Saturday, April 30, 2011

How Much Does It Cost To Get A License In Ohio

Japanese Peruvian Fujimori: "Peruvians are lazy and incapable of governing themselves" .- Japan racist dictatorship was full of Japanese Candidate

The Yakuza Fujimori: photographic composition in Japanese subjects appear Keiko Fujimori, Fujimori Inomoto, Augusto Miyagusuku, Ken'ji Fujimori, Fujimori Ken'ya, Kamiya Teruya, Rosa Fujimori, Aritomi Shinto and Yoshiyama-san. All are part of the organization of Japanese citizens who want to recapture the elections in Peru in June 2011.

Few remember that the dictatorship headed by Ken'ya citizen Fujimori ruled Japan with more than five senior officials from Japan, a total of fourteen hundred public senior management positions (approximately 35% of senior posts in the country). In turn, each of the five hundred placed Japanese officials in companies and ministries to other employees of the same ethnic loyalty to the dictator.

For comparison purposes, note that:

a. In the nineties, citizens of Japanese descent in Peru accounted for only 0.7% of the population of our country. B.

In 1985-90 the constitutional regime officials Japan home were 56 and 1980-85 the government came to 42.

The best example of political practices racial Fujimori was the state insurance company "Popular and Future", at the time one of the largest in the country. The president of that company was Augusto Miyagusuku Miyagi, the vice president was Miguel Shimabukuru, the manager was Susumo Miyashiro Miyagusuku central and delegated manager was Isidro Kagami Fujimori (nephew of the dictator). In addition, this company appeared placed eighteen other Japanese officials.

Augusto Miyagusuku, president of that company and exvecino of Fujimori and his brother bought, as front the dictator, land Project Chavimochic by one million five hundred thousand dollars.

used in the purchase, the product of the bribes received in "People and Future" by the weapons and aircraft insurance.

Fujimori racist behavior was confirmed with the statements he made upon the Neue Kronen Zeitung Vienna on October 5, 1996. At that time, the dictator showed his contempt for the Peruvian
-who considered an inferior species, he stated that "Peruvians are lazy and incapable of governing themselves."

In this same occasion Fujimori said his political-economic model was given by the countries of Southeast Asia. (As we know, most countries in this area are governed by authoritarian regimes, supported by the US-Japan pair.)

Using as source the Official Journal El Peruano , we published a list of some major Japanese officials of the Fujimori dictatorship.

01. Kenya Fujimori, dictator

02. Inomoto Fujimori, consultant and supervisor of the government, the dictator's brother

03. Keiko Fujimori, president of the Foundation for Children of Peru , daughter and accomplice
04. Rosa Fujimori, daughter of the dictator, surrounded by the NGO Apenkai in traffic on donations of used goods . (in business, the Japanese subjects Fujimori was associated with their countrymen Pedro Fujimori, Juana Fujimori, Clorinda and Olga Ebisui Kanashiro.)

05. Victor Aritomi Shinto, former Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the dictatorship in Japan

06. Joseph Kamiya Teruya, secretary general of the Presidency of the Republic

07. John Kawamura, president of Petroleos del Peru

08. Kohoyogawa Sato, head of OTEPSA, company in charge of counting votes at presidential and municipal elections

09. Matayoshi Joseph, director general of the Directorate General of Immigration and Naturalization of the Ministry of Interior

10. Sukamoto Marcelo Nakamura, head of the Anti-Terrorism (Dincote)

11. Kanashiro Nakandakari Juan, general (r) of the Police, Chief of the National Penitentiary Institute (INPE)

12. Aoki Bracamonte Edgar, director of Control of Firearms, Ammunition and Explosives for Civil Use

13. Ichikawa Escarcena Luis, FAP aide of the dictator and Air Force pilot captured with 174 kg.
14. Higaona Carmen National Customs Superintendent

15. Enrique Yamasato Chong, general manager of Congress

16. Tomono Yagui Alberto, president of the National Supervisory Commission for Companies and Securities (CONASEV)

17. Carlos Saito, general manager of Banco de la Nación

18. Augusto Miyagusuku Miyagi, Chairman of People's Future

19. Matsuura Rodolfo Masuda, deputy agriculture minister, member of the National Cotton Board

20. Ernesto Mitsumasu Abe, representative of the dictatorship to the Inter-American Development Bank, Director of the National Bank

21. Furukawa Kinumatshu Fernando, director of the Peruvian Agency for News & Advertising, SA (Andina ), adviser to the ministerial office of the central body of the Ministry of Education

22. Fukuyama Soyama Andrew, chairman of the Council for the Supervision of Foundations, representative of the deputy justice minister and advisor to senior management of the Ministry of Justice

23. Kishimoto Luis Higa, president of the Banco de Materiales, Callao CORDE member, Administrator of the National Housing Fund, Director of the National Institute of Educational Infrastructure and Health Services (INFES)

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Southpark Quotes Fishsticks






Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Arabic Birthday Greetings

Bill Ryan and Kerry Cassidy: What really happened to Camelot? A Panoramic Review

Practically everyone who come to this blog looking for some information regarding the UFO / alien, hidden history, secret military projects, conspiracies, etc., you probably should know or have any idea about the incredible amount of information provided by testimonies of the distinguished Camelot Project. This web space has become something of a label connected to the high quality, in general, information available not only through interviews, but also through lectures, audio, and transcripts.

is not surprising that Camelot has been transformed into a benchmark for excellence catalysts, related to arouse the interest of many people for a considerable range of relevant topics. Even from the personal, we ourselves can recognize that their work was essential to "re-enchant" and relaunch, after a short break from worldliness anyone, an unbridled quest to discover the truth in matters almost laughable for our teen age. Hence, whenever we reflect on these areas of information, not stop thinking about that, "like us, there are undoubtedly many others."

sometimes with an energy-like a moth that is directed toward focus of the mysteries and paranormal phenomena, we also carry a filter at all times, inexorable and inherent to human nature otherwise, regarding this whole host of issues, as we polished and worn ourselves our own learning. Yes, we like you! Curious and eager for a higher dose of "theme of the issues."

But ultimately, what happened to Camelot? Why divide ended? Well, after watching the First Part of the interview with Mel Fabregas to Bill Ryan and Kerry Cassidy of Project Avalon y Project Camelot respectivamente, podemos decir que sencillamente se trata de una entrevista imperdible. Los puntos tocados no sólo se centran en los motivos de su división, sino que también, y lo más importante aún, en las experiencias anómalas y las presiones provenientes de grandes grupos externos, y sus perspectivas sobre algunos de los confidentes y denunciantes - entrevistados - que han pasado por allí.

Sin duda, uno de los puntos más notables de la entrevista es el relato elaborado mutuamente sobre los supuestos seven or more groups which would be or have been involved in trying to prevent and straight blasting of any form of cohesion as a team. From this position, the two explain the dangers entailed for themselves the words of some respondents who revealed "sensitive information" about certain organizations: As the case of Leo Zagami, Illuminati alleged that provide important information this secret group, would have endangered both. Luca Scantamburlo, a man who revealed secret information Vatican. Pete Peterson, Kerry information that Cassidy took and ended up screwing the Pentagon. Henry Deacon , linked to black projects funded U.S. Government Agencies. Dane Tops, a man who allegedly revealed the dark secrets of Scientology. Dan Burisch , linked to Majestic-12 . And Jake Simpson, who provided information linked to Military Intelligence technologies . Obviously this review

panoramic give them an idea of \u200b\u200bthe individual perspectives of Kerry Cassidy and Bill Ryan, the potential danger involved holding sensitive information platform, and perhaps even a sense of direction in it.

regard to subtitling in English of this interview, who would be working on that Youtube user Fabiocomplejo , which has so far completed the Video 1 of Part I of the interview. So insert the remaining videos as they become ready. Interview

strongly advised.

Video 1 / 8

- Data -
Interviewees: Bill Ryan - (Avalon Project )
Kerry Cassidy - ( Project Camelot Productions )
Interviewer: Mel Fabregas - ( Veritas Show )
Location: International UFO Congress. Phoenix, Arizona.
Date: February 27, 2010
Approx: 1 hour 2 minutes
translation and subtitles: Fabiocomplejo

Zeta & Bala Being mean


Monday, April 25, 2011

Feeling Dizzy More Condition_symptoms

UFOs, Aliens, and the Possibility of Contact (FULL)

Just saw the first video of this series we noticed right away was the large production. As we move forward and end the series, definitely conclude that the material and how to expose it was really excellent, which by the way, complemented with much of the information already posted on this blog.

Without waiting, we got down to work, and in the process of translation and subtitling of the third part we were contacted by the creators of this video series, authors Youtube channel TimeofTransition and one from the blog VeilOfReality . We immediately offered the transcript of the rest of the videos, which of course we accept the benefit of keeping the details. So all credits go to them - Bernhard Guenther and Humberto Braga - as this helped us greatly when the translation and clearly did an outstanding job in every way.

Our analysis of the video is accurate. The video presents a critical view of UFO / Alien, placing emphasis on the abductor activity and hyper agenda "obvious" in light of the fact, emphasized the paranormal and features has the great peculiarity. Its aim is to raise awareness of the darker side of the phenomenon, which to date continues to deny through many investigators as Steven Greer and the Disclosure Project through oversimplification of the paranormal factor by the Exopolitics community, and massively through the illusions that have many of the followers of certain esoteric or spiritual disciplines that tend to fantasize and humanize these intelligences. Because of this some New Age movement's followers have looked askance this series of videos, and objectively presented a number of cases and investigations fail to show, first, a extremely negative agenda by certain intelligence hyperdimensional who are and have been influencing mankind for at least thousands of years.
find out more about the sources given by the filmmakers, and their extensive work in this area, not only reflected through conferences and articles, but also by excellent books. Among the notable researchers mentioned in this video include: Jacques Vallée, Richard M. Dolan, John E. Mack, David M. Jacobs, Karla Turner, Laura Knight-Jadczyk, among others. So for those of you who are interested, have a lot of references to further research.

complete with English subtitles :

- Data -
Production: TimeOfTransition - ( VeilOfReality )
Publication Date: March 8, 2011
Approx: 1 hour 50 minutes
translation and subtitles: Zeta Bala - ( Being Mean to Be )

This series of videos (8 parts) explores the secrecy surrounding the greatest cover of all time by reviewing the UFO phenomenon, alien abductions, disclosure / declassification and hyperdimensional realities.

"If the masses begin to accept the existence of UFOs, it would profoundly affect his attitude toward life, politics, and everything. Would threaten the status quo. As long as people realize that there are major considerations that insignificant their lives are ready to make radical changes on a personal level, which eventually leads to a political revolution in society as a whole. "
~ John Lennon

Recommended Readings / Recommended Reading:

  • Based on" UFOs, Aliens and the Question of Contact "by Bernhard Guenther:

Books / Books:

  • High Strangeness: Hyperdimensions and the Process of Alien Abduction - Laura Knight-Jadczyk
  • The Wave Series - Laura Knight-Jadczyk
  • The Secret History of the World - Laura Knight-Jadczyk
  • Bringers of the Dawn - Barbara Marciniak
  • The Ra Material - Carla Rueckert, Don Elkins, and Jim McCart
  • UFO's and the National Security State: The Chronology of a Cover-up - Richard M. Dolan
  • Taken: Inside the Alien-Human Abduction Agenda - Karla Turner, Ph.D
  • Masquerade of Angels - Karla Turner, Ph.D
  • Into the Fringe - Karla Turner, Ph.D
  • The Love Bite: Alien Interference in Human Love Relationships - Eve Lorgen
  • The Threat - David M. Jacobs, Ph.D
  • Operation Trojan Horse - John Keel
  • Gods of Eden - William Bramley
  • Alien Agenda - Jim Marrs
  • The Stargate Conspiracy - Picknet and Prince
  • The Active Side of Infinity - Carlos Castaneda
  • In Search of the Miraculous - P.D. Ouspensky
  • Gnosis - Boris Mouravieff
  • Political Ponerology - Andrew M. Lobaczewski
  • The Mask of Sanity - Hervey Cleckley

Websites/Sitos Web:



A TimeOfTransition Production/Una TimeOfTransition production :

- / TimeOfTransition

Translation and Subtitling by Zeta & Bala / translation and subtitling for Zeta & Bala :

- / ShinyDemise

Zeta & Bala
Being Mean to Be

Mask Of Pregnancy More Condition_symptoms

Cassiopeia Experiment: cosmic changes, changes in the DNA! (Session April 9, 2011)

material Laura Knight-Jadczyk, who already have been some follow-up, needs no further introduction. The work she and her team perform is integral to virtually all areas of knowledge, and this is reflected not only in their publications on a wide range of contingency issues, psychology, secret history, global change, and a long etc., but also in the interesting experiment of communication that takes place with a channeled source who call themselves C's.

One of the most recent sessions of communication with this source, was published by Laura forum . It touches some very interesting points you yourself can read below.

By Laura Knight Jadczyk
original version l:
Publication Date: April 12, 2011 Zeta
Translation & Bala :

Session April 9, 2011

Present: Ark, Laura, Andromeda, Atriedes, Galatea, POB, Perceval, Mr. Scott, Psyche, Burma Jones, Ottershrew, Ailén, Bélibaste .

Andromeda and Laura in the table. This was a session training, but it resulted in an entire session! The delivery was fast and smooth.

Q: (L) Tonight we are happy with who?

A: Koripfqek

Q: (L) Have you ever had your body?

A: We will!

Q: (L) Are you disembodied?

A: The 6 th density Cassiopeia exists at all levels.

Q: (L) I wonder if the wind that comes down the chimney will be caught on tape. That would sound creepy, right?

{Transcriber's Note: Of course, the sound of wind was caught on tape. Spooky!}

Q: (L) Well, I guess we can try to ask some questions. Let me see the list. Cut! A break! {He stops to take a look at the list of questions} OK, I have a number of questions have been raised. The first is; why we've been feeling all too swollen / decayed / depressed / irritable in the past two weeks?

A: Changes cosmic process. Each person experiences it differently according to genetics and the environment. Remember the pain prior to the improvements in DNA? Everyone should be vigilant about diet and mental health during this time, also appear as factors that seek to block the natural process.

Q: (L) Does this have anything to do with the deployment of our super-Moon?

A: Absolutely. And remember that the universe is about balance. After each period of suffering there is always joy.

Q: (Burma Jones) What they refer to "mental health"?

A: Be careful about what you allow into your "space."

Q: (L) In what sense?

A: In any sense.

Q: (L) What do you mean by "in every way"?

A: Seeing, hearing, speaking, and so on.

Q: (Ark) Well, uhmm, tell a story about this matter of "use all your senses." A few days ago, I went and I almost had an accident. I was driving down the middle - on the track closest to the middle. There are three tracks. There was a guy behind me who was quite upset because I was driving only 90 km / h. He was swaying from left to right trying to overtake me, and I could see in the rearview mirror. I looked right and I realized I could not do anything because there was a car. I could see.

So, I continued. After about two minutes, you know, the kind of back started to get impatient. But then I looked again the mirror and the car was on the right side was gone. So I figured I had to get somewhere else. Then I began to {Ark performed descriptive gestures with their hands showing their operation} - only that the car was just at the right angle [to be in the blind spot.] But, uhmm, he was young and fast. He stopped - and nothing happened, see? Generally not do that. I was thinking too fast and I thought it was no longer, but was not 100% sure. So, I should have expected to be 100% secure. But nothing happened, he just got angry.

A: We have more in mind. Beware of interacting with negative energies.

Q: (L) Well, that sounds like to create your own reality, right?

A: No, what we mean ... Keep your guard up and not allow negative energies are installed ... as in the case of believing in lies ... listen to music while you think negative is positive ... watch movies and think negative which is negligible. It is extremely important not to lie to themselves. One can hear and see many things as long as the true orientation is known, bear in mind, and understand, Is that clear?

Q: (L) So, in other words, alert. Calling things by their name and not allow anything negative from you and get to believe it is positive. You see, perceive and recognize but do not let influence you. Because obviously, you can not get rid of your perceptions about the world, but you can control how it affects you. So do not let you enter, thinking it is something that is not.

(Bélibaste) So, seeing as it is. If not, see it as negative.

(L) Yes, and they are saying that we focus on the truth to the changes that occur where you are positive. That is, the "positive" may involve taking into consideration something that is negative, as it is true.

Q: (Galatea) Choose seeds that you plant.

(L) that are basically talking about here?

A: Yes

Q: (Ark) But I would say everyone needs a mirror to be widescreen.

A: Yes

Q: (L) because that thing creeps up behind you and placed in your blind spot. OK, Atreides. Your question.

(Atriedes) is somewhat personal. I've been having hallucinations. For example, I was drawing and I saw my drawing things moving at times - and I hear people say things that are not actually saying.

A: Changes cosmic! Changes in the DNA!

Q: (Atriedes) So I'm going crazy?

A: No. Q

(Galatea) Is the same thing that is happening to me? I've been seeing things too.

A: Yes, when you remember the last five or ten years back, I recognize the changes so far?

Q: (All) "Yeah!"

A: Do not suspect that these changes also agreed or were reflected in their basic structure?

Q: (L) was not really thinking about it.

A: Here's how work in one! Prepares you for even more dramatic changes and fast! And this is the "carrying capacity."

Q: So you are saying that when you work on yourself, and you change something from a certain level, it acts more fundamental level, even as deep as in your DNA? "This allows you to more appropriate energy or tuned differently, which can help you change it? And if that happens, you can achieve and do more. What we are talking about something here?

A: Yes not as clear as you express it, but pretty close.

Q: (L) Do I need to be clearer?

A: When you are, be reflected.

Q: (L) Is there any relationship between the previously exposed and rashes that people here are having?

A: Look at your diet!

Q: (L) That means, according to what I believe, "be very careful about carbs?

A: Yes

Q: (L) As I suspect, does that is because we are being irradiated? Does this activity is HAARP?

A: Yes

Q: (L) then one must keep in mind while taking place this enormous irradiation. One needs to be more careful every sense of hygiene, physical, mental, emotional, spiritual.

A: Yes As we said a while ago, there are forces that seek to interfere with the process.

Q: (L) What about the things that have been unleashed and the strange dreams they've all been having?

A: {See Previous Answers SPA (See previous answers)}

Q: (Galatea) is also why I had this dream of Darkman?

A: Yes

Q: (L) I say that having such dreams is by being aware of negative energies that try to interfere. (Galatea) That pale humanoid creature attempting to enter, was quite real?

A: Yes

Q: (Galatea) is scary

(Burma Jones) I actually went and helped her in her sleep?

A: Yes

Q: (Galatea) Thanks!

(Burma Jones) You're welcome!

(L) Next question from the list: Does Fukushima radiation is negligible compared to the radiation that has been exposed after more than 2,000 nuclear explosions have occurred since 1945?

A: Yes

Q: (L) How does it affect people?

A: In the cumulative, it is bad.

Q: (L) Do you mean 2.000 accumulate nuclear explosions? And now, besides all that, is an exhibition of critical mass?

A: Yes

Q: (L) So, what does that mean for us?

A: Changes in DNA and the diet helps maintain a stable frequency.

Q: (L) What about all the people who are vegetarians?

A: They are "toast" because much of its nuclear energy should be expanded to raise the vibrations of their food.

Q: (L) Fukushima plant is under control?

A: What?!

Q: (Burma Jones) Something like "you must be joking?

A: Yes

Q: (L) What caused the TV personalities talk inconsistencies?

A: All the factors mentioned above.

Q: (L) So, could be the diet, the degradation of their DNA, so they are not able to receive cosmic changes - that sort of thing?

A: What do you think about the "new" explosion at a distance of 3 to 4 billion light years? They believe that that's it.

{Cs here seem to refer to the recent news of an explosion that is happening in the center of a small galaxy that is said to 3.800 billion light years away. View:

"Astronomers say they have never seen anything as brilliant as this, so lasting and variable. Usually gamma-ray bursts mark the end of a massive star and emissions of these events never last more than a few hours. But radiation from this outbreak continues to shine dims or the location a week after the explosion. "

Y: "Instead of a typical short burst of gamma rays generally associated with the death of a massive star - most last no more than a few hours - this explosion continues more than a week after pulses emanating high-energy cosmic radiation in the most brilliant, durable, and variable than ever scientists have seen "}

Q: (L) Are you saying that is a point so far as they say?

A: Yes

Q: (L) What is that? What are you doing?

A: The wave has begun in earnest!

Q: (L) What do you mean?

A: energy is seeping into the universe from higher densities.

Q: (L) Was there any connection between the death of our neighbor and the deteriorating health of our dog? Is it concentrated or influenced by cosmic radiation?

A: Consider the above.

Q: (Mr. Scott) Our dog is also going through changes DNA!

(Galatea) learn to talk!

(Bélibaste) {imitates a dog talking}

(Galatea) I knew it! I've been reading reports about animals doing unusual things. The animals are getting smarter!

A: Yes!

Q: (Galatea) Soon the human race will be overthrown!

(POB) would perhaps be better!

A: And also keep in mind the deterioration factor for some.

Q: (L) Who dug underground cities and Kaymakli Derinkuyu in Anatolia?

A: Shelters of Northwest Europe before the cataclysms.

Q: (L) Are the people who put together the Old Testament used the Greek canons of Homer and Hesiod as a model?

A: Finally the decrypted?

Q: (L) Are you saying it took us a long time?

A: Yes!

Q: (L) Do Therapeutae were involved in the composition of the Old Testament?

A: Partially.

(L) Paul of Tarsus put together the New Testament?

A: No. Q

(Burma Jones) Paul of Tarsus really exist?

A: Yes

Q: (L) parts of the New Testament writings consist of the real Paul?

A: Yes

(L) How close are what originally written?

A: 70%.

Q: (L) Paul of Tarsus belonged to a mystical philosophical school or group?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Was one of the mystery religions?

A: Similar to these but older. There are hints here and there. You have done well to rebuild it. You could say that this communication is part of the same.

Q: (L) Is this what is referred to as Christianity Gurdjieff esoteric?

A: Yes

Q: (L) What originally gave the 7 th degree of Mithraism?

A: Mithraism was the counterpart of the ODS version.

Q: (L) What is it that they gave?

A: Control of forces and expertise.

Q: (L) Mitra Why are seen wearing a Phrygian cap?

A: To confuse observers. Keep in mind that the issues are more complex than their questions allowed.

Q: (L) Any other questions?

Q: (Galatea) Is it possible to harness the power of good looks?

A: No in this regard. The universe is about balance. There are no tricks or traps.

Q: (Galatea) I've been having dreams about tigers and I've been having matches with tigers. What is the meaning behind these coincidences?

A: Awareness of the power of nature and some fear.

Q: (Ark) I can ask a question? I have this. I was playing with what is called homopolar motor - do this and tour. There is a cylindrical magnet rotates. There is an electric field that is supposed to go like this - {shows the magnetic field lines}. Now the big question is - and physicists are discussing - if these lines are magnetic or not, and if the magnet rotate together or if no magnetic field lines and these {Ark shows with their hands what they do.} So there's this discussion.

A: There are managers of magnetic flux. When you turn on the device, electrons and alternate flow starts. This flow induces free electrons to the device.

Q: (Ark) But I wonder if the magnetic field rotates the magnet or not?

A: No.

Q: (Ark) Then I have another question! This is suspected. However, why the magnetic field goes from one pole to another pole? There is something more primitive than the magnetic field, which is called "Vector potential." There was a hypothesis that this vector represents the true flow potential of something in the ether. So my question is, if "a certain extent this hypothesis is correct?

A: That's what I just described.

Q: (Ark) Last question. Umm, there was a German physicist in the 20s, and he said he could see the magnetic monopoles - which today is almost forgotten. He had a lot of experiments and theories. Did he really saw magnetic monopoles?

A: Yes

Q: (L) OK, are we ready? Is there something we have asked and we should do?

A: Help is on the way! Goodbye

End of Session

Hole In Heart Condition_symptoms

Japanese does not remember his days in INS .- Keiko smiled happily in the same building in which detainees tortured

The illegal Japanese candidate for the presidency of Peru Keiko Fujimori can not remember the days when she and her family lived sharing concerns with the complicity of his father, Vladimiro Montesinos, in local National Intelligence Service (SIN). This video should refresh your memory.

Source: Program Prensa Libre, America Television, Channel 4, Lima, Peru.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Religious Sympathy Sayings

Yakuza Fujimori Fujimori dictatorship wants to recapture the Japan Mafia infiltration Peru .- national policy .- photos

Mafia members of Japanese citizens who want to recapture Peru to make it serve foreign interests.

On the left, top photo, the leader of the band, the guilty prisoner 藤森 谦 也 original name (Fujimori Ken'ya), former dictator of Peru.

On the left, bottom photo, 藤森 英 二 (Fujimori Inomoto), called in English James, brother of the first named.

the center, the underling Japan 藤森 恵 子, whose Castilian name is Keiko Fujimori, daughter of the convict Fujimori illegally Ken'ya and current candidate for president of Peru. We say illegal because 藤森 恵 子 Peruvian renounced to acquire Japanese nationality.

In the right column, top photo, Japan's violent and sexual ill 藤森 建 治, known in English as Kenji Fujimori, the son of the convict Fujimori Ken'ya.

In the right column, bottom photo appears Yoshiyama-san, manager of Japanese clan affairs.

All names were linked to the criminal and corrupt dictatorship of Fujimori Ken'ya and profit your business.

Throughout the presidential candidacy of 藤森 恵 子, the group tries to recapture Peru. Using the methods of Japanese Yakuza, they operate as a true fifth column infiltration in our country.

Shamelessly, used in its funding commitment from the hundreds of millions of dollars stolen from the Peruvian Treasury 藤森 谦 也 Japanese leader.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Small Cell Cancer More Condition_symptoms

Antauro Japanese leaders: "My brother did not visit me but still vote for him" .- Do not rule out taking up arms against Ollanta if betraying national interests

From prison, where he is serving a sentence for a popular insurrection, Antauro Humala criticizes the candidates and reaffirms its ideology etnocacerista.

interview Leandro Dario, Journal Profile , Buenos Aires

Locked seven years in prison for staging a Piedras Gordas insurrection against the government of Alejandro Toledo, retired Major Antauro Humala, brother of presidential candidate Ollanta Humala, fired in an exclusive dialogue with PROFILE against the man who played the second round with Keiko Fujimori, the nationalist leader, asserting that the "political game with the same tricks of the traditional parties. " Antauro, who also starred in a military uprising against Alberto Fujimori, decided to break the silence maintained by the Peruvian media and through a questionnaire sent by this newspaper, did not rule out taking up arms against a possible government of Ollanta.

While waiting for the May 18-two weeks before the runoff election, the Supreme Court determines whether to uphold his sentence of 25 years or if it reduces the penalty, the leading exponent of ethnocacerism, an ideology that, according to Antauro, "is the vanguard of ethno-nationalism or nationalism DNA ", Fujimori criticizes, his brother and argues that it is considered innocent.

- Do you think the sentence of 25 years who applied the Peruvian justice system is fair?

"I'm arrested on charges of" rebellion "as a result of the survey conducted in the city of Andahaylas in January 2005 against the government of Alejandro Toledo. Regarding the sentence of 25 years I think obviously absurd, since the same constitution of my country includes the right of insurgency against any illegitimate government, as was that of President Toledo, registered with false signatures and turned to neoliberalism globe.

- What connection had his brother in the last military uprising which you starred? -Ni

recent or previously have been involved with someone in the uprising. It happens that the TV station Frecuencia Latina Peru Propal a video of when I Andahuaylas, which told people that the place of the insurrection had been ordered by Ollanta. But I must clarify that I always acted independently, without orders from anyone. As to why I'm tried and convicted and my brother, ask the Peruvian judges.

"In the seven years he was arrested, his brother never visited him in prison. Why away politically and personally?

"He turned away from me politically. I visit since November 2005. I think if it is true that the ideological and political common origin was our father, in my case clearly still maintain the essence of nationality and ethnicity, so my political expression is much more radical and fundamentalist the project of my brother. In any case, the big difference between them, profiled since the first military insurgency in Tacna in October 2000 was the classic dichotomy between reform and revolution.

- Feeling betrayed by his brother?

(Do not answer the question.)

- What is the main virtue is his brother that he can bring to the presidency? Ollanta

-political plays the same tricks of the traditional parties, that is its main virtue, if you may qualify.

- Is up in arms against a new government Ollanta?

"The etnocaceristas us up in arms (as we did against the governments of Fujimori and Toledo) against any ruler who betrays the national interest. Support for an eventual government of my brother would be subject to comply with the central themes of his original government plan, without political concessions is currently making to the party-balloon-neoliberal.

-Keiko Fujimori promised to grant amnesty to free his father, former President Alberto Fujimori. Are you hopeful that his brother Ollanta do the same for you if elected president?

-Keiko's campaign has another central axis, which is the maintenance of balloon-neoliberal program. The release of his father, at least officially, is not a central point of your program. However, it is basically an emotional appeal to the electorate, with projections of political empowerment. As for my release, I need not have hope, because even in the event of losing Ollanta, penitentiary benefits under me, given that I have spent seven years in prison. However, in a scenario would arise presidential Ollanta a short in the nationalist electorate who would not admit my stay in prison. Also, my release should be more socio-political factors electoral politicians.

- Who would vote in the second round: Keiko Fujimori or his brother?

"Prisoners do not vote in Peru. But if I had an obligation to vote and facing a crisis in which there is no choice, vote for my brother Ollanta although I visit.

Thank You Notes Written By Coaches

Candidate Japanese threat: "Do not stop until we achieve freedom of Fujimori "People respond .-" Do not stop until we defeat in June 2011 as

Subject of Japan Keiko Fujimori said his government plan. It consists out of jail to his father, the Japanese criminal Ken'ya Fujimori.

How can a country that boasts of a republic may have foreign applicants for president, even worse than aspire to free convicted and confessed criminals like Fujimori Ken'ya?

Male Chlamydia More Condition_symptoms

1.268 Buenaventura powerful companies in the world in 2010 .- Among 2005-2010 earned $ 2.401 million and was taxed only U.S. $ 117 million


writes: César Vásquez Bazán

Magazine Forbes posted on Wednesday April 20 its list of the two thousand most powerful companies in the world in 2010. Taken into account in making the ranking sales figures, utilidades, activos y valor de mercado de las compañías cuyas acciones se cotizan en la Bolsa de Valores.

Aparece en el puesto 1,268 una vieja conocida nuestra, la Compañía de Minas Buenaventura sobre la que hace pocos días informábamos que entre los años 2005 y 2010 había levantado 2,401 millones de dólares en utilidades y sólo había pagado impuestos por 117 millones.

Existe una clara correspondencia entre la posición privilegiada en materia tributaria de la empresa de la familia Benavides y su colocación en el ranking de Forbes. It is time that Peruvians put a stop to tax goodies for enjoying the great mining and impose justice in the distribution of wealth generated by the extraction of nonrenewable natural resources. Mining business should not only be for rich people with political influence, but for all Peruvians.

then reproduce the article published on May 5, streams:

In the period between 2005 and 2010, the Company de Minas Buenaventura only paid to the Peruvian State on account of income tax the amount of $ 117 million. Its profits were twenty-one times over: amounted to 2.401 million dollars.

This is the way wealth is distributed in the country non-renewable with current tax and benefits enjoyed by the Buenaventura.

The distribution of surplus is not even fifty-fifty . No my dear listeners, no. It is fifty-fifty . Buenaventura is 95%. 5% for Peru.

These figures will not find you in the media "communication" of the country, because they share in the loot system we describe.

Fortunately, all financial information you can check it by clicking the links of the sources (presented at the end of this article.)

mining earnings presidential debate

presidential candidates representing the looters of the country would think it appropriate to address the issue of mining profits in public. For them, discussing how mining companies are rising to the country by weight, since the time of Fujimori "is something" outdated. " They say that talking about this great faenón "threatens growth, which should not" look back. " You have to "defend democracy" and should not be affected "market stability."

If you propose to discuss the taboo subject of mining company profits, for example, the ticket that takes Buenaventura - have no doubt you are a communist, Marxist, socialist, APRA-thirties, nationalist, extremist, terrorist, agitator, Chavez, or "anti" .

Vargas Llosa came to say that it is even likely that you will get cancer or AIDS and does not notice.

In the presidential debate last Sunday, the Toledo-pure drunken pose as always very Felipillo - spoke of "drawing a line." The candidate with the name of viceroy for a moment imagined English conquistador on the island of Gallo. He drew his sword and drew a line in defense of the interests of the class that takes over-with shell-style and the richness of Peru.

illegal candidate for Kuczynski, illegal alien-even rant about his French mother and his father German. He had no need to touch the issue of mining plunder because it had previously indicated that it should not even think to apply a windfall tax, that it "would drive away capital."

course, did not say that capital is scare them by themselves, each year carried 95% of Peru's economic surplus generated.

illegal The other candidate, Keiko Fujimori from Japan, also referred to his dad , but kept silent about the gift of natural resources that the dictator, another usurper of Peruvian president for foreign-made companies mineras.

Con el fin de entregar las riquezas peruanas, el nipón hizo aprobar una constitución ad-hoc y puso en vigencia legislación subsidiando la actividad de la gran minería con reinversiones de utilidades que pasan a ser deducciones del impuesto a la renta.

Como pastel de cumpleaños, el japonés Fujimori entregó a las mineras los tristemente célebres “contratos de estabilidad tributaria”, que son como si un asaltado firmara con el asaltante un convenio por el cual la víctima accepts and appreciates the pillage ten, fifteen, or twenty years in a row.

No my dear, this does not go. You can not go. Here the issue is not Chavez. The issue is Buenaventura, Yanacocha, Antamina, Barrick, Southern and others. They are the ones behind the campaign of fear against candidates who dare to raise the issue of mining windfall.

Next April 10 that the right will not follow us dumb. Let's vote against looting. We do not support either candidate of mining. Kuczynski punish foreigners and Fujimori, wanting us cholitos. not vote for the Felipillo Toledo, agent of foreign interests, not for the dumb Comunicore .

Let's vote for the candidate who offers to halt and reverse the payment of what may be called the New Rescue Atahualpa. Choose the candidate who begins to put justice in the distribution of wealth and dignity back to Peru.

Links sources of financial information
Make click on the following links:

Friday, April 22, 2011

Signs Of Leukemia More Condition_symptoms

Montesinos handing the Newmont Yanacocha .- After watching these two videos, tell me if you have the right to renegotiate mining contracts

What assumptions silent champions of democracy (which in fact only represent the interests of wealthy foreigners and Peruvians )

writes: César Vásquez Bazán


most moving and thrilling spectacle that offered by the rich when they cry defend "democracy" and "liberties" with the ultimate goal of ensuring the enjoyment of national wealth.

I say this because in recent days, the press and politicians at the service of foreigners and wealthy Peruvians appropriate our natural resources insist that they can not should be amended existing contracts with mining companies.

argue the unfortunate and poor little miners, changing the Constitution, investments retraerían, would break the legal stability, it would undermine the rule of law and other similar nonsense.

Using the case of Yanacocha, pods and let's not talk clearly. The exploitation of this mining project by the transnational Newmont is flawed at birth. The company used his political influence with the criminal Fujimori Vladimiro Montesinos to win what is now considered "the Jewel in the Crown ", ie the largest gold mine in the world.

Ni Newmont and Buenaventura will come to dictate to Peruvians kinds of" democracy. "Nor will tell us what can or can not do with mining fraudulently issued to them by the dictatorship of Fujimori Ken'ya Japanese abroad.

remember some of the political mechanisms used by the transnational company Newmont Mining Corporation to ensure exploitation of rich gold deposit.

present our readers a audio and video in the series of recordings known in Peru as the vladivideos .

The first evidence comes from the sound recording and includes the dialogue between Vladimiro Montesinos Torres, effective head the National Intelligence Service (SIN) Fujimori and instrument of the CIA in Peru, and Larry Kurland, chief executive of Newmont Mining Corporation.

In conversation, Newmont -by-request Kurland Montesinos support to ensure the operation of Yanacocha. eye, eyelash and eyebrow Mr. Kurland acknowledge that you have been contacted with Vladimiro thanks to its excellent relations with American intelligence agencies.

After discussion with the said Kurland, Montesinos is committed to "help" Newmont to obtain a favorable ruling in the Supreme Court of Peru. Moreover, with the shell world's largest and as a result of the meeting, Kurland and Montesinos, Fujimori and ie Newmont, are promised friendship for life. " The only thing I missed was this pair of lovebirds turn on the stereo in the parlor and sing together INS 've got a friend with background vocal by Carole King and James Taylor.

The second video witness implements the agreement of the meeting between Montesinos and the people of the Newmont. Add conversation between Montesinos and the judge Jaime Beltrán Quiroga, who coincidentally was a classmate of "studies" of Montesinos.

Rasputin judicial officer reminds the United States is the guarantor of the Protocol of Rio de Janeiro. It also tells the corrupt judge that in deciding which company (U.S.) should exploit Yanacocha should do considering the history that is "reason of State" and "national interest" that involved "national security". In other words, according to the binomial Fujimori-Montesinos, to obtain the support of the United States in the territorial dispute with Ecuador had to deliver the Newmont Yanacocha .


As the Japan and his accomplice, the court decision favored the Newmont. was how the Yanacocha gold went to swell the coffers of American transnational. In this way, wrote one of the most shameful chapters of contemporary history of Peru.

Therefore, dear reader, every time you hear a politician or "analyst" rant about not renegotiate contracts with mining companies, remember well the videos posted in this article, testimony to the way a dictatorship headed by a foreigner gave Peru's natural resources.

And proclaim calmly but forcefully, that no transnational corporation, foreign power, or native or foreign millionaire right to appeal to democracy and freedom when they, in the nineties, respected neither democracy nor freedom to seize our natural resources.

Note: separate dialogues with Kurland and Beltrán Quiroga took place in the infamous "living room" of the National Intelligence Service (SIN). Orders were recorded by Montesinos himself, later to blackmail their partners. The first conversation took place in February 1998 and the second three months later, in May 1998.

Source of videos: Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) Frontline program , WGBH Boston, USA

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Stomach Pain Causes More Condition_symptoms

Japanese nationals Keiko Fujimori defended his father's crimes: "My dad ordered the elimination of terrorists. It was crazy to say so publicly. "

writes: César Vásquez Bazán

The illegal candidate for president of Peru, a Japanese
藤森 恵 子 ( Fujimori Keiko) should be tried for complicity in the crimes committed by the dictatorship that presided over his father.

Instead of charging the parasitic income perceived as a congressman, the Japan should be behind bars at the Prison for Women in Chorrillos. We base our conclusions on a video interview very widespread in Peru, in which the said Keiko Fujimori acknowledged their participation in the acts of the Fujimori dictatorship.

In the attached video, you will appreciate the Keiko Fujimori a Japanese citizen acknowledging that his father, the former dictator subject Japan and Ken Fujimori
' already "ordered eliminate terrorists and not was mad for being told publicly. "

With the shell and cynicism that characterized the daughter of Montesinos partner refuses to understand that such deletions are precisely los crímenes por los cuales se sentenció a su padre.

La entrevista es en inglés y en ella la hija nipona del dictador nipón reconoce entre otras cosas:

1.- Que vivió y “trabajó” con su padre, en especial cuando ambos residieron en las instalaciones del centro criminal llamado Servicio de Inteligencia Nacional . Durante la dictadura fujimorista, desde el SIN se dirigió los escuadrones de la muerte. En el SIN también se torturó y cremó a detenidos políticos.

2.- Que es testigo directo de lo que ella llamó “los trabajos y logros” de su padre, el dictador Fujimori Ken ' now. In other words, Japanese nationals Keiko Fujimori agreed that was part of a dictatorial group that ruled the country between 1990 and 2000 and is witness to the decisions that led to the execution of the crimes committed by the regime.

3 .- during the dictatorship of his father "eliminate terrorists." East with a smile on his lips, says that according to the version of your dad " not eliminated but terrorist suspects."

Realizing that he was acknowledging the execution Peruvians who had not been subjected to trial, the Fujimori indicating that attempts to correct it using the word "disposal" in the military sense.

only get more sink on his own vomit, as in military jargon "elimination" means destruction and annihilation. In a tone of arrogant confidence, the daughter of dictator ends this part of the interview, explaining that it "could not be said in public."

4 .- His prior knowledge of the criminal actions of the INS Fujimori. Note in particular that illegal now presidential candidate used the term "we" to refer to the killings and abuses committed by the Fujimori government. Hypocritically, the underling asks Japan apologized for the murders of Barrios Altos and La Cantuta and the crimes of the military thugs organized by his father and Montesinos called Colina Group . Not perceive that in addition to the apology is required corrective action for justice.

Thus, not only as a foreign citizen but have known earlier crimes and crimes of the Fujimori dictatorship and agree with them, voters should not vote for Keiko Fujimori Japan.

Otrosídigo: A future Constitution should ensure that the rulers of our country are not only Peruvian by birth, but never have renounced his Peruvian citizenship and have no second or third nations that could compromise their loyalty to the homeland, as is the case of members Fujimori dictator's family.

The following is the English version and the translation into Castilian of responses Higuchi Keiko Fujimori a Japanese citizen in the interview that led to Mariana Sánchez Aizcorbe Al-Jazeera on April 7, 2009.

Answers translated into Castilian of Japanese nationals 藤森 恵 子 ( Fujimori Keiko)

[Times interview included in parentheses]

Interview Mariana Sánchez-Aizcorbe: "You have always maintained the innocence of his father. "Why?" (0:01 - 0:04)

Keiko Fujimori: "I lived and worked with my father when he was president. I witnessed their work and achievements ... "(0:04 - 0:15)


Interviewer: "The doctrine that his father implemented included the elimination of suspects." (1:02 to 1:06)

Keiko Fujimori: "No. They said ... the elimination of terrorists. Elimination of terrorists does not mean, and he was not going to say in public, he would kill people. Obviously. I mean, only someone crazy would do that. This is a word that is used in military terms. "(1:06 to 1:26)

Interviewer: " It's no secret that fought a bloody war and fought a dirty war. "( 1:26 to 1:31)
Keiko Fujimori
: " can not deny that people died in the Barrios Altos and La Cantuta. We can not deny that there Colina Group. Did exist. Those killings occurred and we regret it. We are very sorry for their families ... "(1:31 to 1:45)

Answers in English of Japanese nationals 藤森 恵 子 ( Keiko Fujimori)

Mariana Sánchez-Aizcorbe Interview: "You have always maintained the innocence of your father. Why?” (0:01 - 0:04)

Fujimori Keiko: “I have lived and worked with my father when he was president. I am a direct witness of his work and his accomplishments...” (0:04 - 0:15)


Entrevistadora: “The doctrine that your father implemented included the elimination of suspects.” (1:02 - 1:06)

Fujimori Keiko: “No. They said… the elimination of terrorists. Elimination of terrorists doesn’t mean –and he is not gonna say it in public– that he was to kill people. Obviously. I mean, only somebody crazy will do that. This is a word that is used on militar terms.” (1:06 - 1:26)

Entrevistadora: “It is not a secret that there was a bloody war going on and that a dirty war was being fought.” (1:26 - 1:31)

Fujimori Keiko: We cannot deny that people die in Barrios Altos and La Cantuta. We cannot deny that Colina Group existed. It did exist. These killings did happen and we regret for this. We feel very sorry for their families…” (1:31 - 1:45)

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Serena Snelling Hooters

Japanese Nationality 藤森 恵 子 Keiko Fujimori .- Illegal presidential candidate resigned from the Peruvian national to assume sexual Sick Japanese Japanese

Escribe: César Vásquez Bazán

藤森 恵 子 (Keiko Fujimori) hidden from the Peruvian public that before twenty-two years old, resigned from the Peruvian to take Japanese nationality. His resignation was similar to the renunciation of citizenship made by Peruvian Kuczynski to acquire U.S. citizenship. For the laws Nipponese Keiko Fujimori not only Japanese but, moreover, is Japanese by birth.

Is it true that 藤森 恵 子 (Keiko Fujimori) is Japan's birth?

Yes, indeed. Japan under the law, Keiko Fujimori birth is considered Japanese.

In accordance with article 2, paragraph 1 of Nationality Law of Japan, a newborn acquires the nationality of Japan when his father or mother or both have Japanese nationality. That is the case of Keiko Fujimori , daughter of father and Japanese mother.

Why be born in Peru lost 藤森 恵 子 (Keiko Fujimori) Japanese nationality?

No, not lost Japanese nationality.

According to the laws of the land of the Rising Sun, while Keiko Fujimori was born in Peru, for being the daughter of parents Nippon holds and maintains Japanese nationality.

This is required by Article 11 of the Nationality Act Japan. Japanese forfeits her nationality only when it acquires a foreign nationality by voluntarily .

Therefore, Keiko Fujimori Japanese no longer being born in Peru. Obviously, she could not determine their place of birth willingly.

resigned " 藤森 恵 子 (Keiko Fujimori) to Peruvian nationality?

Yes, he renounced his Peruvian citizenship to retain Japanese nationality.

Initially, having been born in Peru, Keiko Fujimori had two nations: the Peruvian by birth in the territory of our country, and Japan for being the daughter of father and mother Nipponese .

In these cases, Japan has Article 14 of the Nationality Act which provides that before the age of twenty-two years old a person with dual citizenship must choose one of them.

According to paragraph 2 of that article, the decision to Keiko Fujimori of take Japanese nationality, was formalized in Election Affidavit of Nationality. Keiko Fujimori, willingly assumed the renounced Japanese nationality and nationality Peru. His statement was seated in the family register (Koseki) Fujimori family.

Peruvian Can a president to entrust the nation to a Peruvian nationality resigning as 藤森 恵 子 (Keiko Fujimori) ?

No way. The illegal Peruvian presidential candidate said his preference for years by Japan's nationality. As overseas Kuczynski, who renounced his Peruvian nationality to get your current U.S. citizenship, Keiko Fujimori years hidden his resignation to be Peruvian.

The case of Japanese nationality Keiko Fujimori, is an experience you should keep in mind when choosing the new political authorities.

Having renounced his Peruvian nationality, Keikono Fujimori is worthy of trust of any Peruvian public office in the Government of Peru.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Notes on the determination of nationality in Japan

What are the laws governing the determination of nationality in Japan?

Existing legislation in Japan for the determination of nationality is constituted by the Nationality Act Japan, Law No. 147 of 1950. This law was amended by Law No. 268 of 1952, Act No. 45 of 1984, Act No. 89 of 1993, Act No. 147 of 2004 and the Law No. 88 of 2008.

Those interested can read the English version of this legislation on the official website of the Ministry of Justice of Japan. To this should click here .

koseki What is?

The koseki is the household registration system in force in Japan. Is the official document which records births, deaths, marriages and divorces of the Japanese. Nipponese government offices receive and maintain this information that constitutes a kind of national registry de identidad de los japoneses.

El koseki de cada japonés es el mismo durante toda su vida. Cuando los japoneses se casan, divorcian, o tienen descendencia deben actualizarlo. Para ello notifican a la municipalidad donde se mantiene dicho registro.

El koseki está normado por la Ley No. 224 de 1947, conocida como la Ley del Registro Familiar o Ley del Koseki.

¿Cuál es el texto en inglés de la Ley de Nacionalidad del Japón?

El texto es el siguiente:

The Nationality Law

(Law No. 147 of 1950, as amended by Law No. 268 of 1952, Law No. 45 of 1984, Law No. 89 of 1993, Law No. 147 of 2004, and Law No. 88 of 2008)

Purpose of this Law
Article 1.- The conditions necessary for being a Japanese national shall be determined by the provisions of this Law.

Acquisition of nationality by birth
Article 2.- A child shall, in any of the following cases, be a Japanese national:
(1) When, at the time of its birth, the father or the mother is a Japanese national;
(2) When the father who died prior to the birth of the child was a Japanese national at the time of his death;
(3) When both parents are unknown or have no nationality in a case where the child is born in Japan.

Acquisition of nationality by an Acknowledged Child
Article 3.- A child (excluding a child who was once a Japanese national) under twenty years of age whose father or mother has acknowledged paternity or maternity respectively, may acquire Japanese nationality through a notification to the Minister of Justice, if the father or mother who made the acknowledgement was a Japanese national at the time of the child's birth, and such father or mother is presently a Japanese national or was a Japanese national at the time of his or her death.

2. A child who makes notification in accordance with the preceding paragraph shall acquire Japanese nationality at the time of the notification.

Article 4.- A person who is not a Japanese national (hereinafter referred to as “an alien”) may acquire Japanese nationality by naturalization.

2. The permission of the Minister of Justice shall be obtained for naturalization.

Article 5.- The Minister of Justice shall not permit the naturalization of an alien unless he or she fulfills all of the following conditions:
(1) that he or she has domiciled in Japan for five years or more consecutively;
(2) that he or she is twenty years of age or more and of full capacity to act according to the law of his or her home country;
(3) that he or she is of upright conduct;
(4) that he or she is able to secure a livelihood by one's own property or ability, or those of one's spouse or other relatives with whom one lives on common living expenses;
(5) that he or she has no nationality, or the acquisition of Japanese nationality will result in the loss of foreign nationality;
(6) that he or she has never plotted or advocated, or formed or belonged to a political party or other organization which has plotted or advocated the overthrow of the Constitution of Japan or the Government existing thereunder, since the enforcement of the Constitution of Japan.

2. When an alien is, regardless of his or her intention, unable to deprive himself or herself of his or her current nationality, the Minister of Justice may permit the naturalization of the alien, notwithstanding that the alien does not fulfill the conditions set forth in item (5) of the preceding paragraph, if the Minister of Justice finds exceptional circumstances in his or her family relationship with a Japanese national, or other circumstances.

Article 6.- The Minister of Justice may permit the naturalization of an alien notwithstanding that the alien does not fulfill the condition set forth in item (1) of paragraph 1 of the last preceding Article, provided that the said alien falls under any one of the following items, and is presently domiciled in Japan:
(1) One who has had a domicile or residence in Japan for three consecutive years or more and who is the child of a person who was a Japanese national (excluding a child by adoption);
(2) One who was born in Japan and who has had a domicile or residence in Japan for three consecutive years or more, or whose father or mother (excluding father and mother by adoption) was born in Japan;
(3) One who has had a residence in Japan for ten consecutive years or more.

Article 7.- The Minister of Justice may permit the naturalization of an alien who is the spouse of a Japanese national notwithstanding that the said alien does not fulfill the conditions set forth in items (1) and (2) of paragraph 1 of Article 5, if the said alien has had a domicile or residence in Japan for three consecutive years or more and is presently domiciled in Japan. The same rule shall apply in the case where an alien who is the spouse of a Japanese national has been married with the Japanese national for three years or more and has had a domicile in Japan for one consecutive year or more.

Article 8.- The Minister of Justice may permit the naturalization of an alien notwithstanding that the alien does not fulfill the conditions set forth in items (1), (2) and (4) of paragraph 1 of Article 5, provided that the alien falls under any one of the following items:
(1) One who is a child (excluding a child by adoption) of a Japanese national and has a domicile in Japan;
(2) One who is a child by adoption of a Japanese national and has had a domicile in Japan for one consecutive year or more and was a minor according to the law of its native country at the time of the adoption;
(3) One who has lost Japanese nationality (excluding one who has lost Japanese nationality after naturalization in Japan) and has a domicile in Japan;
(4) One who was born in Japan and has had no nationality since the time of birth, and has had a domicile in Japan for three consecutive years or more since then.

Article 9.- With respect to an alien who has rendered especially meritorious service to Japan, the Minister of Justice may, notwithstanding the provision of Article 5, paragraph 1, permit the naturalization of the alien with the approval of the Diet.

Article 10.- The Minister of Justice shall, when permitting naturalization, make an announcement to that effect by public notice in the Official Gazette.

2. The naturalization shall come into effect as from the date of the public notice under the preceding paragraph.

Loss of nationality
Article 11.- A Japanese national shall lose Japanese nationality when he or she acquires a foreign nationality by his or her own choice.

2. A Japanese national having a foreign nationality shall lose Japanese nationality if he or she chooses the foreign nationality in accordance with the laws of the foreign country concerned.

Article 12.- A Japanese national who was born in a foreign country and has acquired a foreign nationality by birth shall lose Japanese nationality retroactively as from the time of birth, unless the Japanese national clearly indicates his or her volition to reserve Japanese nationality according to the provisions of the Family Registration Law (Law No. 224 of 1947).

Article 13.- A Japanese national having a foreign nationality may renounce Japanese nationality by making notification to the Minister of Justice.

2. The person who made notification in accordance with the preceding paragraph shall lose Japanese nationality at the time of the notification.

Choice of nationalities
Article 14.- A Japanese national having a foreign nationality shall choose either of the nationalities before he or she reaches twenty two years of age if he or she has acquired both nationalities on and before the day when he or she reaches twenty years of age or, within two years after the day when he or she acquired the second nationality if he or she acquired such nationality after the day when he or she reached twenty years of age.

2. Choice of Japanese nationality shall be made either by depriving himself or herself of the foreign nationality or by the declaration provided for in the Family Registration Law in which he or she swears that he or she chooses to be a Japanese national and that he or she renounces the foreign nationality (hereinafter referred to as “declaration of choice ”).

Article 15.- The Minister of Justice may, by written notice, require a Japanese national having a foreign nationality who fails to choose Japanese nationality within the period prescribed in paragraph 1 of the last preceding Article to choose one of the nationalities he or she possesses.

2. The notice provided for in the preceding paragraph may be made by means of announcement thereof in the Official Gazette, in the case where the person who is to receive the notice is missing or in any other circumstances where it is impossible to send the notice to the person concerned. In this case, the notice shall be deemed to reach the person concerned on the day following the day when the announcement is made in the Official Gazette.

3. The person to whom the notice has been sent in accordance with the preceding two paragraphs shall lose Japanese nationality at the expiration of one month after the day he or she receives the notice, unless he or she chooses Japanese nationality within such period. This shall not, however, apply in the case where the person concerned is unable to choose Japanese nationality within such period due to a natural calamity or any other cause not imputable to him or her and he or she has made such choice within two weeks after he or she has become able to do so.

Article 16.- A Japanese national who has made the declaration of choice shall endeavour to deprive himself or herself of the foreign nationality.

2. In the case where a Japanese national who has made the declaration of choice but still possesses a foreign nationality has voluntarily taken public office in the foreign country (excluding an office which a person not having the nationality of such country is able to take), the Minister of Justice may declare that he or she shall lose Japanese nationality if the Minister finds that taking such public office would substantially contradict his or her choice of Japanese nationality.

3. The hearing concerning the declaration under the last preceding paragraph shall be conducted publicly.

4. The declaration provided for in paragraph 2 of this Article shall be made by public notice in the Official Gazette.

5. The person against whom the declaration has been made under paragraph 2 of this Article shall lose Japanese nationality on the day of the public notice under the last preceding paragraph.

Reacquisition of nationality
Article 17.- A person under twenty years of age who has lost Japanese nationality in accordance with Article 12 may reacquire Japanese nationality by making notification to the Minister of Justice if he or she has a domicile in Japan.

2. A person who has received a notice under paragraph 2 of Article 15 and has lost Japanese nationality under paragraph 3 of the said Article may reacquire Japanese nationality by making notification to the Minister of Justice within one year after he or she has become aware of the fact that he or she has lost Japanese nationality, if he or she fulfills the condition set forth in item (5) of paragraph 1 of Article 5. However, in the case where he or she is unable to make notification within the period due to natural calamity or any other cause not imputable to him or her, such period shall be one month after he or she becomes able to do so.

3. The person who has made notification in accordance with the preceding two paragraphs shall acquire Japanese nationality at the time of the notification.

Notification, etc., by legal representative
Article 18.- In the case where the person who intends to acquire, choose or renounce nationality is under fifteen years of age, notification of the acquisition of nationality under Article 3, paragraph 1 or Article 17, paragraph 1, the application for naturalization permission, the declaration of choice or the notification of renunciation of nationality shall be made by the person's legal representative on his or her behalf.

Ministerial ordinance
Article 19.- Except as provided for in this Law, the procedures concerning the acquisition or renunciation of nationality as well as other rules necessary to enforce this Law shall be prescribed in the Ordinance of the Ministry of Justice.

Penal provisions
Article 20.- Any person who has made a false notification when filing a notification pursuant to the provision of Article 3, paragraph 1 shall be punished by imprisonment with work for not more than one year or a fine of Not More Than 200.000 yen.

2. The crime in September in the Preceding Paragraph forth Shall Be governo by the provision of Article 2 of the Penal Code (Act No. 45 of 1907).