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Altos Los Blancos, the case of Charles Hall (Part 3 and final): Interview and Analysis Michael Salla. Testimony of Charles Hall in Fastwalkers

Dr. Michael E. Salla, PhD

What follows below is based on an interview with Charles Hall on December 2, 2004 on the existence of tall white aliens who met while serving in the Air Force Base and Nellis meteorologist from 1965 to 1967. Their experiences are recorded in his series of books in three volumes (now four), Millennial Hospitality. I read the first two volumes of his series of books and I kept my impressions in a small article . I got to open communication with Charles Hall by Paola Harris, who was the first major UFO researcher to investigate the case thoroughly.

In the interview, I made a series of questions and recorded their responses taking notes. My goal in conducting the interview was to get a broader idea about the motivations of the White Highlands and its meaning exopolitical on Earth. I begin this review of my first interview outlining my questions and answers of Charles Hall. I conclude with my assessment of the testimony and books that I personally think it is of vital importance as a possible declassification initiative that will attract much public attention and we take great relevance Exopolitics.

Michael E.
Salla, PhD

December 3, 2004 *********************

Interviewer: Michael Salla

Interviewee: Charles Hall


Translation: Zeta and Bala

1 .- Why labels the book as a work of fiction?

He had to protect themselves and colleagues with whom he worked. He changed the names to protect innocent people, including and including other workers. The people he replaced experienced severe psychological pressure and trauma. Some did not want to mention that what he did not give their real names. He says that everything that comes out in his books is real. It is the closest to a document about the events he experienced.

2 .- How could you remember all the conversation recorded in the book?
He did not keep a diary, but did so with a blog. Basically relied on his memory to write the book. He returned to experience the emotions to cover every experience, and this allowed him to collect the events and conversations. Essentially key episodes were stored in his mind. He had to sum up many conversations. Some discussions had to be rebuilt. Usually the conversations with others were summarized aviation / rebuilt. Conversations with senior White are fairly close to its integrity as the Upper White did not talk much. Men in White High, above all, did not speak almost nothing. Women Whites were more talkative senior men. If the tall whites were not going with their communications equipment, could not communicate. Charles wanted to capture all the emotions he experienced, and these are faithfully recorded in the book.

3 .- When did you start writing books?

first tried to tell their experiences to individuals, between 1965 and 1968. When he got a word processor in 1985, began the process of typing using floppy disks. Writing was a slow process due to technical and emotional as he returned to relive the experience and it took a long time. For example, it took 6 months to control their fears to the White High in 1965.

4 .- When you finish the book?

  • In the '80s he had trouble finding a potential publisher for his autobiography, and also had family responsibilities. In 2002 became unemployed and began to edit, enhance, and publish what he had written long ago. The editorial found,, let him publish it as a print on demand book where he controlled the copyrights, etc. He still is not satisfied with what has been published, and want to edit the first volume again. Basically the book was in progress from 1985 to 2002. The final edition was completed in late 2002 and early 2003.

5 .- Have you ever did you get pictures?

He never took pictures. When he was outside he was concerned only to stay alive, and taking photos was not part of it. At first he thought he was dreaming (which is why he believed that Area 51 is called "dream world"). This is one reason why they never thought to take pictures. Then when he realized that the tall whites were real, he was convinced to get out of there when he returned to his base, so I never thought of taking photos. 6.- ¿Sabes si alguno de tus otros colegas alguna vez le sacó fotos a los Blancos Altos?

Él no sabe, pero recordó que en un libro de tapa blanca publicado a comienzos de los '90 había un set de fotos de los Blancos Altos que, él cree, son auténticas. Estas fueron publicadas por una dueña de casa de Nueva Jersey que viajó a Albuquerque, Nuevo Mexico, y dijo que esperando en una autopista pública vio una nave exploradora y sacó seis fotos de los Blancos Altos que alcanzaban los 1.98 metros. Él creía que las fotos eran auténticas. Las implicaciones eran que algunos military had taken photos and they had been sent to the author who made a cover story on how she got the photos. He could not remember the name of the book or author.

7 .- Do you have approached certain agencies to inform you not to disclose the events of Nellis?

No. He said that meteorological information was never classified. As a meteorologist was never part of a classified project where they have taken oath. The orders gave Charlie were classified, but nothing he did was classified. That was a decision made by a committee that included White and other senior Pentagon. The idea was that Charlie would be free to interact with senior White without receiving continuous information. He said U.S. generals would do anything to establish a technology transfer. White generals to assassinate senior military would allow them if they were offended, threatened or damaged. He describes an incident in his book where a soldier had to beg for his life when a child yelled Blanco Alto. The only reason that the Upper White did not kill him, according to Charles, it was because he was a Blanco High approached the woman and her White High said that because the military had not damaged the child, the American generals would not understand why she would kill the soldier. Charles said that the generals but the soldiers thought they were expendable, and no murder will not stop due to the transfer of technology.

8 .- Other soldiers were killed by the Upper White because the offended?

He explained an incident in September 1965 near Indian Springs Mountains where the tall whites were the main hangar. One of the cover stories about sightings of the tall whites was that they were "bighorn sheep" of the desert. A hunter wanted to shoot one of the 'sheep' where the tall white lie, and tried with one child. The Upper White took him and brought him to the human guards were military personnel. Human guards shot him and told a fabricated story about his death accidental. The guards found his friend, he was beaten and put in prison for almost six weeks.

Charles said that usually if one does not hurt anyone and if he was disarmed by hiking, etc.., Whites do not bother Altos. Basically they would kill if they were threatened in any way. They believe in eye for an eye, tooth for tooth. If you do nothing to scare or hurt them, the worst thing that could make it politely get away with fright.

9 .- You say that the generals were desperate to share technology with the White Altos? Why do you say that?

They would do whatever was necessary to maintain good relations with senior White to get technology. High white teachers had conversations with Charles where he demonstrated this. American generals would not stop the White Altos if they were to kill military personnel wounded Upper White children. The Upper White exchanged technologies like radio and communications systems, but higher-speed technology to light. The technology exchange was made on the basis of only those technologies that would benefit the White Highlands, radios and communications as they could also be used if necessary.

He gave the example where the Upper White would help with a spaceship based on nuclear energy, but not propulsion systems for space travel. Technologies antigravity were not shared with the generals, which were able to travel to outer space. American generals were sometimes scout ships of the White Highlands, so the technology of the scout ships were shared to some extent, as the scout ships were made on Earth by using materials here with the help of the U.S. military. UU. Sometimes the tall whites participated in classified meetings and helped the development of technology. Charles describes the amount of technology transfer occurred. Basically, the Upper White participate in classified meetings to sit down and help with some questions.

10 .- Do you think the White Altos have been in the area of \u200b\u200bIndian Springs for a few hundred years?

Yes he said Pamela (a White High) was born in the valley during the era of James Madison. They like the Valley because it is hot and that is an important requirement for them.

11 .- What do you think are the motivations of the White High in terms of their presence on Earth?

They used the base as a place for your ship from outer space, as well as the Navy would U.S. with its base in the Pacific. They used the base to refuel, repair and overhaul his ship from outer space. He spoke about the great distances in space and the need to have a base on a planet like Earth, where they could get supplies, make repairs, etc. Because the ship from outer space came and went on schedule, they were involved in trade.

12 .- Do you think it just basically want to use Earth as a base for your trip in outer space, and have no ulterior motive to colonize the Earth or dominate national governments?

Yes, that's what he thought. From the point of view of the White Highlands, they are very happy with what they have, and the extension of their lives was over ten times ours. They took them ten times more aging and healing. They were amazed at how quickly Hall could be cured, and he describes how he watched in detail when a wound is healed in a day.
Charles argues that the tall whites are closed, and have no interests to dominate the Earth or to take the power of governments. They just want to maintain friendly relations with the U.S. government to continue using the base. He says that Whites Altos are not interested in dominating or colonizing Earth.

13 .- In volume three, describe an incident where you were burned by microwave weapons, can you give us details?

He said the Upper White temperament can change very quickly, from friendly to hostile. The pen gun was used against Charles in a misunderstanding that is detailed in his book, which was used settings iodine to cause internal bleeding. He remembers seeing a white woman who was friendly and Alta approached him when he lay on the ground wounded and she made a polite sort of dance around. In an email he described the woman as High White "a young woman, probably amounted to a young human woman of 19 years. She was approximately 1 meter from 78 to 1 meter 80. He was always accompanied by a man I assumed it was his brother, as both seemed to twins. She and I are not feared at all. For a few evenings when I produced a few balloons, she approached and stood behind or beside me, or stuck behind me. Often I approached a short distance and even showed a little scary. Likewise, when she approached to a certain point, I was not afraid of it. His brother, on the contrary, I am always afraid and always kept a distance from me (usually about 15 to 18 meters). Obviously he liked, but obviously never trusted me. For example, neck gave me back when he was near me ".

14 .- If this happened to you even after all the trust you develop with the White Highlands, what would this mean for the majority of humanity?

The idea that Whites can change with one senior and using weapons despite all the good things that have been made, it is generally correct. Senior Whites differ greatly in temperament and personality in relation to humans. He said an incident involving a White general Alto tolerates no discussion and could be cruel if he felt he was not being obeyed to the letter. But Dr. White High was quite friendly toward him a lot. So basically the Upper White are quite varied in terms of personality.

High Captain White described in the book of Charles was a pleasant enough fellow, but only closer to humans when necessary. He just wanted to know about humans to the point where I could help you do your job. A cultural difference was evident in the case where some Americans do about japonenses friends, but not necessarily would want to socialize with Japanese consumers. He emphasized that the tall whites vary tremendously in personality.
15 .- When was the last time you communicated directly with a White High?

He referred to what comes out in his book three where he goes into military service in Vietnam in 1967. Following that, no communication has been filed the White Highlands.

late Charles Hall.

There are many episodes that he has not included in the book. For example, in 1965 some U.S. generals were meeting with Senior General Whites through the military barracks where he slept. When did that start, he thought he was dreaming. He reminded the generals talking to the Upper White about bringing Air Force officers with a tall white scout craft. In an email, Charles detailing this:
"The American Generals were discussing the possibility that senior White will take two young officers American aboard the Space Shuttle Upper Black Whites (eg close to another star.) I personally saw the same American general with similar share of the white upper and out of the spaceship from the White Highlands.
"He thought the discussion was too risky to include it, because I felt that it was sensitive material was probably classified.

He emphasized on how the Upper White were the agreements to the letter. He put the example of an agreement that took him to the White Highlands. They basically never will appear out of nowhere from behind, frightening, and he would ensure never do the same to him or them. This agreement was fully followed in all interactions that Charles had with the White Highlands, and they helped him to survive. Basically he thought could be trusted in the White Altos once they had agreed on something.

Exopolitics Evaluation and Charles Hall

Charles Hall I found very credible and very convincing in their responses. Shows great integrity and is honest enough to describe only the facts concerning their experiences. He described his experiences with the White Highlands of very objective, and the emotional reality of the experiences were quite vivid and conveyed much information about your state of mind and seriousness of the experiences he had. The emotions that Charles describes in great detail objectively come to the point of impact he was experiencing in his vision of things, and vision of things to those around him.

Charles Knowledge of the interactions of the white upper with the generals of the U.S. Air Force is very enlightening in terms of how the agreements are followed to the letter. It seems that the tall whites are quite "legal" and this seems to be something the U.S. Army is beneficial to work with them. This is very important to exchange technology that Hall describes vital to the U.S. Army Senior Whites were quite clear that certain categories of technology would be shared. Categories which, presumably, would not give spaceflight capabilities outside the U.S. Army According to Charles, this exchange of technology collaboration involving U.S. to build scout ships used by the White Highlands. Delivering the required materials for the White Highlands, it is assumed, they would have helped U.S. scientists to understand the principles of space flight. Because this is what Charles observed in mid-1960, can be assume that it might have been trying older buildings with more advanced propulsion systems to nuclear energy. Exopolitical character question here is what would win or have won the White High in response to allow U.S. authorities to help build larger spacecraft? If technology was delivered to small scout craft in exchange for basing rights, what Earth's resources would be or have been marketed to major construction using advanced propulsion systems?

Charles Hall
unfolds in a very careful and very smart. He has a degree Master in nuclear physics and believed to have understood some of the important principles of propulsion system for space travel outside of the White Highlands. He has no trouble describing the bullying behavior of the White Highlands, and their preparation to use lethal force to protect themselves and especially to protect their children against potential threats, alleged, etc.. Even the surprise or scare the Upper White children could make senior White adults intimidate humans with their advanced weapons as clarified his book.

In his book he describes how the White Altos threaten death to humans by scare or disobey. In the interview, however, he focuses on how the White Altos only responded when they were threatened in some way. He emphasized that senior White followed the principle of "eye for eye, tooth for tooth", which is well understood in human society and is a principle that is found in biblical documents (law of retaliation). While it was clear that Charles was being as objective as I could, the discrepancy between the narrative of his book and the interview in terms of the conditions when the Upper White threatened to kill or intimidate military personnel and humans in general, suggested that he was painting a more comprehensive picture of their behavior in the book. This is something I hope he can clarify later as well help to contextualize the motivations of the White Earth Altos.

Charles describes the White Highlands, no hidden agenda on Earth in terms of colonizing it or taking the power of governments. He emphasizes the analogy of the use of overseas bases by U.S. Army as in the case of U.S. bases in Italy or the Pacific. The idea was that the use of such bases was simply to facilitate U.S. military operations, while at the same time recognize the sovereignty of the location and customs. So as the government / U.S. Army no reason hidden to control Italy through its base there, the Whites have no hidden motives Altos to control the Earth.

This is a controversial argument because the control of the bases along the different periods of history is questionable, and formed part of the dynamics that led to colonialism. In fact, the existence of military bases in Saudi Arabia were a major factor of influence on regional perceptions of U.S. motives in the Middle East, and influenced the events in Afghanistan and Iraq. If the White Earth High need as a base for operations in outer space and for trade, then it would be naive believe they have no interest in influencing human and political institutions. Human history shows that when foreign powers establish bases in a territory, it is difficult to remove and prevent these powers from interfering in political affairs of their own. Perhaps we have reached that point because of agreements between the secret committees managing the extraterrestrial affairs and the White Highlands.

Charles believes that senior White have been on Earth since at least the early 1950's, and probably hundreds of years or more based on what some told Senior White and images mental was when I read on the local history of Indian Springs. This will be a crucial issue to explore because obviously the time of first appearance of the White Earth Altos affect our assessment of its main goals here. If they have been here for a century or more, as suggested by Hall, and certainly believe it due to the same White Altos, then it would be safe to say that they have no hidden agenda to control the Earth. Presumably, they could easily have taken control of Earth in the early nineteenth follow. However, the Upper White came after Eisenhower agreements with extraterrestrials in 1954 (See then likely than Whites to have ulterior motives Altos beyond the mere fact refuel and repair their ships for the journey in space towards other interstellar locations. Technology time travel could be used by senior White to support the idea that they have been on Earth for centuries, but this could be completely fabricated.

I think that the tall whites were associated with meetings between Eisenhower and extraterrestrials in 1954 and later established their base in the area of \u200b\u200bIndian Springs in Nevada during that period. It was clear that Charles was influenced by subtle Upper White to believe they have been present at different periods of U.S. history The ability to refer to White Altos previous historical periods and their presence, possibly due to advanced technologies such as time travel they can use to influence our perception of historical presence. Naturally this will be controversial but it is vital that knowledge of the White High extends over and discussing its meaning exopolitical.
In short, my perspective is that Charles Hall testimony is very important information, which has a meaning exopolitical, and it is possible that the public interest spread. And various media are handling the story of Charles Hall as an event of greater disclosure and Hall obvious integrity, clarity and consistency is generating much public interest. Hall revelations about his experiences in the Air Force Base in Indian Springs Nellis between 1965 and 1967 will probably play a major role in the declassification of the alien presence, and help shape the understanding of the aliens and their presence in Earth.
© Michael E. Salla, PhD
December 3, 2004

Charles Hall describes as the Upper White pale white skin and a thin, frail body. As detailed in his book Millennial Hospitality:
"They had the typical thin and fragile body, white skin, big blue eyes and platinum blonde hair almost transparent. Like everything else in the White Highlands, his eyes were maybe two times larger than human eyes and extend to the sides of their heads than in humans, "

Video with English subtitles


- Interview and Analysis
Michael Salla.


Related Link:

- Altos Los Blancos, the case of Charles Hall (Part 1): Introduction to the case and interview
Paola Harris
Altos Los Blancos, the case of Charles Hall (Part 2): Interview by Paola Harris and David Coote

Translated and subtitled by:
Zeta & Bala

Being Mean to Be


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