Saturday, April 23, 2011

Male Chlamydia More Condition_symptoms

1.268 Buenaventura powerful companies in the world in 2010 .- Among 2005-2010 earned $ 2.401 million and was taxed only U.S. $ 117 million


writes: César Vásquez Bazán

Magazine Forbes posted on Wednesday April 20 its list of the two thousand most powerful companies in the world in 2010. Taken into account in making the ranking sales figures, utilidades, activos y valor de mercado de las compañías cuyas acciones se cotizan en la Bolsa de Valores.

Aparece en el puesto 1,268 una vieja conocida nuestra, la Compañía de Minas Buenaventura sobre la que hace pocos días informábamos que entre los años 2005 y 2010 había levantado 2,401 millones de dólares en utilidades y sólo había pagado impuestos por 117 millones.

Existe una clara correspondencia entre la posición privilegiada en materia tributaria de la empresa de la familia Benavides y su colocación en el ranking de Forbes. It is time that Peruvians put a stop to tax goodies for enjoying the great mining and impose justice in the distribution of wealth generated by the extraction of nonrenewable natural resources. Mining business should not only be for rich people with political influence, but for all Peruvians.

then reproduce the article published on May 5, streams:

In the period between 2005 and 2010, the Company de Minas Buenaventura only paid to the Peruvian State on account of income tax the amount of $ 117 million. Its profits were twenty-one times over: amounted to 2.401 million dollars.

This is the way wealth is distributed in the country non-renewable with current tax and benefits enjoyed by the Buenaventura.

The distribution of surplus is not even fifty-fifty . No my dear listeners, no. It is fifty-fifty . Buenaventura is 95%. 5% for Peru.

These figures will not find you in the media "communication" of the country, because they share in the loot system we describe.

Fortunately, all financial information you can check it by clicking the links of the sources (presented at the end of this article.)

mining earnings presidential debate

presidential candidates representing the looters of the country would think it appropriate to address the issue of mining profits in public. For them, discussing how mining companies are rising to the country by weight, since the time of Fujimori "is something" outdated. " They say that talking about this great faenón "threatens growth, which should not" look back. " You have to "defend democracy" and should not be affected "market stability."

If you propose to discuss the taboo subject of mining company profits, for example, the ticket that takes Buenaventura - have no doubt you are a communist, Marxist, socialist, APRA-thirties, nationalist, extremist, terrorist, agitator, Chavez, or "anti" .

Vargas Llosa came to say that it is even likely that you will get cancer or AIDS and does not notice.

In the presidential debate last Sunday, the Toledo-pure drunken pose as always very Felipillo - spoke of "drawing a line." The candidate with the name of viceroy for a moment imagined English conquistador on the island of Gallo. He drew his sword and drew a line in defense of the interests of the class that takes over-with shell-style and the richness of Peru.

illegal candidate for Kuczynski, illegal alien-even rant about his French mother and his father German. He had no need to touch the issue of mining plunder because it had previously indicated that it should not even think to apply a windfall tax, that it "would drive away capital."

course, did not say that capital is scare them by themselves, each year carried 95% of Peru's economic surplus generated.

illegal The other candidate, Keiko Fujimori from Japan, also referred to his dad , but kept silent about the gift of natural resources that the dictator, another usurper of Peruvian president for foreign-made companies mineras.

Con el fin de entregar las riquezas peruanas, el nipón hizo aprobar una constitución ad-hoc y puso en vigencia legislación subsidiando la actividad de la gran minería con reinversiones de utilidades que pasan a ser deducciones del impuesto a la renta.

Como pastel de cumpleaños, el japonés Fujimori entregó a las mineras los tristemente célebres “contratos de estabilidad tributaria”, que son como si un asaltado firmara con el asaltante un convenio por el cual la víctima accepts and appreciates the pillage ten, fifteen, or twenty years in a row.

No my dear, this does not go. You can not go. Here the issue is not Chavez. The issue is Buenaventura, Yanacocha, Antamina, Barrick, Southern and others. They are the ones behind the campaign of fear against candidates who dare to raise the issue of mining windfall.

Next April 10 that the right will not follow us dumb. Let's vote against looting. We do not support either candidate of mining. Kuczynski punish foreigners and Fujimori, wanting us cholitos. not vote for the Felipillo Toledo, agent of foreign interests, not for the dumb Comunicore .

Let's vote for the candidate who offers to halt and reverse the payment of what may be called the New Rescue Atahualpa. Choose the candidate who begins to put justice in the distribution of wealth and dignity back to Peru.

Links sources of financial information
Make click on the following links:


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