Saturday, April 9, 2011

Dental Hygiene Example Cover Letter

Alan García .- Jesús Guzmán Gallardo Write

Victor Raul, left arm raised, pointing out the political direction of a prism or

APRA was founded by Haya de la Torre on the basis of ethical principles and revolutionary q ue would lead to the Great Transformation of the structure of society, change and service driven of the exploited classes.

inevitable Your course is the democratic left and its struggle for development is reflected in its anti-imperialism, organizing the union of the peoples of Indoamerica for its effectuation. And as you can deduce the third item on its agenda than the inevitable complement of their actions is the nationalization of their wealth against unpatriotic appeasement of the ruling classes, which in almost two centuries of republican life has been leading the mortgage as a sign not only of the country's sovereignty but also its future.

All this for real APRA is true principles in the current currently recovers a vital sense, ie survival, compared to the degree of confusion, opportunism and infiltration in the ranks of the APRA party "thank you" to the actions of a gang of illegal pseudodirigentes committed to your pocket and not with ideals of social justice .

When I hear or read that there APRA or rather, people who claim to be APRA and who plan to vote for a candidate of the most ancient right, the most generous thing I can say is suffering from the syndrome coexistence or the APRA-UNO coalition, revived by the alliance aprofujimorista whose shame or flinch.

And to abound, when the dome illegal and traitorous to the thought of Haya de la Torre Dubit about who to endorse and Starved few votes from APRA vague and anemic, and have no choice spectrum of reactionary candidates, I along with my indignation, duty to point these lines in the same direction as would our true masters of those who collect his beautiful legacy, rebellious and confrontational.

APRA at birth, because of their approach auroral generated the typical reaction of the oligarchy or plutocracy embodied in the rich and powerful always held power by force of money and weapons on whose bayonets were settled. And they called communist, anti-sect of criminals and provocative social disorder. Today, we hear the same thing but not the APRA but who warmly, in the electoral concert, dare to encourage the prosecution of the corrupt, the windfall tax on mining and the review of free trade.

What happened? How revolutionary action and consistent with the ideals APRA, which cost lives, persecution, imprisonment and exile, passed a joint action with savage capitalism (ie neoliberalism) and embody a pro-imperialist position against the poor?

The answer is a concise and clear, in the betrayal of Alan Garcia Perez and his concomitant classless and ignorant. Product of nearly three decades of progressive dismantling of the fighting spirit of redemptive APRA, resulted in the abandonment of its most expensive investment ideals and values \u200b\u200bthat were the secret of its strength and mystique.

This "style" of politics, as seen before, has led to the desertion, disaffection and the gibberish, attended its leaders and those in which they swim are going to vote for Kuczynski, Toledo, Keiko and Castaneda are the same as going to vote for Kouri and Aráoz.

When leaders are honest, poor in material goods, and slaughtered as devout, militant captivated and convinced of his sincerity are too.

Thus arises the true brotherhood, which generates social struggle and selfless service and discipline that requires first-line fighter, knowing that they march in unison toward a enfrenmtamiento to be ruthless against oppressors.

are so naive, if not Ignarro, who can not understand that this is the best breeding ground for vile purposes premeditated Alan Garcia and his minions, as a no-personality is the best tool to hide their felony embezzlement and complicity with the new oligarchy and negotiate with the right delivery of Piñeira Peru to Chile and transnational and thus seek to return to power in 2016 to further exploit workers.

Garcia is a traitor by his sides, Wave Pattern and the sacraments, are sold to rich indexing to increase their assets, was sold to employers to conceal their innate cowardice, because fighting for the rights of workers in this country is a risk and he preferred the company and friendship of the reaction to give the pure value of the corrupt and genocidal Fujimori.

not forget the scandals, which painted the entire body, as the case of BCCI, the Mirage, the electric train and MUC dollars among others, whose records in the prosecution did not speak of innocence but of proven facts and requirement that managed to escape.

A full APRA can never vote for a right candidate, that would betray Víctor Raúl, the thousands of martyrs, men and women who built humble and honest APRA without asking for anything, that's surrender before fighting. And if despite all this they do, I'm sure that will be discussed in the same anguish when Judas sold his master.

The protest vote is just the beginning of a new stage of struggle to rescue the APRA. We should not vote for any candidate on the list whose members alana are corrupt or complicit in the best. Let us feel our rejection of those who have destroyed the party founded by Victor Raúl.

Ready to throw in the ranks of APRA to García del Castillo, Quesada, Moran, Bendezú, Vilchez, Barreda, Nava, Grijalva, Chirinos and ominous names are already inscribed in the history of infamy and shame. This task is inevitable and will come sooner rather than later after April 10 and will be our best response to the traitors and the new owners of Peru.

Against Imperialism, by joining Indoamerica for the realization of social justice!

Jesús Guzmán Gallardo



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