Monday, April 25, 2011

Mask Of Pregnancy More Condition_symptoms

Cassiopeia Experiment: cosmic changes, changes in the DNA! (Session April 9, 2011)

material Laura Knight-Jadczyk, who already have been some follow-up, needs no further introduction. The work she and her team perform is integral to virtually all areas of knowledge, and this is reflected not only in their publications on a wide range of contingency issues, psychology, secret history, global change, and a long etc., but also in the interesting experiment of communication that takes place with a channeled source who call themselves C's.

One of the most recent sessions of communication with this source, was published by Laura forum . It touches some very interesting points you yourself can read below.

By Laura Knight Jadczyk
original version l:
Publication Date: April 12, 2011 Zeta
Translation & Bala :

Session April 9, 2011

Present: Ark, Laura, Andromeda, Atriedes, Galatea, POB, Perceval, Mr. Scott, Psyche, Burma Jones, Ottershrew, Ailén, Bélibaste .

Andromeda and Laura in the table. This was a session training, but it resulted in an entire session! The delivery was fast and smooth.

Q: (L) Tonight we are happy with who?

A: Koripfqek

Q: (L) Have you ever had your body?

A: We will!

Q: (L) Are you disembodied?

A: The 6 th density Cassiopeia exists at all levels.

Q: (L) I wonder if the wind that comes down the chimney will be caught on tape. That would sound creepy, right?

{Transcriber's Note: Of course, the sound of wind was caught on tape. Spooky!}

Q: (L) Well, I guess we can try to ask some questions. Let me see the list. Cut! A break! {He stops to take a look at the list of questions} OK, I have a number of questions have been raised. The first is; why we've been feeling all too swollen / decayed / depressed / irritable in the past two weeks?

A: Changes cosmic process. Each person experiences it differently according to genetics and the environment. Remember the pain prior to the improvements in DNA? Everyone should be vigilant about diet and mental health during this time, also appear as factors that seek to block the natural process.

Q: (L) Does this have anything to do with the deployment of our super-Moon?

A: Absolutely. And remember that the universe is about balance. After each period of suffering there is always joy.

Q: (Burma Jones) What they refer to "mental health"?

A: Be careful about what you allow into your "space."

Q: (L) In what sense?

A: In any sense.

Q: (L) What do you mean by "in every way"?

A: Seeing, hearing, speaking, and so on.

Q: (Ark) Well, uhmm, tell a story about this matter of "use all your senses." A few days ago, I went and I almost had an accident. I was driving down the middle - on the track closest to the middle. There are three tracks. There was a guy behind me who was quite upset because I was driving only 90 km / h. He was swaying from left to right trying to overtake me, and I could see in the rearview mirror. I looked right and I realized I could not do anything because there was a car. I could see.

So, I continued. After about two minutes, you know, the kind of back started to get impatient. But then I looked again the mirror and the car was on the right side was gone. So I figured I had to get somewhere else. Then I began to {Ark performed descriptive gestures with their hands showing their operation} - only that the car was just at the right angle [to be in the blind spot.] But, uhmm, he was young and fast. He stopped - and nothing happened, see? Generally not do that. I was thinking too fast and I thought it was no longer, but was not 100% sure. So, I should have expected to be 100% secure. But nothing happened, he just got angry.

A: We have more in mind. Beware of interacting with negative energies.

Q: (L) Well, that sounds like to create your own reality, right?

A: No, what we mean ... Keep your guard up and not allow negative energies are installed ... as in the case of believing in lies ... listen to music while you think negative is positive ... watch movies and think negative which is negligible. It is extremely important not to lie to themselves. One can hear and see many things as long as the true orientation is known, bear in mind, and understand, Is that clear?

Q: (L) So, in other words, alert. Calling things by their name and not allow anything negative from you and get to believe it is positive. You see, perceive and recognize but do not let influence you. Because obviously, you can not get rid of your perceptions about the world, but you can control how it affects you. So do not let you enter, thinking it is something that is not.

(Bélibaste) So, seeing as it is. If not, see it as negative.

(L) Yes, and they are saying that we focus on the truth to the changes that occur where you are positive. That is, the "positive" may involve taking into consideration something that is negative, as it is true.

Q: (Galatea) Choose seeds that you plant.

(L) that are basically talking about here?

A: Yes

Q: (Ark) But I would say everyone needs a mirror to be widescreen.

A: Yes

Q: (L) because that thing creeps up behind you and placed in your blind spot. OK, Atreides. Your question.

(Atriedes) is somewhat personal. I've been having hallucinations. For example, I was drawing and I saw my drawing things moving at times - and I hear people say things that are not actually saying.

A: Changes cosmic! Changes in the DNA!

Q: (Atriedes) So I'm going crazy?

A: No. Q

(Galatea) Is the same thing that is happening to me? I've been seeing things too.

A: Yes, when you remember the last five or ten years back, I recognize the changes so far?

Q: (All) "Yeah!"

A: Do not suspect that these changes also agreed or were reflected in their basic structure?

Q: (L) was not really thinking about it.

A: Here's how work in one! Prepares you for even more dramatic changes and fast! And this is the "carrying capacity."

Q: So you are saying that when you work on yourself, and you change something from a certain level, it acts more fundamental level, even as deep as in your DNA? "This allows you to more appropriate energy or tuned differently, which can help you change it? And if that happens, you can achieve and do more. What we are talking about something here?

A: Yes not as clear as you express it, but pretty close.

Q: (L) Do I need to be clearer?

A: When you are, be reflected.

Q: (L) Is there any relationship between the previously exposed and rashes that people here are having?

A: Look at your diet!

Q: (L) That means, according to what I believe, "be very careful about carbs?

A: Yes

Q: (L) As I suspect, does that is because we are being irradiated? Does this activity is HAARP?

A: Yes

Q: (L) then one must keep in mind while taking place this enormous irradiation. One needs to be more careful every sense of hygiene, physical, mental, emotional, spiritual.

A: Yes As we said a while ago, there are forces that seek to interfere with the process.

Q: (L) What about the things that have been unleashed and the strange dreams they've all been having?

A: {See Previous Answers SPA (See previous answers)}

Q: (Galatea) is also why I had this dream of Darkman?

A: Yes

Q: (L) I say that having such dreams is by being aware of negative energies that try to interfere. (Galatea) That pale humanoid creature attempting to enter, was quite real?

A: Yes

Q: (Galatea) is scary

(Burma Jones) I actually went and helped her in her sleep?

A: Yes

Q: (Galatea) Thanks!

(Burma Jones) You're welcome!

(L) Next question from the list: Does Fukushima radiation is negligible compared to the radiation that has been exposed after more than 2,000 nuclear explosions have occurred since 1945?

A: Yes

Q: (L) How does it affect people?

A: In the cumulative, it is bad.

Q: (L) Do you mean 2.000 accumulate nuclear explosions? And now, besides all that, is an exhibition of critical mass?

A: Yes

Q: (L) So, what does that mean for us?

A: Changes in DNA and the diet helps maintain a stable frequency.

Q: (L) What about all the people who are vegetarians?

A: They are "toast" because much of its nuclear energy should be expanded to raise the vibrations of their food.

Q: (L) Fukushima plant is under control?

A: What?!

Q: (Burma Jones) Something like "you must be joking?

A: Yes

Q: (L) What caused the TV personalities talk inconsistencies?

A: All the factors mentioned above.

Q: (L) So, could be the diet, the degradation of their DNA, so they are not able to receive cosmic changes - that sort of thing?

A: What do you think about the "new" explosion at a distance of 3 to 4 billion light years? They believe that that's it.

{Cs here seem to refer to the recent news of an explosion that is happening in the center of a small galaxy that is said to 3.800 billion light years away. View:

"Astronomers say they have never seen anything as brilliant as this, so lasting and variable. Usually gamma-ray bursts mark the end of a massive star and emissions of these events never last more than a few hours. But radiation from this outbreak continues to shine dims or the location a week after the explosion. "

Y: "Instead of a typical short burst of gamma rays generally associated with the death of a massive star - most last no more than a few hours - this explosion continues more than a week after pulses emanating high-energy cosmic radiation in the most brilliant, durable, and variable than ever scientists have seen "}

Q: (L) Are you saying that is a point so far as they say?

A: Yes

Q: (L) What is that? What are you doing?

A: The wave has begun in earnest!

Q: (L) What do you mean?

A: energy is seeping into the universe from higher densities.

Q: (L) Was there any connection between the death of our neighbor and the deteriorating health of our dog? Is it concentrated or influenced by cosmic radiation?

A: Consider the above.

Q: (Mr. Scott) Our dog is also going through changes DNA!

(Galatea) learn to talk!

(Bélibaste) {imitates a dog talking}

(Galatea) I knew it! I've been reading reports about animals doing unusual things. The animals are getting smarter!

A: Yes!

Q: (Galatea) Soon the human race will be overthrown!

(POB) would perhaps be better!

A: And also keep in mind the deterioration factor for some.

Q: (L) Who dug underground cities and Kaymakli Derinkuyu in Anatolia?

A: Shelters of Northwest Europe before the cataclysms.

Q: (L) Are the people who put together the Old Testament used the Greek canons of Homer and Hesiod as a model?

A: Finally the decrypted?

Q: (L) Are you saying it took us a long time?

A: Yes!

Q: (L) Do Therapeutae were involved in the composition of the Old Testament?

A: Partially.

(L) Paul of Tarsus put together the New Testament?

A: No. Q

(Burma Jones) Paul of Tarsus really exist?

A: Yes

Q: (L) parts of the New Testament writings consist of the real Paul?

A: Yes

(L) How close are what originally written?

A: 70%.

Q: (L) Paul of Tarsus belonged to a mystical philosophical school or group?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Was one of the mystery religions?

A: Similar to these but older. There are hints here and there. You have done well to rebuild it. You could say that this communication is part of the same.

Q: (L) Is this what is referred to as Christianity Gurdjieff esoteric?

A: Yes

Q: (L) What originally gave the 7 th degree of Mithraism?

A: Mithraism was the counterpart of the ODS version.

Q: (L) What is it that they gave?

A: Control of forces and expertise.

Q: (L) Mitra Why are seen wearing a Phrygian cap?

A: To confuse observers. Keep in mind that the issues are more complex than their questions allowed.

Q: (L) Any other questions?

Q: (Galatea) Is it possible to harness the power of good looks?

A: No in this regard. The universe is about balance. There are no tricks or traps.

Q: (Galatea) I've been having dreams about tigers and I've been having matches with tigers. What is the meaning behind these coincidences?

A: Awareness of the power of nature and some fear.

Q: (Ark) I can ask a question? I have this. I was playing with what is called homopolar motor - do this and tour. There is a cylindrical magnet rotates. There is an electric field that is supposed to go like this - {shows the magnetic field lines}. Now the big question is - and physicists are discussing - if these lines are magnetic or not, and if the magnet rotate together or if no magnetic field lines and these {Ark shows with their hands what they do.} So there's this discussion.

A: There are managers of magnetic flux. When you turn on the device, electrons and alternate flow starts. This flow induces free electrons to the device.

Q: (Ark) But I wonder if the magnetic field rotates the magnet or not?

A: No.

Q: (Ark) Then I have another question! This is suspected. However, why the magnetic field goes from one pole to another pole? There is something more primitive than the magnetic field, which is called "Vector potential." There was a hypothesis that this vector represents the true flow potential of something in the ether. So my question is, if "a certain extent this hypothesis is correct?

A: That's what I just described.

Q: (Ark) Last question. Umm, there was a German physicist in the 20s, and he said he could see the magnetic monopoles - which today is almost forgotten. He had a lot of experiments and theories. Did he really saw magnetic monopoles?

A: Yes

Q: (L) OK, are we ready? Is there something we have asked and we should do?

A: Help is on the way! Goodbye

End of Session


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