Saturday, April 30, 2011

How Much Does It Cost To Get A License In Ohio

Japanese Peruvian Fujimori: "Peruvians are lazy and incapable of governing themselves" .- Japan racist dictatorship was full of Japanese Candidate

The Yakuza Fujimori: photographic composition in Japanese subjects appear Keiko Fujimori, Fujimori Inomoto, Augusto Miyagusuku, Ken'ji Fujimori, Fujimori Ken'ya, Kamiya Teruya, Rosa Fujimori, Aritomi Shinto and Yoshiyama-san. All are part of the organization of Japanese citizens who want to recapture the elections in Peru in June 2011.

Few remember that the dictatorship headed by Ken'ya citizen Fujimori ruled Japan with more than five senior officials from Japan, a total of fourteen hundred public senior management positions (approximately 35% of senior posts in the country). In turn, each of the five hundred placed Japanese officials in companies and ministries to other employees of the same ethnic loyalty to the dictator.

For comparison purposes, note that:

a. In the nineties, citizens of Japanese descent in Peru accounted for only 0.7% of the population of our country. B.

In 1985-90 the constitutional regime officials Japan home were 56 and 1980-85 the government came to 42.

The best example of political practices racial Fujimori was the state insurance company "Popular and Future", at the time one of the largest in the country. The president of that company was Augusto Miyagusuku Miyagi, the vice president was Miguel Shimabukuru, the manager was Susumo Miyashiro Miyagusuku central and delegated manager was Isidro Kagami Fujimori (nephew of the dictator). In addition, this company appeared placed eighteen other Japanese officials.

Augusto Miyagusuku, president of that company and exvecino of Fujimori and his brother bought, as front the dictator, land Project Chavimochic by one million five hundred thousand dollars.

used in the purchase, the product of the bribes received in "People and Future" by the weapons and aircraft insurance.

Fujimori racist behavior was confirmed with the statements he made upon the Neue Kronen Zeitung Vienna on October 5, 1996. At that time, the dictator showed his contempt for the Peruvian
-who considered an inferior species, he stated that "Peruvians are lazy and incapable of governing themselves."

In this same occasion Fujimori said his political-economic model was given by the countries of Southeast Asia. (As we know, most countries in this area are governed by authoritarian regimes, supported by the US-Japan pair.)

Using as source the Official Journal El Peruano , we published a list of some major Japanese officials of the Fujimori dictatorship.

01. Kenya Fujimori, dictator

02. Inomoto Fujimori, consultant and supervisor of the government, the dictator's brother

03. Keiko Fujimori, president of the Foundation for Children of Peru , daughter and accomplice
04. Rosa Fujimori, daughter of the dictator, surrounded by the NGO Apenkai in traffic on donations of used goods . (in business, the Japanese subjects Fujimori was associated with their countrymen Pedro Fujimori, Juana Fujimori, Clorinda and Olga Ebisui Kanashiro.)

05. Victor Aritomi Shinto, former Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the dictatorship in Japan

06. Joseph Kamiya Teruya, secretary general of the Presidency of the Republic

07. John Kawamura, president of Petroleos del Peru

08. Kohoyogawa Sato, head of OTEPSA, company in charge of counting votes at presidential and municipal elections

09. Matayoshi Joseph, director general of the Directorate General of Immigration and Naturalization of the Ministry of Interior

10. Sukamoto Marcelo Nakamura, head of the Anti-Terrorism (Dincote)

11. Kanashiro Nakandakari Juan, general (r) of the Police, Chief of the National Penitentiary Institute (INPE)

12. Aoki Bracamonte Edgar, director of Control of Firearms, Ammunition and Explosives for Civil Use

13. Ichikawa Escarcena Luis, FAP aide of the dictator and Air Force pilot captured with 174 kg.
14. Higaona Carmen National Customs Superintendent

15. Enrique Yamasato Chong, general manager of Congress

16. Tomono Yagui Alberto, president of the National Supervisory Commission for Companies and Securities (CONASEV)

17. Carlos Saito, general manager of Banco de la NaciĆ³n

18. Augusto Miyagusuku Miyagi, Chairman of People's Future

19. Matsuura Rodolfo Masuda, deputy agriculture minister, member of the National Cotton Board

20. Ernesto Mitsumasu Abe, representative of the dictatorship to the Inter-American Development Bank, Director of the National Bank

21. Furukawa Kinumatshu Fernando, director of the Peruvian Agency for News & Advertising, SA (Andina ), adviser to the ministerial office of the central body of the Ministry of Education

22. Fukuyama Soyama Andrew, chairman of the Council for the Supervision of Foundations, representative of the deputy justice minister and advisor to senior management of the Ministry of Justice

23. Kishimoto Luis Higa, president of the Banco de Materiales, Callao CORDE member, Administrator of the National Housing Fund, Director of the National Institute of Educational Infrastructure and Health Services (INFES)


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