Recipe: Roasted Chestnuts
Ingredients: 1 kg of nuts, Salt to taste
Preparation: Make a hit in each chestnut, pre heat oven at full power, wash in abundant water and drain Let the nuts moist, sprinkle with salt, arrange on a tray and bake in hot oven until they are baked.
Now I'll post some awards and gifts received, thank you all for your affection.
Present Silvia Terencio (
Present Dulcinea (
Jandira (
Gifts Daniela (

schedules these premiums to all friends who visit my blog
This fofuxo (
Gifts Shalon site (
Present Lucia (
The award comes accompanied by this text
Born in Blog Fascination of Angel. Below is the text of the Angel.
"And therefore did this symbol of Friendship and Affection, feeling that at last have turned so many people around the world, and must be guarded and preserved! Without uncivil to no one decided to start this journey by five people who like a Many other, live together in my thoughts and especially in my coração.Esperançoso to repeat the act and appoint five other people who deserve your friendship always keeping the source of this symbol: the mentor and the whole blog that indicou.Sejamos a link a friendship, pure and global ... "Love, like to indicate to everyone, but without detracting from anyone, the nominees this year are:
forwarded to all friends who visit my corner
Prize Mami (
For this award, you have to say seven things you love and then pass this award to seven other people. 7 things
My Daughter / Husband
My family (parents, siblings, nephews, sister-in-law) My house
Computer Program
PSP, Animation, Poser
forwarded to all friends who visit my blog
Happy St. Martin, good week
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