese nationality within such period. This shall not, however, apply in the case where the person concerned is unable to choose Japanese nationality within such period due to a natural calamity or any other cause not imputable to him or her and he or she has made such choice within two weeks after he or she has become able to do so.

Article 16.- A Japanese national who has made the declaration of choice shall endeavour to deprive himself or herself of the foreign nationality.

2. In the case where a Japanese national who has made the declaration of choice but still possesses a foreign nationality has voluntarily taken public office in the foreign country (excluding an office which a person not having the nationality of such country is able to take), the Minister of Justice may declare that he or she shall lose Japanese nationality if the Minister finds that taking such public office would substantially contradict his or her choice of Japanese nationality.

3. The hearing concerning the declaration under the last preceding paragraph shall be conducted publicly.

4. The declaration provided for in paragraph 2 of this Article shall be made by public notice in the Official Gazette.

5. The person against whom the declaration has been made under paragraph 2 of this Article shall lose Japanese nationality on the day of the public notice under the last preceding paragraph.

Reacquisition of nationality
Article 17.- A person under twenty years of age who has lost Japanese nationality in accordance with Article 12 may reacquire Japanese nationality by making notification to the Minister of Justice if he or she has a domicile in Japan.

2. A person who has received a notice under paragraph 2 of Article 15 and has lost Japanese nationality under paragraph 3 of the said Article may reacquire Japanese nationality by making notification to the Minister of Justice within one year after he or she has become aware of the fact that he or she has lost Japanese nationality, if he or she fulfills the condition set forth in item (5) of paragraph 1 of Article 5. However, in the case where he or she is unable to make notification within the period due to natural calamity or any other cause not imputable to him or her, such period shall be one month after he or she becomes able to do so.

3. The person who has made notification in accordance with the preceding two paragraphs shall acquire Japanese nationality at the time of the notification.

Notification, etc., by legal representative
Article 18.- In the case where the person who intends to acquire, choose or renounce nationality is under fifteen years of age, notification of the acquisition of nationality under Article 3, paragraph 1 or Article 17, paragraph 1, the application for naturalization permission, the declaration of choice or the notification of renunciation of nationality shall be made by the person's legal representative on his or her behalf.

Ministerial ordinance
Article 19.- Except as provided for in this Law, the procedures concerning the acquisition or renunciation of nationality as well as other rules necessary to enforce this Law shall be prescribed in the Ordinance of the Ministry of Justice.

Penal provisions
Article 20.- Any person who has made a false notification when filing a notification pursuant to the provision of Article 3, paragraph 1 shall be punished by imprisonment with work for not more than one year or a fine of Not More Than 200.000 yen.

2. The crime in September in the Preceding Paragraph forth Shall Be governo by the provision of Article 2 of the Penal Code (Act No. 45 of 1907).


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