Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Command Stomach Pains

should apologize Peru for the genocidal aggression of 1879

writes: César Vásquez Bazán
(Article originally published in this blog on Monday November 22, 2010)

Jorge Basadre Grohman, Peruvian historian century's most important XX, wounded by a stone in the forehead by Chilean agents operating in Arica during the occupation of invading the South. On May 15, 1926 Basadre was attacked by citizens of Arica Mapocho especially taken with the aim of "Chileanised." The attack him physically marked for life with a scar on his forehead.

On Thursday 25 November, the president of Chile, Mr. Sebastian Pinera Echenique, begins an official visit to our country invited by Mr. García Pérez and García Belaunde. The purpose of the trip, according to the chancery of the southern country, is to unlock the relations with Peru.

Piñera President recently declared a Peruvian newspaper "last divides us, the future unites us, and the future has always been to beat." Let us express Mr. Piñera that represents a country whose motto is arrogant "by reason or force," his words contain questionable content.

In 1879, Peru experienced a war of aggression and territorial conquest planned in advance by the nation who now chairs Mr. Piñera. Many are aware that the Peruvian territory was dismembered with the theft of Tarapaca and Arica (49 square kilometers). However, what is not remembered is that what is witnessed in the Salitre War, between 1879 and 1884, was a crime against humanity practiced by the armed forces of Chile. It was also a repudiation of racist expression Peru, a nation of cholos, mestizos and Indians.

To pursue it, the government of his country, Mr. Piñera, acquired the necessary experience "pacifying" the Araucania and canceling the lives of thousands of indigenous people, the original inhabitants of Chile itself.

And, Mr. Piñera, shares in which were involved in his country's troops during the invasion of Peru set a horrendous crime: genocide . Violating the Geneva Convention of 1864, his country's troops murdered the wounded Peruvian coolly. His countrymen were proud of "take no prisoners." Thousands of Peruvians were killed "reviewed" by the invaders rifles. Citizens from all walks of life, homes, villages, institutions, businesses and churches were violated, humiliated, plundered and murdered and destroyed by the occupation troops, which forwarded to Chile happy and aware of the robbery loot. Chile

killed, including but Peruvian marine fourteen years earlier had protected "with their lives and their ships-of English aggression. Among them was the name of Miguel Grau Seminario, which history remembered as the Knight of the Seas, their respect and humanity to the vanquished.

contrasts with the grandeur of Grau general misery of the South who ordered the "review" of the injured and the shooting of prisoners. Sorry state of a country whose main military heroes tarnished his record of service with the war crimes committed in Peru. Even

thirty and forty years after 1879, in the first decades of the twentieth century, when Chile, Mr. Piñera, occupied Tacna and Arica, the official policy of his government, known as "chilenization" - violated and even killed Peruvians in the land-their own land, raised the banner of Bolognesi, Grau and Caceres and refused to adopt the Chilean nationality.

you read what he writes Jorge Basadre of those actions of strange fraternity of which he himself was a victim: "insults, threats, mud, excrement, stones, chunks of mud, paint, pebbles, dirty water rained down on us. From the corners and sidewalks were groups [Chilean] who handed stick and fist blows, kicks and sharp weapons to wound those who marched. Many cars and trucks parked on side streets did not stop to play speakers with the aim of creating a climate of intimidation increased. " The behavior described illustrates our common past, Mr Pinera. It is history that can not be erased. Transcript past and questions the future. For Peruvians is a lesson we should keep in mind, not only by patriotism and dignity, but by mere national self-preservation.

If you, President Piñera, we really want the future to Chile and Peru, if you really crave that the past does not divide us, a gesture that would ennoble you to acknowledge the historical responsibility in the genocide Chile , Peru's territorial dismemberment and robbery of 1879. You request a public apology to the Peruvian people for what happened in the war that their country declared to ours is the first step in a genuine process of reconciliation between our two nations.

César Vásquez Bazán

Lima, November 23, 2010

The Peruvian event March 15, 1925 in Tacna occupied by the invading Chilean Jorge Basadre Grohman (*)

A large polling station in Tacna, who first tried the Peruvians, was announced to celebrate the arrival of this new quota. The prospects of what could happen there were dim. On January 6 1926, a group of about thirty were repatriated victims of the aggression of two hundred and fifty Chileans, without that twelve policemen [Chilean occupation] who were present did nothing, while soldiers and officers [Chilean] observed with these cruel events hilarity. In the afternoon the same day, Dr. Emilio F. Valverde and Carlos Navy Chief Rotalde were brutally attacked by people who waited near the train station (1). There was no penalty against the perpetrators but, rather, an ironic statement of the special judge of the [Chilean occupation] M. Anguita.

Nevertheless, was decided to make public demonstration. The day chosen was the March 15, 1926. Arica landed at noon and at sunset we arrived at that old train pulled by advancing as emaciated horses and longevity of the cars we saw in childhood. The parade was organized at the door of the station. It began with a band of musicians who repeatedly played the national anthem, whose verses not heard in public since many years ago. Bicolor flag after a long preceded the bulk of the protesters, consisting of "legal", the propagandists who resided in the city and people from all walks of life who had come to the notice of this act, including many women. By twisting the corner of the station Calle Dos de Mayo, and we observe the presence of groups stationed on the sidewalks, side streets and some houses, in an attitude of listening. Insults, threats, mud, excrement, stones, chunks of mud, paint, pebbles, dirty water poured over us. From the corners and sidewalks were groups and stick beaten fist, kicking and slashing weapons to wound those who marched. Many cars and trucks parked on side streets did not stop to play speakers with the aim of creating a climate of intimidation more.

We thirty-five wounded and bruised, besides forty injured. Among the most seriously injured were those two great Vildoso tacneños were Cristina and Luis Santana. Auza Juan Arce, carrying the large flag bicolor in this demonstration, stained with blood. Police [Chilean occupation] did nothing to defend. Forward, nevertheless, claiming to Peru, Tacna and Arica. Upon arriving at the San Martin street, we stopped at the house occupied by Gen. Joseph R. Pizarro. From a balcony, the great poet and great statesman José Gálvez then gave a beautiful speech. Opponents vainly tried to silence him from the corner, with great jubilation (2).

not want the Peruvian received encouragement from knowing that their compatriots had managed to successfully make a display on the streets of Tacna. All appearances were those within the legal delegation were first-timers to the lack of links with the environment, evidenced a tremendous hostility, hatred all. This is not a few of them confessed. Some asked, that same evening, return to Lima. There were those who, in fact, began the return trip. Those who knew about the environment knew it was, indeed, artificial. This was also verified in the following months. But that day of my youth I lived loudly in the heart of the birthplace, in defiance of insults and attacks, taught me early on that the most vivid expressions of opinion may be fabricated as a written document is forged, with the difference that those tend to be much more impressive and dangerous.

(*) Jorge Basadre Grohman, 1975. Life and History: Essays on people, places and problems. Lima: Fondo del Libro Industrial Bank of Peru pages 298-300.

(1) The story Pershing indignant about the events of January 6, in his cable to Kellogg on January 8, FA 1926, v . I, pp. 266-267.
(2) No published Lassiter's report on these events, in contrast to the strong and accurate summing up cable Pershing what happened on January 6, 1926.


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