By Richard M. Dolan
original version l: AfterDisclosure.com
Publication Date: April 2011 Translation
Zeta & Bala :
original version l: AfterDisclosure.com
Publication Date: April 2011 Translation
Zeta & Bala :
A Special Analysis Richard M. Dolan, April 2011
Our World Classified
Our World Classified
From the time of Pericles, the defenders of human freedom have promoted the virtues of an open debate within society, and complete freedom that to investigate citizens governments and the world. Whether in a home, a class or a nation, a free flow of ideas discussed critically and openly give us the best opportunity for intellectual growth and personal achievement.
The legendary physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer, the
express clearly and concisely. "There should be no barriers for freedom of research", wrote the man who led the Manhattan Project. "There is no place for dogma in science. The scientist is free, and must be free to ask any question, to doubt any assertion, to seek any evidence, to correct any error. "
Oppenheimer, a man of conscience and intellect that went halfway between the worlds of free inquiry and national security, had a good position to understand the deeper meaning of his words.
And yet, despite the wonders of the Web, our world is a place where free inquiry is the common denominator. Is a world where our reality is colored polished daily by the interests of global power, and in which most of what really happens is classified.
consider. The Library of Congress adds each year about 60 million pages to its collections, a huge storage area to the public. But also each year, the U.S. Government classified documents nearly ten times more than that - an estimated 560 million pages of documents. For scholars involved in politics, history, science, or archival work, the sad reality is that most government activities secret.
What is particularly irritating thing is that the nature of the scientific and academic activities that allow modern proliferation of secrecy. This contradicts what is supposed to do, at least according to proponents of an open society.
One of the reasons for this unhappy situation is due how science works. All academic and scientific research is said to be able to work from fully open and accessible sources. As Oppenheimer understood, scientific research must be available for research by any person. What defines it is the falsifiability. Is an important concept in science. If you lose the opportunity to "refute" a proposition - to prove it wrong - then it is not valid. In fact it may be true, but from the philosophical point of view, is not valid.
The enormous volume of classified material means that most of the activities of U.S. government (And we assume that most other governments and large institutions) are impossible to verify in some way. Because almost all scientists and scholars are confined to public sources for research, ended up with a version of reality that excludes the world of secrecy.
Indeed, the history of scientists and academics in the last century confirm the claim that they are not the ones to expose the secrecy out of control. Since they have done little about it.
In fairness, journalists have done better. But really not much better. Currently, most journalists are the same mold as his colleagues in laboratories and fairy tales. They work for large organizations with a defined hierarchy, they are narrowly defined guidelines within which to work, and generally meet someone else's agenda.
The few who try to expose the secretive world face the problem of using sources that are not always open, not always rebuttable. That is, using filtration, confirming multiple sources that may give clues to some - but not always confirmed. They say nothing of the professional pressures and even faced censorship to do their job.
And that, my friends, is one of the reasons why it has always been and always will remain, the prerogative the powerful.
The Secrecy Trail
The world has moved away from us, beyond the capacity of examination and criticism by free citizens. When we trace the evolution of this secrecy, we find it hard to do when things turn south. This has been happening for a long time. Modern secrecy is not a surprising result of our bureaucratic world, but development is discussed, most likely, a century ago by the great Max Weber (although I admit that my skills honed as ever Weberian are a bit worn now I suspect that Grande had a few things to say about it.)
Still, there are certain instances that accelerated the process. When in doubt, always look at the wars. In the twentieth century, two world wars were obviously important to create the massive machinery of state secrecy that surrounds our world today. During these confrontations were created intelligence communities, and once created, such things have had the dirty habit of hanging around there.
But students of secrecy often reviewed one of the most important creators of our world black budget. The UFO phenomenon.
If you spend much time on this problem, the UFO connection becomes evident. Imagine how the American President after the Second World War. Your country has just emerged victorious from the titanic struggle over human history. Even though you know lead to greater economic and military power in the world, the war has left an exhausted world desperately needs repair to proceed with the routine of life.
In this context, you find that there are "others" who are here. Other capabilities that go far beyond what your scientists to fathom. This is because, in the early 40s and to this day, U.S. and other military agencies have been following and trying to intercept aerial objects with extraordinary abilities of unknown origin. In addition, it is likely to learn something more: not only "they" are here, but your army has regained some of its technology. [Those wanting more information can check my two volumes of history , documenting this issue. For a short review of some UFO documents that are key see here]. Forget
Orson Wells and the panic of 1938 - it could be panic among the intelligentsia that manages the country and the world. What would you do
Well, one thing just would not do is reveal it to the world. Would need information first. Who are these beings? Do we have to worry about anything? What can we learn from their technology and science? How does this deprive our enemies (ie the Soviet Union)? How great would be a public panic? All logical questions.
organized at your best people and order them to create groups and protocols to study and monitor this information. May require a preliminary study to see what the best course of action. Nor could
tell the Congress, no matter what
was unconstitutional. Quite simply, Congress did not keep the secret. You would think that under no circumstances should know Congress.
However, if scientists want to study the technology, if you want the loyal cooperation of members to keep the secret, if you want a permanent infrastructure to deal with the continuing challenge posed by these other things - if you want all these things and numerous other partners to manage this problem - then you would need money in the end a lot of money. That would not come cheap. And the assignments should be kept secret.
Thus, the UFO phenomenon, which fell into the lap of the establishment of U.S. national security just after the Second World War, was one of the key instigators of what we now know as black budget.
The black budget, however, turned out to be just the beginning of the problem of secrecy.
What makes a civilization?
of heart and practice, I am a historian. Every so often, a particular question arises in my mind. While I admit its limited practical value, and certainly not something that most professional historians write, I find it fascinating to consider.
What constitutes a civilization dissident?
definitely one of the most extensive and difficult questions. Still, I think basically we sympathize with the matter. We know that colonial America was part of a different civilization compared to, say, the sixth-century Byzantine during the reign of Justinian. Or to us today, despite living in a world that owes much to the legacy of Western Europeans in recent centuries, however we live in a world that Voltaire could hardly have dreamed.
To answer the question we need to consider several factors. Of obvious importance would be the level science and the types of technologies they use, how to organize their members to each other, consistency and independence of their infrastructure. Then there is the dream state: How do people tend to see their place in the cosmos and see themselves? I think these questions give us a good start in order to clarify the matter.
One of the great themes of humanity over the past five centuries has been our great connection - slow but steady convergence of civilizations. Globalization did not begin with the Rockefeller, Rothschild, the Bilderberg Group or the Illuminati. It has been, first, a process of inexorable and implacable technology and economy policy is secondary. Since the last voyages of Columbus and Magellan, all humanity has been bound. Now, in an era of borderless electronic transactions, mobile phones, Google, Skype, Facebook, and YouTube, this process - though not all - has accelerated to the maximum.
I would never be arrogant, to Toynbee, to list each defined civilization has appeared on earth in the course of human history. My purpose is just to ask this question:
Since our world seems to move towards (admitting his bias) the confluence of civilizations, could be something that is still opposed? Besides, such a thing could happen in secret?
fully before you dismiss such speculation, notes that even within the last century, our world has seen examples of large infrastructure projects that were, if not secret, at least extremely incommunicado and very reserved. Consider the example of the Cold War. While U.S. and the Soviet Union were not really different civilizations, many people at that time saw it that way. The two companies had a high degree of autonomy from each other. Economic infrastructure were separated to a considerable extent. Within the dream state, living separate worlds incompatible ideologies. Secrecy among them was the basic ingredient of the case. Not only U.S. and Soviet scientists hid their research among them, but sometimes also followed completely different paths, occasionally reaching absurd levels (as in Soviet biologists were forced to repeat mechanically the fraudulent science of Trofim Lysenko ).
But forget the Cold War with its infrastructure and divergent secret. Currently, U.S. maintains a massive infrastructure of secrecy, with billions (or trillions?) that have been diverted to it, year after year. In other words, we know that the classified world has an impressive amount of money and deep secrecy. No doubt this. What we ask is: How advanced is the technology? What key advances could have achieved?
To illustrate, I will relate something that I was a former scientist at the National Security Agency. During a private conversation, he told me that at least some computers inside the NSA operated at a speed of 650 MHz in the mid 60s. Today, of course, that's well below the speed of a basic computer desk. Keep in mind, of course, that this speed does not fit with sales up to about 2000, a difference of 35 years. Since then, there were no computers for sale in 1965!
also recalls that in 1965, the NSA only
was discussed by the public. Its very existence was classified in its creation in 1952, and his name was mentioned for the first time, vaguely and in passing, in a government manual 1957. Only in 1964 was subject (very partially) for discussion in a book published . In other words, the NSA had the most advanced computing capabilities in the world, and almost nobody in the world knew it existed.
Now ask yourself, given (a) A big secret, (b) a lot of money, (c) several decades, (d) enough scientific geniuses working for you, and (e) an alien or alien technology to study, is it possible that key advances are achieved without that they are known? "So substantial advances that create new areas for scientific research, new technologies, new skills, new interactions with these" other "and result in a radical new understanding of the humanity and the cosmos in which we live?
Such changes would be "underground world so different that it could be considered a dissident civilization? One that has spread of ours?
I think the answer is yes. How
broke the classified world
Now back to UFOs, and build the most likely scenario based on what we know.
One thing is certain: some agencies or groups have been operating unmanned aerial vehicles that are far beyond the capabilities of any conventional aircraft. U.S. military aircraft and other nations have pursued. Not resemble any known vehicle. Sometimes they have invaded the restricted airspace.
If these UFOs are "our" or " them, "implies that there is a secret art infrastructure and in order to account for them, and they are using some advanced concepts in physics.
In addition, there is a strong likelihood that many UFOs have been recovered by military units. This is based on several official reports (including Roswell and many others), as well as unconfirmed statements (but many) for military personnel who have transmitted their knowledge to researchers. These include descriptions of alien bodies being examined, Frisbees being studied and replicated, and a wide range of space-based activity aimed at a special secret.
If, as I believe, some of the recovered UFO claims are true, imply that there has been a program to study and replicate. Could it be otherwise? No agency with a UFO crashed or shot down just sit idly by for sixty years, watching him.
No, do everything possible to understand it, no matter how far you will find the current state of science. The group that controlled it to secrecy at all costs, under many layers of deception and denial. That is quite clear. But then what would happen?
At some point, we must assume that advances in understanding occur, even if the alien artifacts could not be duplicated. Buried within the protection of national security structure highly privatized, who can definitely trace the stories behind some of the key patents of the Cold War? I think a number of developments related to solid state electronics, fiber optics, and other useful technologies could have been inspired to study exotic gifts.
Such advances involve investment attractive, generous profits, and zero reasons to reveal the "goose that lays the golden eggs." But we take beyond the stage. What if it reached higher Advances in the understanding? A better energy source, a system of electro-gravity propulsion, biotechnology or eliminating certain diseases?
I have no doubt that such progress would not be allowed to reach the outside world.
A new source of energy, especially if "free" or nearly free, demolish the oil industry, while some developments in biotechnology threaten to Big Pharma. These are two of the largest industries in the world.
greatest advances also threaten to destabilize society and challenge the power structure. Energy cheap and portable, as used by the Flying Saucers, revolutionize our world so dramatically that nobody can really figure out how the world would once made available. The same is true of the technologies that make people to live 150 years or more.
But just because certain discoveries and inventions be kept secret, no studies would be completed. We have seen that in the mid-'60s, the highly secret NSA computer technology was incredibly advanced for its time, is it possible that advances in the field of propulsion is achieved by the '60s if not before? Those were the positions of several leaks and rumors over the course of the years. If so, then conceivably have developed a small fleet of flying saucers at some point thereafter.
With a secret fleet of vehicles using drive fields and are able to explore beyond Earth's orbit, it is easy to see how the picture of the people involved in this program develop new perspectives of experience and imagination.
Such a group would be funded in secret and concealed by a combination of public and private funds. In fact, constitute an invisible empire, with superior technology to the world, able to explore areas of our world than to the rest of us. Likely to have significant infrastructure, underground and possibly significantly "out of civilization." You can even interact or encounters with nonhuman intelligences behind the UFO phenomenon. Chances are that this would to some extent about managing the problem of "others" are here on Planet Earth. All this would indicate that the group would have a cosmological scientific knowledge and deeper.
Yes, this could qualify as a civilization "dissident."
Such a group would have a great independence of power and control system established, though I doubt that its members always lived in a completely separate as a Alternative scenario 3. The most likely need to work on "our" world, by the mere fact that the Earth is the action. Probably should walk back and forth between the realities of the world deeply classified and official reality that the rest of us inhabit. Certainly not an easy life
What are you doing? What is the end game?
The Americans of my generation and before they were taught that living in a free country. Elegy for our leaders, and if we met, we could take them out and elect someone else. The government was responsible for the people. The secrets and crimes occurred, of course, but only if the system worked, the criminals could be exposed and brought to justice.
Now many people recognize this belief as it is idealized fantasy. One of the key components of a free society is freedom of information, and largely the system within the U.S. has been shot. In my own research and wander along the path of secrecy, I found a few names que habitan este mundo profundamente clandestino. Uno de ellos, en mi opinión al menos, debe ser famoso en virtud de su carrera, que estuvo en los niveles más altos del NORAD (Mando Norteamericano de Defensa Aeroespacial). En justicia, varios otros nombres que he encontrado también deberían ser famosos. Quién sabe, tal vez algún día lo sean. Pero por ahora, ninguno de ellos arroja algún resultado en algún buscador de la Web. En cuanto al conocimiento de alguien, simplemente no existen.
Por supuesto, esa es una historia antigua para aquellos que trabajan en el mundo de intriga y misterio de la inteligencia, pero creo que es verdad sobre todo para los miembros de la civilización disidente. Aprender sobre themselves and their world, therefore, is unlikely ever to happen until the truth about UFO reality is exposed - which of course one day happen - and relevant information is brought to light by the prosecution. Meanwhile, I speculate on the lives of the members of this world.
If we assume that here there are many "other" groups, which have extraordinary abilities, with a strong knowledge of our world, and motivated by agendas that were previously unknown or unconfirmed, consider how the classified world respond?
What follows is clear a combination of logic and confidential conversations I had during my travels in this area, as well as discussions with a few other researchers who in general are revealing the same stage. Silently, we are doing what we can to help us learn more about all this.
I think that the dissenting members of the civilization are recruited from the armies of several nations. It seems that the U.S. Navy is a key supplier of staff. But wherever they come, they work in secret, under many layers of denial. Those who have families do not give clues to their wives and children about what they actually do, which is to monitor and to some extent deal with the presence of these other beings. Obviously, these people would be sentenced to life imprisonment. Even after his retirement, they never really come to light.
His interests include not only advanced propulsion systems and weaponry, although they are important. I can not think, but other areas even beyond the bounds of respectable science: Improving PSI (ESP), memory management, and control of space-time. I think at least that some people who say "military abductees" have been taken and used in this way - but clearly not by the standards of the military branches. No, this one courtesy of our operation "dissident" group, which operates on a military case. Such actions are necessary from their point of view, because they know that these "other" operating in a manner that can affect the reality of space-time. Therefore may need your own picture to "see" and affect things through space and time.
dissident civilization is probably not unified. Certainly, the rivalries and competitions abound within the U.S. and the scenario of global intelligence. It is probably no different here, and no reason to suppose that the original incarnation of "MJ-12" is the only game in chess. Within the extent of U.S. intelligence structure There are many opportunities for rogue groups or at least divergent. I think this applies to civilization dissident, and logic is certainly there. The price, after all, is substantial: The knowledge of most advanced technologies and scientific concepts imaginable. The same diversity, incidentally, seems to apply to "other." Not all these beings cooperate with each other, but I have no idea if there are hostilities between them.
My assumption is based on a combination of facts and in addition to the leftovers of information that I have achieved. If I am right, then there is a network of attitudes and alliances behind the curtains. In this situation, having a framework could be quite valuable. However, I must emphasize that I can not test this scenario at present. I consider it a theory in progress.
I can only think that the dissenting members of the civilization are losing hope of ever educate the rest of humanity about what is happening. Your own reality probably go far beyond ours, so they can legitimately ask, how can they get to the stream without causing a global psychological dissolution?
But as I have felt for some time, neither they nor the "others" are the only games in
chess. The big variable in the equation of secrecy ourselves. That is, the orthodox human civilization is currently undergoing the most radical transformation in its history. In a mere century we have gone from a society where horses pulled the carriage to advanced computing and even space travel. As I stated in a number of talks, most experts in the field of artificial intelligence believe that we are only a generation that is far from the day the computer speaks to you, claiming to be a conscious entity. You might as well accept that. Then there is the future of nanotechnology, biotechnology, quantum computing. Just as Voltaire might not recognize our world today, we can hardly imagine the world that will exist in only half a century.
Unless derailed, the three is an inevitable fate: one in which we tested insurance and openly that the UFO phenomenon is real and that there are other intelligences involved in it.
Nothing worthwhile is easy. However, one day, humanity will force the door that imprisons. That will be a joyful day, but will also be bittersweet - ya que nos daremos cuenta de que la batalla por la verdad no ha terminado. Se necesitará luchar y ganar por nuestras nuevas verdades. Es el precio que debemos pagar inevitablemente por haber vivido tanto tiempo bajo el enorme peso de tales falsedades dominantes.
Sólo entonces comenzaremos el proceso de reintegrar toda la humanidad a la luz del día. Y sólo entonces -- finalmente entonces -- podemos reaccionar frente a los desafíos establecidos, para mejor o peor, por estos otros seres.

Oppenheimer, a man of conscience and intellect that went halfway between the worlds of free inquiry and national security, had a good position to understand the deeper meaning of his words.
And yet, despite the wonders of the Web, our world is a place where free inquiry is the common denominator. Is a world where our reality is colored polished daily by the interests of global power, and in which most of what really happens is classified.

What is particularly irritating thing is that the nature of the scientific and academic activities that allow modern proliferation of secrecy. This contradicts what is supposed to do, at least according to proponents of an open society.
One of the reasons for this unhappy situation is due how science works. All academic and scientific research is said to be able to work from fully open and accessible sources. As Oppenheimer understood, scientific research must be available for research by any person. What defines it is the falsifiability. Is an important concept in science. If you lose the opportunity to "refute" a proposition - to prove it wrong - then it is not valid. In fact it may be true, but from the philosophical point of view, is not valid.
The enormous volume of classified material means that most of the activities of U.S. government (And we assume that most other governments and large institutions) are impossible to verify in some way. Because almost all scientists and scholars are confined to public sources for research, ended up with a version of reality that excludes the world of secrecy.
Indeed, the history of scientists and academics in the last century confirm the claim that they are not the ones to expose the secrecy out of control. Since they have done little about it.
In fairness, journalists have done better. But really not much better. Currently, most journalists are the same mold as his colleagues in laboratories and fairy tales. They work for large organizations with a defined hierarchy, they are narrowly defined guidelines within which to work, and generally meet someone else's agenda.
The few who try to expose the secretive world face the problem of using sources that are not always open, not always rebuttable. That is, using filtration, confirming multiple sources that may give clues to some - but not always confirmed. They say nothing of the professional pressures and even faced censorship to do their job.
And that, my friends, is one of the reasons why it has always been and always will remain, the prerogative the powerful.
The Secrecy Trail
The world has moved away from us, beyond the capacity of examination and criticism by free citizens. When we trace the evolution of this secrecy, we find it hard to do when things turn south. This has been happening for a long time. Modern secrecy is not a surprising result of our bureaucratic world, but development is discussed, most likely, a century ago by the great Max Weber (although I admit that my skills honed as ever Weberian are a bit worn now I suspect that Grande had a few things to say about it.)
Still, there are certain instances that accelerated the process. When in doubt, always look at the wars. In the twentieth century, two world wars were obviously important to create the massive machinery of state secrecy that surrounds our world today. During these confrontations were created intelligence communities, and once created, such things have had the dirty habit of hanging around there.
But students of secrecy often reviewed one of the most important creators of our world black budget. The UFO phenomenon.
If you spend much time on this problem, the UFO connection becomes evident. Imagine how the American President after the Second World War. Your country has just emerged victorious from the titanic struggle over human history. Even though you know lead to greater economic and military power in the world, the war has left an exhausted world desperately needs repair to proceed with the routine of life.
In this context, you find that there are "others" who are here. Other capabilities that go far beyond what your scientists to fathom. This is because, in the early 40s and to this day, U.S. and other military agencies have been following and trying to intercept aerial objects with extraordinary abilities of unknown origin. In addition, it is likely to learn something more: not only "they" are here, but your army has regained some of its technology. [Those wanting more information can check my two volumes of history , documenting this issue. For a short review of some UFO documents that are key see here]. Forget
Orson Wells and the panic of 1938 - it could be panic among the intelligentsia that manages the country and the world. What would you do
Well, one thing just would not do is reveal it to the world. Would need information first. Who are these beings? Do we have to worry about anything? What can we learn from their technology and science? How does this deprive our enemies (ie the Soviet Union)? How great would be a public panic? All logical questions.
organized at your best people and order them to create groups and protocols to study and monitor this information. May require a preliminary study to see what the best course of action. Nor could
tell the Congress, no matter what

However, if scientists want to study the technology, if you want the loyal cooperation of members to keep the secret, if you want a permanent infrastructure to deal with the continuing challenge posed by these other things - if you want all these things and numerous other partners to manage this problem - then you would need money in the end a lot of money. That would not come cheap. And the assignments should be kept secret.
Thus, the UFO phenomenon, which fell into the lap of the establishment of U.S. national security just after the Second World War, was one of the key instigators of what we now know as black budget.
The black budget, however, turned out to be just the beginning of the problem of secrecy.
What makes a civilization?
of heart and practice, I am a historian. Every so often, a particular question arises in my mind. While I admit its limited practical value, and certainly not something that most professional historians write, I find it fascinating to consider.
What constitutes a civilization dissident?
definitely one of the most extensive and difficult questions. Still, I think basically we sympathize with the matter. We know that colonial America was part of a different civilization compared to, say, the sixth-century Byzantine during the reign of Justinian. Or to us today, despite living in a world that owes much to the legacy of Western Europeans in recent centuries, however we live in a world that Voltaire could hardly have dreamed.
To answer the question we need to consider several factors. Of obvious importance would be the level science and the types of technologies they use, how to organize their members to each other, consistency and independence of their infrastructure. Then there is the dream state: How do people tend to see their place in the cosmos and see themselves? I think these questions give us a good start in order to clarify the matter.

I would never be arrogant, to Toynbee, to list each defined civilization has appeared on earth in the course of human history. My purpose is just to ask this question:
Since our world seems to move towards (admitting his bias) the confluence of civilizations, could be something that is still opposed? Besides, such a thing could happen in secret?
fully before you dismiss such speculation, notes that even within the last century, our world has seen examples of large infrastructure projects that were, if not secret, at least extremely incommunicado and very reserved. Consider the example of the Cold War. While U.S. and the Soviet Union were not really different civilizations, many people at that time saw it that way. The two companies had a high degree of autonomy from each other. Economic infrastructure were separated to a considerable extent. Within the dream state, living separate worlds incompatible ideologies. Secrecy among them was the basic ingredient of the case. Not only U.S. and Soviet scientists hid their research among them, but sometimes also followed completely different paths, occasionally reaching absurd levels (as in Soviet biologists were forced to repeat mechanically the fraudulent science of Trofim Lysenko ).
But forget the Cold War with its infrastructure and divergent secret. Currently, U.S. maintains a massive infrastructure of secrecy, with billions (or trillions?) that have been diverted to it, year after year. In other words, we know that the classified world has an impressive amount of money and deep secrecy. No doubt this. What we ask is: How advanced is the technology? What key advances could have achieved?
To illustrate, I will relate something that I was a former scientist at the National Security Agency. During a private conversation, he told me that at least some computers inside the NSA operated at a speed of 650 MHz in the mid 60s. Today, of course, that's well below the speed of a basic computer desk. Keep in mind, of course, that this speed does not fit with sales up to about 2000, a difference of 35 years. Since then, there were no computers for sale in 1965!
also recalls that in 1965, the NSA only

Now ask yourself, given (a) A big secret, (b) a lot of money, (c) several decades, (d) enough scientific geniuses working for you, and (e) an alien or alien technology to study, is it possible that key advances are achieved without that they are known? "So substantial advances that create new areas for scientific research, new technologies, new skills, new interactions with these" other "and result in a radical new understanding of the humanity and the cosmos in which we live?
Such changes would be "underground world so different that it could be considered a dissident civilization? One that has spread of ours?
I think the answer is yes. How
broke the classified world
Now back to UFOs, and build the most likely scenario based on what we know.

If these UFOs are "our" or " them, "implies that there is a secret art infrastructure and in order to account for them, and they are using some advanced concepts in physics.
In addition, there is a strong likelihood that many UFOs have been recovered by military units. This is based on several official reports (including Roswell and many others), as well as unconfirmed statements (but many) for military personnel who have transmitted their knowledge to researchers. These include descriptions of alien bodies being examined, Frisbees being studied and replicated, and a wide range of space-based activity aimed at a special secret.
If, as I believe, some of the recovered UFO claims are true, imply that there has been a program to study and replicate. Could it be otherwise? No agency with a UFO crashed or shot down just sit idly by for sixty years, watching him.
No, do everything possible to understand it, no matter how far you will find the current state of science. The group that controlled it to secrecy at all costs, under many layers of deception and denial. That is quite clear. But then what would happen?
At some point, we must assume that advances in understanding occur, even if the alien artifacts could not be duplicated. Buried within the protection of national security structure highly privatized, who can definitely trace the stories behind some of the key patents of the Cold War? I think a number of developments related to solid state electronics, fiber optics, and other useful technologies could have been inspired to study exotic gifts.
Such advances involve investment attractive, generous profits, and zero reasons to reveal the "goose that lays the golden eggs." But we take beyond the stage. What if it reached higher Advances in the understanding? A better energy source, a system of electro-gravity propulsion, biotechnology or eliminating certain diseases?
I have no doubt that such progress would not be allowed to reach the outside world.

greatest advances also threaten to destabilize society and challenge the power structure. Energy cheap and portable, as used by the Flying Saucers, revolutionize our world so dramatically that nobody can really figure out how the world would once made available. The same is true of the technologies that make people to live 150 years or more.
But just because certain discoveries and inventions be kept secret, no studies would be completed. We have seen that in the mid-'60s, the highly secret NSA computer technology was incredibly advanced for its time, is it possible that advances in the field of propulsion is achieved by the '60s if not before? Those were the positions of several leaks and rumors over the course of the years. If so, then conceivably have developed a small fleet of flying saucers at some point thereafter.
With a secret fleet of vehicles using drive fields and are able to explore beyond Earth's orbit, it is easy to see how the picture of the people involved in this program develop new perspectives of experience and imagination.
Such a group would be funded in secret and concealed by a combination of public and private funds. In fact, constitute an invisible empire, with superior technology to the world, able to explore areas of our world than to the rest of us. Likely to have significant infrastructure, underground and possibly significantly "out of civilization." You can even interact or encounters with nonhuman intelligences behind the UFO phenomenon. Chances are that this would to some extent about managing the problem of "others" are here on Planet Earth. All this would indicate that the group would have a cosmological scientific knowledge and deeper.
Yes, this could qualify as a civilization "dissident."
Such a group would have a great independence of power and control system established, though I doubt that its members always lived in a completely separate as a Alternative scenario 3. The most likely need to work on "our" world, by the mere fact that the Earth is the action. Probably should walk back and forth between the realities of the world deeply classified and official reality that the rest of us inhabit. Certainly not an easy life
What are you doing? What is the end game?
The Americans of my generation and before they were taught that living in a free country. Elegy for our leaders, and if we met, we could take them out and elect someone else. The government was responsible for the people. The secrets and crimes occurred, of course, but only if the system worked, the criminals could be exposed and brought to justice.
Now many people recognize this belief as it is idealized fantasy. One of the key components of a free society is freedom of information, and largely the system within the U.S. has been shot. In my own research and wander along the path of secrecy, I found a few names que habitan este mundo profundamente clandestino. Uno de ellos, en mi opinión al menos, debe ser famoso en virtud de su carrera, que estuvo en los niveles más altos del NORAD (Mando Norteamericano de Defensa Aeroespacial). En justicia, varios otros nombres que he encontrado también deberían ser famosos. Quién sabe, tal vez algún día lo sean. Pero por ahora, ninguno de ellos arroja algún resultado en algún buscador de la Web. En cuanto al conocimiento de alguien, simplemente no existen.
Por supuesto, esa es una historia antigua para aquellos que trabajan en el mundo de intriga y misterio de la inteligencia, pero creo que es verdad sobre todo para los miembros de la civilización disidente. Aprender sobre themselves and their world, therefore, is unlikely ever to happen until the truth about UFO reality is exposed - which of course one day happen - and relevant information is brought to light by the prosecution. Meanwhile, I speculate on the lives of the members of this world.

What follows is clear a combination of logic and confidential conversations I had during my travels in this area, as well as discussions with a few other researchers who in general are revealing the same stage. Silently, we are doing what we can to help us learn more about all this.
I think that the dissenting members of the civilization are recruited from the armies of several nations. It seems that the U.S. Navy is a key supplier of staff. But wherever they come, they work in secret, under many layers of denial. Those who have families do not give clues to their wives and children about what they actually do, which is to monitor and to some extent deal with the presence of these other beings. Obviously, these people would be sentenced to life imprisonment. Even after his retirement, they never really come to light.
His interests include not only advanced propulsion systems and weaponry, although they are important. I can not think, but other areas even beyond the bounds of respectable science: Improving PSI (ESP), memory management, and control of space-time. I think at least that some people who say "military abductees" have been taken and used in this way - but clearly not by the standards of the military branches. No, this one courtesy of our operation "dissident" group, which operates on a military case. Such actions are necessary from their point of view, because they know that these "other" operating in a manner that can affect the reality of space-time. Therefore may need your own picture to "see" and affect things through space and time.
dissident civilization is probably not unified. Certainly, the rivalries and competitions abound within the U.S. and the scenario of global intelligence. It is probably no different here, and no reason to suppose that the original incarnation of "MJ-12" is the only game in chess. Within the extent of U.S. intelligence structure There are many opportunities for rogue groups or at least divergent. I think this applies to civilization dissident, and logic is certainly there. The price, after all, is substantial: The knowledge of most advanced technologies and scientific concepts imaginable. The same diversity, incidentally, seems to apply to "other." Not all these beings cooperate with each other, but I have no idea if there are hostilities between them.
My assumption is based on a combination of facts and in addition to the leftovers of information that I have achieved. If I am right, then there is a network of attitudes and alliances behind the curtains. In this situation, having a framework could be quite valuable. However, I must emphasize that I can not test this scenario at present. I consider it a theory in progress.
I can only think that the dissenting members of the civilization are losing hope of ever educate the rest of humanity about what is happening. Your own reality probably go far beyond ours, so they can legitimately ask, how can they get to the stream without causing a global psychological dissolution?
But as I have felt for some time, neither they nor the "others" are the only games in

Unless derailed, the three is an inevitable fate: one in which we tested insurance and openly that the UFO phenomenon is real and that there are other intelligences involved in it.
Nothing worthwhile is easy. However, one day, humanity will force the door that imprisons. That will be a joyful day, but will also be bittersweet - ya que nos daremos cuenta de que la batalla por la verdad no ha terminado. Se necesitará luchar y ganar por nuestras nuevas verdades. Es el precio que debemos pagar inevitablemente por haber vivido tanto tiempo bajo el enorme peso de tales falsedades dominantes.
Sólo entonces comenzaremos el proceso de reintegrar toda la humanidad a la luz del día. Y sólo entonces -- finalmente entonces -- podemos reaccionar frente a los desafíos establecidos, para mejor o peor, por estos otros seres.
Zeta & Bala
Ser Significa Ser
Ser Significa Ser
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