Tuesday, December 7, 2010

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Altos Los Blancos, the case of Charles Hall (Part 2): Interview with Paola Harris and David Coote

Charles James Hall, author of the series Millennial Hospitality book

Paola Harris and David Coote
Charles Hall interview.
Paola Harris, David Coote
Interviewee: Charles Hall

Fecha de entrevista:
Año 2006
Traducción de
Zeta y Bala

Han pasado algunos años desde que escribí por última vez sobre el caso de Charles Hall, de modo que en esta ocasión especial del lanzamiento del nuevo libro de Charles Hall: Millennial Hospitality book IV-After Hours, le pedí permiso a Marie y Charles Hall para publicar unas entrevistas antiguas grabadas en cintas por mí y el piloto David Coote en el pasado. Estuvimos juntos durante un tiempo inspeccionando la historia de Charles Hall en Indian Springs, el año 2006.

1 .- How was the agreement of "mutual benefit" with the Air Force?

In my first three books, answer this. Ongoing relationships that personally observed were too complex to answer this question concisely. However, as I described earlier in my books publicly, the White Altos gave them everything they needed. Whites return Altos Technology Transfer provided your own choice.

2 .- Can we understand the principle that their technology gives us the "dead time"?
The time itself is not changed or affected. The person being hypnotized electronically. This happens suddenly in one or two seconds. While being hypnotized, time passes normally. Then, later, the hypnotized person is "deshipnotizada" electronically. This also occurs suddenly in one or two seconds.

However, the person usually can not remember what happened while he was hypnotized. Often, as I describe MH in MH I and II, everything happens so quickly that the person themselves may not realize they were hypnotized.

So, to that person, it seems as if some time soon lose their lives and memories. This results in an immense amount of confusion and disorientation for the individual. Once a person recognizes what has happened, it is possible to recover some or all of those memories lost as happened to me and I describe in Millennial Hospitality II - The World WeKnew.

3 .- "They have been coming to this planet for eons time?

  • I do not know how long has it coming to this planet, or using this planet as a stop for repair / restoration of their spacecraft as they travel through this section of the galaxy. They never respond. However, I noticed that the ancient Greeks, in the years prior to 975 BC, the star Arcturus had put "The Star Observer," because they believed that a race of gods Senior White Earth had fallen from the star Arcturus . These tall white gods come at night when the men were camping on the slopes of the mountains as the Mount Olympus, and would stay away from the firelight to see what they were doing the men of ancient Greece.
On the other hand, the ancient Egyptians, as they built the pyramids in ancient time frames as 2500 BC had, as far as I know now, traditions or similar stories. So I guess the tall whites who considered the Earth as a cold desolate wasteland, had no serious interest to come to earth until human civilization began to develop. Still, mine tunnels in the north of Cairo, Illinois, were made in a long start ago. It is reported that senior White found in these tunnels. The only thing that is certain about these tunnels is that they were probably made sometime after the last ice age ended 9600 years BC

4 .- How was their culture? Were they evolved?

In answer to your question regarding cultural evolution, I realized that carrying large amounts of materials and resources through the vast space between stars is very difficult and requires much time. When a spaceship from outer space needed to be repaired, as noted in MH III, for them it was much easier to get the materials here on Earth, if available. You could say the same for food, clothing for women and children, medication, toys for children, and a wide variety of cultural objects in general.

Therefore, an aspect for which they were culturally evolved due to the simple fact that they generally enjoyed more access to cultural tools, both ours and those of them built here on Earth. For example, as I describe in MH III, I noticed Professor inclined to take their three other friends to Las Vegas, Nevada, and go to buy clothes for women and children. She and her friends loved it. They naturally enjoy wearing beautiful just like us.

5 .- Can you tell us about your aging process? How does your biology? As you can see it in MH II, its medical staff and routinely exchanged our medical knowledge, more or less no limits here on Earth. As I understand, recent experiments in mice have shown that if the mice are given growth hormone at various times of their lives, significantly extends the life span of mice, ie mice grow larger and live longer rather than normal aging and we do. Note that the growth process is also closely related to the body's cellular repair and healing process. Thus, it may not be biologically possible for a human to live a period 10 times longer while still repairing and healing broken bones, and so on, at the same rate we do today.

6 .- What would you have done something different in the initial meeting with senior White?

This is a difficult question because there are so many things I would have liked to do it again. In retrospect, I think that if he were back again, I had not so frightened as when I first met them, and I had my integrity questioned both mental as I did at that time. Instead, I wonder what Earth was like when they first came here, and so on.

After all, history is one of my interests. Of course, now that I'm an old man and after all these years have passed, probably this is only the condition of having lived through the event. The now say it should not have been scared, terrified, and reciting my favorite prayers and again after all those nights spent out there in the desert, alone, far from the others, with them coming up to me, without help probably just be wishful thinking. For example, now I say he should not have been afraid that morning at the Mountain Range in MH 1 that I describe in the chapter entitled "Is It For Nothing ..?" ("Is De Nada ..?"), because everything I tried to do Professor was thanking me for saving his life to his young daughter ... well ... talk is free. It was very frightening.

I think these are some of the sights and sounds, from my younger years helped me to be, thank God, the person I am today.

There are many things I would like to add in response to this question however, all I can say is that I personally believe that both the Whites and the Norwegian High 24 teeth, had an immense influence on recent history. Remember that, as the story in my book, both upper and Norwegian White 24 tooth strongly believe in democracy and individual freedoms, and in American values \u200b\u200bsuch as freedom of expression, etc..

8 .- Is there a Galactic Federation? Do they like each other from their eating habits and life?

I personally never saw any evidence that there galactic federation or that there ever existed a body of government policy. The Upper White personally always saw were traveling on their own or working and traveling with humans.

They were very proud of his ability to govern and care for themselves. Whites clearly Altos visit and negotiate with a host of other intelligent races, as evidenced by the words of Professor. However, they never gave me details of some of these materials. Remember that humans naturally enjoy playing and being with other animals, and therefore, naturally enjoy being around other races and friendly creatures, even when they are not as intelligent or advanced as us. Senior Whites in general were not at all well. They usually ate vegetables and were afraid of most animals. For example, they had no pet. The idea of \u200b\u200bforming federations may be a purely human idea. The Norwegians of 24 teeth with whom I spoke personally never referred to travel to another planet than Earth or interact with any other planet than Earth.
technology Norwegians 24 teeth just allowed them to make space travel from solar system to ours. Your solar system is approximately 5 to 6 light years away towards to Barnard's Star. Earth probably was the only inhabited planet they were able to visit.

9 .- Why are the authorities of the USAF at the base, they were given briefings to the men sent to remote areas where the Upper White seemed located?

Satellite Image - Mountain 1, 3, and 4.

Recalls that during the 7 years prior to my assignment at least 41 men previously had been sent abroad in the desert. The USAF had tried many different approaches, and all had failed. Encounter with an alien from another planet, at night, being alone in the desert is a terrifying experience and in no way a human can educate about what to expect. The USAF and the generals of the Upper White did not know what else to do trying to determine how to proceed. Senior White recalls that newcomers are more afraid of us than we are of them. Some training would occur on both sides.

10 .-
you ever bothered to explain what was happening, why these institutions were there, how could or should be interacting with each other, and what it was all the exercise?

No. But the reason detailed in my books. As described in my books, I stopped in the field of Mountain Range 4, and my friend, head of the "Range Rats", I cried when I returned to the Dividing Range 3: "This is about confidence," no? You and The Professor are the only two people ever have trusted each other, right? That's what they were doing out there under sunlight, right? You are teaching the rest of them, American Generals and Colonels White Altos, how to trust each other, right?

Interview with Charles Hall, Paola Harris and David Coote.

Related Link:

Altos Los Blancos, the case of Charles Hall (Part 1): Introduction to the case and interview
Paola Harris -
Altos Los Blancos, the case of Charles Hall (Part 3 and final): Interviewing and Analysis Michael Salla. Testimony of Charles Hall in Fastwalkers

Translated and subtitled by:
Zeta & Bala

Being Mean to Be


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