Sunday, May 8, 2011

Premature Menopause More Condition_symptoms

in Peru can not use the word impossible .- Subject of Asian wants to be president, Japanese brother farts in Peru is the most voted ... Basadre

Peruvian Problems (*)
writes: César Vásquez Bazán

Luciana León
The squash was a major beneficiary Alan votes for parliamentary elections.
What complicity with the parent or eight Rómulo León rooms! It shows the pretty face and a bit of ass and the problem is resolved democratically re-election, as evidenced by the attached video.

Decades ago, Dr. Pablo Macera gave a poignant statement of unusual candor. Without any fear, our illustrious historian said: Peru is a brothel . With this provocative sentence, Macera took over from Manuel González Prada and restarted the debate about the disorganization, inefficiency, incompetence and corruption rampant in the country's life, essential components of its structural crisis.

Do you doubt that assertion perhaps Macera has lost its validity? Please discuss what is happening today with politicians who claim antifujimoristas but defend to the hilt constitutional excrescence that dictatorship. Or put another way: There are a shell to postulate which can not change the constitution drafted by a dictatorship that once had no qualms no throw away the democratic Laws Act 1979.

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Macera Ten years before, in his suggestive Culture domination, Augusto Salazar Bondy disorder raised the issue of Peruvian quote ironic expressions of nationals from different eras.

With good reason, Salazar remembered the words of four prominent thinkers.

Manuel Lorenzo Vidal
in Peru can not use the word impossible.

July Chiriboga
If you have an enemy then give the law.

Victor Li Carrillo
In Peru the only force is illegal.

Mariano Cornejo
Between us, the only constant is provisional.

* * *

terrible thing for Peru is that the preceding sentences are more applicable today than yesterday. For example, in our country is impossible to use the word impossible. Anything can happen, for better or for worse. Politicians with foreign citizenship, such as Japan or the U.S. Keiko Fujimori Kuczynski Godard can become not only in Peru but presidential candidates. Undesirable to fart in Peru, such as sexual ill Ken'ji Fujimori, scion of the dictator, or the daughter of the offender alana Rómulo León happen to be the most voted candidates for Congress. (To achieve its goal of capturing votes and following the example of vedette Lucy Diaz, of corruption outfit Alan taught daubed her eyes and legs, actions that became his main political merits.)

Like Fujimori and the Japanese squash León, dishonest politicians can become the overnight in moralizing. Others may become trampling of freedom of the press in zealous advocates of freedom of expression. Have you noticed the amount of these specimens, current rulers of decency and chairs a few years ago were all kinds of money for their participation in negotiations as the tabloids , buying information line channels TV Guvarte contract, or Sanitas Procompr to? (No doubt, our memory is very short. Fades in a few weeks).

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not forget that in Peru there is still a high degree of compliance with laws. Now Also, if you want to settle with an enemy, the thing is simple. According to their taste and convenience, look for and report any law favors his opponent. Your success is guaranteed.

also in Peru continues to field the chance and the lack of planning. Actually, in our customs, the only stable is Acting as possible. Do not believe me? Then see the multitude of temporary employees hired in the private sector and public administration, or examine the successful practice of married and cohabiting arrimados .

Finally, whether we consider the activities of the broad sector urban informal or cost of drugs, you'll find in our country live demonstrations of the validity of the concealed, hidden.

One of the gravest errors of the present administration of President García Pérez is not doing anything to overcome these problems Peruvian secular.

(*) The above article was published César Vásquez Bazán Twenty years ago, on March 10, 1989, the Lima newspaper disappeared opinion, Section Public Square, p. 6. opinion was published by Editora La Republica, SA, being printed in the workshops of IMPREPSA. We present it with some updates from the contemporary political scene.


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