Saturday, December 25, 2010

Fotos De Pati Nabidad

" Loving Truth "by Scott Mandelker

For Scott Mandelker, Original:
Publication Date: April 4, 2010

Translation and Bala


Scott Mandelker, PhD

The night before sleep, I wondered why some people are willing to face bitter truths while others keep their heads in the sand and cling to false notions. In the same way for individuals - why sometimes we miss the truth, while at other times simply we cover our ears? Besides the fact that the mind of 3D (Third Density) is covered, why is it so difficult for people to get a larger truth?

Specifically, he reflected on two areas: (1) hidden evil human leaders, and (2) the hidden glory of the true self and cosmic life. These are equally important issues - related to the reality of massive global suffering, injustice, war and disease, and the reality of the universal family, higher dimensions and the soul the infinite love of creation as it is. To see only the superficial level of life (given by the five physical senses and intellect) and reject the invisible, is very connected to a tendency to rely on human authority and to believe in his words ...

For me it is amazing how many conflicting opinions we have. Because I've never felt totally "part of this madness," (such as "Ra" speaks of the Travellers who have difficulty into society), I never made it difficult to challenge human authority. Since young I did not trust his authority and perceived deception and ignorance in many of those in high positions of power - at school, religion, government, society and family. Of course, this has made me easier to delve into spiritual studies and meditation, seeking to validate their ideas through an internal search alone. Of course, no guarantee that the "truths" revealed by the searching and reflection are more true that those counted by a priest, president, school principal, or reporter of the media.

the end, our knowledge of the truth depends on our own spiritual maturity and love of light.

Like most teachers and speakers, my aim has been to share what I consider real truth. During the past 15 years my main teaching was based on the material

Ra (series of books The Law of One)

, because from my perspective is the purest expression of cosmic reality from the availability of the higher self. Our true self or essential being is outside time and space, and know the road map to complete enlightenment and awareness reunited - Ra offers vision.

He supplemented his information with Western metaphysics, Buddhism and Hinduism, Taoism and psychology. Consider essential these lessons because the more you use, the greater the transformation produced in the mind / spirit. In fact, this is an excellent way to judge the relevance and depth of any spiritual teaching: through repeated studies and practices, leading to greater expansion of awareness, understanding, enlightenment and ability to serve others?

Many times I have asked, 'Why do you think [the material] Ra is so important? How do you know it? " Often replied, "Well, how do you know that something is true?" What do you mean, how do we know what is true, real, or important? How do you know you will not be doomed if you do not take Jesus as your personal savior? How do you know that the soul and reincarnation, karma and higher dimensions are real, and not mere fantasies optimistic? How do you know that you are anything more than a few piles of bones and biochemical? And in that sense, how do you know that a particular human leader is telling the truth, and not just a liar ready?

How do you know what is truth and what is false?

From my current perspective, after years of teaching and answer questions related to a multitude of channels, religions, new age leaders and writers, I am left with a simple conclusion - most people do not really know what is true . I'm not saying I know more than you, but I understand the maturity, accuracy, and consistency of the reality of the sources from which it depends. Most spiritual seekers, unfortunately, do not understand that there are levels of understanding, awareness, and spiritual maturity - and therefore, greater and lesser degrees of wisdom and power in a number of lessons.

the end, we return to the question, how much you love the truth? Do you really love the truth or you're just curious? Do you love her enough to rebuild your understanding to form a reality that does not fit with your current beliefs, and not make you feel happy in a 120%? Do you love the truth enough to continue the search even when it hurts, when it reveals aspects of yourself (or of human society, or the universe) that are powerful, complex and disturbing, or humiliating, glorious and incredible - or even "When the truth goes beyond the human mind itself?

How we love the truth?
I think it's a good question for us to respond.

I wrote about this in a chapter of my book Universal Vision, titled "Why are you laughing?" I wonder
' Why laugh when I speak of Travelers, Walk-ins, and souls aliens coming to Earth in service for higher dimensions? " Why not ask me more, or quietly say they do not know, and give an explanation to the ideas? Why laugh - instead of listening peacefully, consider and reflect on these strange ideas?
Fortunately, they also answer my own questions in that chapter.

I conclude that they laugh because they are afraid, they feel humiliated, threatened, and somewhat ashamed of considering a much greater reality than you think. They do not feel safe to admit that their beliefs could be wrong, be limited, small, or completely wrong. Those interviewers mocking radio just do not want to admit and at least consider their ignorance - and certainly not love the truth. I'm not blaming them, but it is another truth that should not be afraid, that most humans in positions of authority and leadership are very conceited and narrow-mindedness.
In fact, it is extremely important for the awakening of travelers walking away, turned away, and away from social consensus beliefs related to life and death, world and cosmos, good and evil, honesty and leadership human. To enter a full power, we must reject all false beliefs and understandings limited - either come priests or presidents, channels, or gurus, teachers or relatives. We must learn to recognize the truth for ourselves, and know for ourselves what is truth and what is real, and not swallow anything. This process of developing critical thinking, self-reflection and self-validation is now more important than ever, as the volume of information that reaches us grows and grows. But the main point is this:

How well we learn depends on the strength of our desire to learn.

We all finally realize that the degree by which expand consciousness, energy, and essential qualities of consciousness, all depend on our willingness to enter into the unknown. There is a need to break, demolition, and deconstruction of the old models allow to reconstruct a new vision of reality, a concept map more expanded and detailed, a more mature understanding of reality - which in turn then becomes a platform for greater growth.

One fact, however, under the process of seeking truth and endless disagreements about what is real and what is not. This fact is there are levels of understanding and degree of divergence of human intelligence and logical thinking skills. 'Seek and you will find' is absolutely true, but what we find depends on the seeker's mental strength, and purity of desire to find the truth in spite of the emotion and personal bias. Because pre-existing notions and the differences in the desire to discover the truth, a unique teaching leads people to very different conclusions. Similarly, the fact that human leaders are loved by their fans can be seen as entirely negative by others - and who is right, and who knows which view is true?

may not be able to convince others with your beliefs, but you can rely on what you determine to be true.
Of course, in the field of metaphysics and spiritual reality beyond the physical senses, there is simply no evidence (in the mind of common 3D) of this or that notion, so that all humanity can share a unified understanding. No evidence about a cosmic plan or cosmic law, angels, soul, higher self or groups of aliens. Some people believe that crop circles (crop circles) are the result of wind patterns, or technology of government, or made by clever pranksters British. Similarly, I can not prove anything either, but we know the truth on our own.


called "subjective," the foundation of all spiritual awakening. Therefore, relying on our ability to know the truth without proof is the root of the search for wisdom. I can consider me a channel or a particular teacher immature, distorted and negatively oriented (for example, the control and violate the free will), but students may feel very happy to belong to his group. And at this point ... here we discover the truth for ourselves - and the results of our findings rely on mental strength, willpower, and just how much we really love the truth.

When they asked about the lack of evidence in the life of 3D - our ignorance of self, others, the purpose of life, and any other hidden truths - they made a distinction between 'spiritual awareness' and' spiritual acceptance. " While in-depth knowledge is difficult, we can learn to accept the experience as it is, without a full understanding. This is what they say in relation to know, accept, and spiritual freedom: Ra: I am Ra
... This [3D world] is not a dimension of knowledge, even subjective, due to lack of perception [veil] of cosmic influences and other that affect the whole situation that produces a catalyst. Subjective acceptance of what exists at the moment and finding love in that moment is the greatest freedom.
What is known as subjective knowledge without proof is, to some extent, a poor ally, since there will always be anomalies, no matter the amount of information collected due to distortions of the third density. [Session 61, Scott Mandelker comments in brackets] 2Cquestion & search_type = phrase & row_limit = 30 & numeric_order = 0 & , ss = 1

And therefore, the "subjective knowledge without proof is ... a poor ally "of what we can not always trust due to mental limitations in 3D and personal biases. Unconditional acceptance "that exists in the moment" is more reliable and stable, "the discovery of love at that moment" offers greater freedom which depends entirely on the mind. Without doubt, it is almost impossible to know something fully 3D mind and open heart to love and unconditional acceptance is often the only way to achieve peace with the painful experience.
However, living acceptance unconditional is not the end of personal evolution.

live in the moment is insufficient to make certain decisions, especially those that need insight and care. The only "feel good" is not always enough to decide what is best for us. Children can feel good about eating candy all day, until they get sick and feel sick. Travelers can feel good about a cult or new age, until they realize that the leader is negative and interested. Citizens can feel good because their candidate was elected president, until they realize he's a liar. While I fully support learning by trial and error, having wisdom and clear thinking at first it protects a lot of grief later. What you love will experience, and what you will become deeply yearn.
And therefore, although knowledge is often subjective and unstable, the ultimate truth is quite available. As Ra says, the strength of the inner light (soul-consciousness in the form of 3D) depends on the strength of our search for the light - and so with the truth. The strength and durability of internal knowledge and the clear awareness of the true depends on the intensity of our longing for the truth.

If you think you have a weak mind and you are very confused, please do not worry: you can change the mind, consciousness can grow, and the truth be known more and more. The deeper understanding is not natural in the mind of 3D, but the understanding increases or grows to keep looking. Amar much truth is not much more than loving God, the Creator / Creation as it is. The seekers of light, whose essence is light, whose home and destination is the infinite light, there should of course follow false leaders, speakers, fake, channels naive and deceitful political puppet. It's much better to trust in yourself, and you're your own leader.

Amando love, love everything and enjoy the joy.

Amando wisdom, we see the truth and knowing.

Knowing well, we live comfortable and become simpler again.
we all seek the truth, and live in peace and truth beyond imagination. Scott Mandelker PhD

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