First corrupts everything, the second is corrupt in itself. The soul of a servant rarely healthy enough to appreciate the freedom rages in the riots, or humiliated in the chains.
Although these rules would apply to all America, think more justly the merits Lima for the reasons I have outlined, and the cooperation it has given to their masters against their own brothers, the illustrious sons of Quito, Chile and Buenos Aires.
is constant than that aspires to freedom, at least he tries.
guess in Lima will not tolerate rich democracy, or freed slaves and brown the aristocracy, the former prefer the tyranny of one, if not riotous suffer persecution and even establish a peaceful order. Much will if he can regain his independence. "

Montonero Peruvian War of Independence (Estampa de Pancho Fierro)
an American Response to Southern gentleman this island (Jamaica Letter)
Simón Bolívar
Kingston, September 6, 1815
Sir, I hasten to answer the letter of Jan. 29 you did me the honor, and I received with the greatest satisfaction. Sensible as I
, the interest you have wanted to take over the fate of my country, and grieve with her for the torments that have, since its discovery until recent times, by the English destroyers, I feel less commitment when I put the caring demands that you make me on the most important objects of American policy. So I am in a conflict between the desire to reciprocate the trust with you on my side, and the impediment to satisfy both the lack of documents and books, but because of the limited knowledge I have of a country as vast, varied and known as the New World.
In my opinion it is impossible to answer the questions with which you have honored me. Baron von Humboldt himself, his universality of knowledge and skills, just as you would with accuracy, because although some of the statistical revolution in America is known, I dare say that most are covered with darkness, and consequently , only conjectures can be offered more or less approximate, especially with regard to the future fortunes, and the real projects of the Americans, because many combinations provides the history of nations, is susceptible of as many as ours by their physical positions, by the vicissitudes of war, and political calculations.
As conceptualized forced me to pay attention to letters from you, no less than their philanthropic view, I encourage you to direct these lines, which you certainly will not find the bright ideas you want, but if the naive expressions my thoughts.
"Three centuries ago," you say, which began the English atrocities committed in the great hemisphere of Columbus. " Outrageous that this age rejected as fabulous, because they seem beyond human perversity, and would never be believed by the modern critic, if constant and repeated these infamous documents testify not true. The philanthropic Bishop of Chiapa, the apostle of America, Las Casas, has left to posterity a brief account of them, extracted from the summary that followed in Seville to the conquerors, with the testimony of many respectable people were then in the New world, and the processes which were tyrants among themselves, as evidenced by the most sublime historians of that time. All have done impartial justice to the zeal, truth and virtues of that friend of humanity, with so much fervor and determination complained to their government and most horrific contemporary acts of a bloodthirsty frenzy.
With what emotion of gratitude I read the passage in your letter that I said "he hoped the events that then followed the English arms, now join those of their opponents, the very oppressed South Americans." I take this hope as a prediction, if the courts decide the disputes of men. The event will crown our efforts, because America's destiny is irrevocably fixed: the tie that bound her to Spain is cut: the view was all his strength, for it narrowed the parties mutually that in mensa monarchy, so before the linking and divided, the greater the hatred that the Peninsula has inspired us to the sea that separates us from it; less difficult is to unite the two continents, to reconcile the spirits of both countries. The habit of obedience, a trade interests, lights, religion, a reciprocal kindness, a tender regard for the cradle and the glory of our fathers, in short, everything that was our hope, we came from Spain. From this was born the beginning of accession that seemed eternal, notwithstanding that the misbehavior of our rulers relaxing this sympathy, or, rather, this attachment forced by the rule of dominance. When this happens the contrary, death, dishonor, as it is harmful, we are threatened and fear: all suffer from this unnatural stepmother. The veil is torn and we have seen the light and we want to get back into the darkness: they have broken the chains, and have been free, and our enemies seek to enslave us again. Therefore, despite American combat, and despair not seldom dragged behind them the victory. Because
successes have been partial and alternate should not be wary of fortune. In a triumph of in-dependent parts, while the tyrants in different places, get their benefits, and what is the end result? Is not the entire New World, moved and armed for defense? Let's take a look and watch a fight simultaneously in the same area of \u200b\u200bthis hemisphere.
The warlike state of the provinces of Río de la Plata has served his country and led his victorious arms to Upper Peru, stirring to Arequipa, and upsetting Lima realistic. About a million people there enjoy their freedom.
The kingdom of Chile, a town of eight hundred thousand souls, is dealing do against their enemies that seek to dominate, but in vain, for those who previously put an end to his conquests, the indomitable Araucanian free are your neighbors and countrymen; and sublime example is enough to prove that the people who love independence, finally achieved.
The Viceroyalty of Peru, with a population of one million and a half, is undoubtedly the most submissive and most have started sacrifices for the cause of the king, and well they are vain that concerning relations portion of America is indubitable that is neither quiet nor is it able to resist the flood that threatens most of its provinces.
New Granada that is, so to speak, the heart of America, due to a general government, except the kingdom of Quito with the greatest difficulty containing his enemies, being heavily addicted to the cause of their country, and the provinces of Panama and Santa Marta suffering, not without pain, the tyranny of their lords. Two and a half million inhabitants are spread throughout the land that currently defend against the English army under General Morillo, which is likely to succumb before the impregnable fortress of Cartagena. But if he takes it will be at great loss, and certainly lack of sufficient forces to subdue the moderating and brave inhabitants of the interior.
For Venezuela the heroic and unfortunate events there have been so rapid and its devastations such that almost reduced to absolute poverty to a terrible loneliness, yet it was one of the most beautiful countries of those who were the pride of America. His tyrannical rule a desert, and only oppress sad remnants that escaped death, lead a precarious existence, some women, children and elderly are left. Most of the men have perished rather than be slaves, and those who live, fight furiously in the fields and villages until they expire or internally into the sea to those insatiable for blood and crime, the first rival monsters that got rid of the race early America. About one million people has had in Venezuela and without exaggeration can be surmised that a quarter has been sacrificed for the land, the sword, famine, pestilence, pilgrimages, except the earthquake All results of the war.
In New Spain had in 1808, as we see in the Baron de Humboldt, seven million eight hundred thousand souls, including Guatemala. Since that time, the insurrection that has shaken almost all provinces has decreased significantly this computation that seems accurate, since more than one million men have perished, as you can see in the exhibition of Mr. Walton described fidelity the bloody crimes committed in that opulent empire. There the fighting force kept human sacrifices and all species, for nothing save the English provided subject to achieve those who have had the misfortune to be born into this soil, which seems destined to become soaked with the blood of their children. Nevertheless, the Mexicans will be free, because they have embraced the party of the country, with the resolution to avenge his past, or follow to the grave. Reynal and they say with: it was time anyway, to pay the English torture with torture and drown that breed of killers in their blood or at sea.
The islands of Puerto Rico and Cuba, which together may form a population of seven hundred to eight hundred thousand souls, are the most quietly have the English, because they are out of contact of the independents. But what these islands are not American? Are not abused? Do not you wish your welfare?
This painting shows a military scale, two thousand nine hundred miles in length and latitude in its greatest extent in that sixteen million Americans defend their rights, or are compressed by the English nation that was at one time even the greatest empire of world, their remains are now powerless to rule the new hemisphere and even to stay in the house. ~ ~ What freedom-loving allow an aged snake poison only to satisfy his anger, ta devour most beautiful part of our globe? What! Is Europe deaf to the cries of her own interests? Do not have no eyes to see justice? So much has to be this hard insensible? These questions I ponder the more the more I'm confused, I come to think that we aim to clear the Americas, but it is impossible because Europe is not Spain. What madness of our enemy hope to reconquer America, no navy, no treasures, and almost no soldiers! For those who have are barely enough to retain their own people in a violent obedience, and fend off its neighbors. On the other hand, can this nation to the exclusive commerce of half the world without manufacturing. Without regional productions, without arts, without science, without politics? Achieved it was this crazy business, and assuming more, even peace is achieved, the children of U.S. existing ones with those of European conquerors, did not return to form within twenty years the same patriotic designs now are fighting?
Europe would be well to Spain dissuade her stubborn recklessness, because at least you save the costs expended, and the blood spilled, so that fixing their attention on their own premises, and found its prosperity and power over more solid foundation than the uncertain gains, a poor trade and violent charges in remote villages, and powerful enemies. Europe itself in view of sound policy should be developed and implemented the project of American independence, not only because the balance of the world demands it, but because it is the legitimate and secure trade grocery stores purchased. Europe is not troubled by the violent passions of revenge, ambition and greed, like Spain, seems to have been authorized by all laws of equity to illustrate on their well-understood interests.
many writers have discussed the matter agreed with this part. Accordingly, we rightly expect that all civilized nations would rush to our aid, so that adquiriésemos a good whose benefits are reciprocal to both hemispheres. However, how frustrated hopes! Not only Europeans. but North to our sisters have been apathetic bystanders in this struggle, which by its essence is the fairest, and its results the most beautiful and important of any which have arisen in ancient or modern, why far can calculate the significance of freedom in the hemisphere of Columbus?
"Bonaparte's felony-lit," you say to Carlos IV and Fernando VII, king of this nation, that three centuries imprisoned with treason two monarchs of South America, is a clear act of divine retribution, the same time, proof that God upholds the just cause of the Americans, and grant them independence. "
seems that you want to refer to the monarch of Mexico Moctezuma, Cortes imprisoned and killed, according to Herrera, the same, but Solis says the town, and Atahualpa, the Inca of Peru, destroyed by Francisco Pizarro and Diego Almagro. There is this difference between the fate of the English kings and the kings Americans who can not be compared, the former are treated with dignity, preserved, and finally regain their freedom and the throne, while the latter suffer untold torments and most shameful vilification . If Guatimozin Moctezuma's successor, is treated as emperor, and they put the crown, was to ridicule, not respect, for you to experience this mockery before torture. Equal to the fate of the monarch were the king of Michoacán, Catzontzin, the Zipa of Bogota, and how toquis, Imas, Zipas, Ulmenes, Chiefs and other Indian dignitaries succumbed to English rule. The success of Fernando VII is similar to that which took place in Chile in 1535 with the Ulmen of Copiapo, then prevailing in that region. The English Almagro pretext, like Bonaparte, take up the cause of the legitimate sovereign and, therefore, calls the usurper, as it was Fernando in Spain, appears to restore the legitimate state X and ends up chained to throw flames unhappy Ulmen, inadvertently or even listening to his defense. This is an example of Fernando VII and his usurper, the only suffer exile European kings, the Ulmen of Chile ended his life in a horrible way.
"After some months, he adds you," I have many thoughts on the situation of the Americans and their hopes for the future, I take great interest in their events, but I lack many reports on current status and what they aspire, desire infinitely knowing the policy of each province as well as their population if they republics or monarchies, if they form a great republic, or a great monarchy. Any news of this kind that you can give me or point me to sources I should occur, considers as a very special favor. "
generous souls always interested in the fate of a nation that strives to regain the rights that the Creator and nature have given it, and it must be fascinated by error or by passion not to harbor this noble sensation, you have thought about my country, and cares for him, this act of kindness inspires me the most heartfelt gratitude.
I told the estimated population of more or less accurate data, a thousand circumstances make failed, no easy remedy this inaccuracy, because most of the residents have rooms countryside, often wandering, being farmers, herders, nomads, lost amid dense and massive forests, solitary plains, and isolated from lakes and rivers. Who will be able to form a complete statistics of such regions? In addition, taxes paid by the Indians, the plight of slaves, the first fruits, tithes and duties incumbent on the tenants, and other accident away from their homes to poor Americans. This without mentioning the war of extermination that has already reaped about one-eighth of the population, and has scared off a large part, because then the difficulties are insurmountable and the registration will come to halve the actual census.
is even more difficult to sense the future destiny of the New World, to establish principles on policy, and almost prophesying the nature of government that will take. Any idea on the future of this country seems risky. Can you provide when mankind was in its infancy, surrounded by so much uncertainty, ignorance and error, which would embrace the regime for conservation? Who would have dared to say such a nation would be a republic or monarchy, it will be small, it great? In my opinion, this is the image of our situation. We are a small human race, we have a world apart, surrounded by dilated seas, new in most arts and sciences, although somewhat old in the uses of civil society. I consider the current state of America, as when the Roman Empire collapsed each dismemberment formed a political system, according to their interests and situation, or following the particular ambition of some leaders, families or corporations, with the notable difference that those members scattered again to restore its ancient nations demanding changes things or events, but we barely retain vestiges of what once was, and on the other hand we are not Indians nor Europeans, but a mixture between the species rightful owners of the country and the English usurpers in short, while we were Americans by birth, our rights and those of Europe, we have to fight them to the country and stay in it against the invasion of the invaders, and we find ourselves in the most extraordinary and complicated. However it is a kind of divination indicate what the outcome of the policy line that America continues, I dare venture a few guesses, of course, characterized as arbitrary, dictated by a rational desire, and not a probable reason.
The position of the inhabitants of the hemisphere, has for centuries been purely passive, their political existence was void. We were in an even lower degree of servitude and, therefore, more difficult to elevate the enjoyment of liberty. These considerations allow me to raise the issue. States are slaves by nature of their constitution or by abuse of it, then a nation is a slave, when the government, by their nature or their vices, holla and usurps the rights of the citizen or subject. Applying these principles, we find that America was not only deprived of their freedom, but also active and dominant tyranny. Let me explain. In absolute governments do not recognize limits on the exercise of governmental powers: the will of the great Sultan Khan Bey and other despotic rulers, is the supreme law, and it is almost arbitrarily executed by the Pashas, \u200b\u200bkhans and princes junior Turkey and Persia, who have organized oppression of the subjects involved because of the authority entrusted to them. They are responsible for civil administration, military, politics, income, and religion. But in the end are the heads of Isfahan Persian, Turkish viziers are the great lord, are Tartars sultans of Tartary. China does not seek mandarins, soldiers and scholars to the land of Genghis Khan who conquered, although the Chinese today are direct descendants of the subjugated by the ancestors of the present Tartars.
How different from us! We are vexed by a conduct which, in addition to depriving us of our rights corresponding left us in a sort of permanent infancy with regard to government transactions. If we had even managed our domestic affairs in our internal administration, we would know the course of public affairs and its mechanism, dwell also imposed personal consideration in the eyes of the people some respect that is so mechanically necessary to keep the revs. That is why I said we were deprived even of active tyranny because we are not allowed to perform their duties.
Americans in the English system is force, and perhaps more strongly than ever, do not take place in society other than their own slaves to work and, at best, that of mere consumers, and even this part alibi with galling restrictions, such are the prohibitions of the crop fruit in Europe, the monopoly of the king monopolized production, impairment of the factories that do not have the same peninsula, the exclusive privileges of trade to the objects of primary necessity, the barriers between provinces and American provinces to avoid dealt with, understand, or negotiate, in short, do you want to know what our destiny? Fields to cultivate indigo, cochineal, coffee, sugarcane, cocoa and cotton; the solitary plains for raising cattle, desert to hunt wild beasts, the bowels of the earth to dig the gold that can not satisfy a greedy nation.
So negative was our state that I find similar in any other civilized partnership, even running through the series of ages and the policy of all nations. To pretend that a country so happily established, extensive, rich and populous to be merely passive, is not it an outrage and a violation of human rights?
We were, as I have said, and abstracted, as it were, absent from the universe as it is on the science of government and state administration. We were never viceroys or governors but very unusual cases, archbishops and bishops rarely, ever diplomatic, military only as a junior, nobles, without royal privileges, were not, in short, neither magistrates nor financiers, and hardly even merchants all in direct contravention of our institutions.
Emperor Charles V formed a pact with the discoverers, conquerors and settlers of America, says Guerra, is our social contract. The kings of Spain agreed solemnly who carry with them at your own risk, prohibited from doing so at the expense of the exchequer, and for this reason, they conceded that they were gentlemen land, organized by the administration and the judiciary exercised on appeal, with many exemptions and privileges that would be tedious to detail. The king never undertook not to dispose of the American provinces, and that he played no jurisdiction other than the high command, being a kind of feudal property which the conquerors were there for themselves and their descendants. At the same time there are specific laws that favor almost exclusively to the natives, from Spain, as to civil, ecclesiastical and income. On the way to a clear violation of the laws and covenants subsisting, have been depriving the natives of the constitutional authority that gave them their code.
From what I have referred, is easy to deduce that America was not prepared to let go of the metropolis, and suddenly it happened by the effect of illegal transfers of Bayonne, and the unjust war that we declared the regency no right to do so not only by the lack of justice, but also of legitimacy. The nature of the English governments, their decrees warning measures and hostile, and the entire course of his desperate conduct of greatest merit have been written in the English newspaper, authored by Mr. White, and being there is part of our story well treated, I just to indicate.
Americans have risen suddenly and without prior knowledge and making it more responsive, without the practice of public affairs at the scene to represent the world the eminent dignity of legislators, judges, administrators of the treasury, diplomats, generals , and how supreme and subordinate authorities form the hierarchy of an organized state regularly.
When the French eagles respected only the walls of the city of Cadiz, and his flight overwhelmed the fragile government of the peninsula, then stayed in the orphanage. He had earlier been delivered to the mercy of a foreign usurper. Then flattered justice that we had, with hopes mocked always flattering, and finally, uncertain about our future destiny, and threatened by anarchy, because of the lack of a legitimate, fair and liberal, we rushed into the chaos of the revolution. At first I was careful only to provide internal security, which contained the enemies among us. Then it spread to the external security authorities were established to replace those we had to depose responsible for directing the course of our revolution and seize the happy moment when we found a possible constitutional government worthy of this century and adapted to our situation.
All the new government marked its first steps with the establishment of popular assemblies. These regulations formed then for the calling of conferences that produced important alterations. Venezuela built a democratic and federal government, declaring in advance human rights, maintaining the balance of power and statues general laws for civil freedom of the press and others, finally, an independent government was formed. La Nueva Granada continued uniformity and political establishments Venezuela made many reforms, putting on a fundamental basis of its Constitution the federal system more exaggerated than ever existed; recently been improved with respect to power executive officer, who has won many responsibilities incumbent. As I understand, Buenos Aires and Chile have followed this same line of operations, but since we are so far away, the documents are so rare, and the news so inaccurate, it will encourage me even to sketch the picture of your transactions.
events in Mexico have been too many, complicated, fast and unhappy to be followed in the course of the revolution. Lack also quite instructive documents that make us able to judge. The independent Mexico, for all we know, were beginning to their uprising in September 1810 and a year later, had centralized su gobierno en Zitácuaro, instalado allí una junta nacional bajo los auspicios de Fernando VII, en cuyo nombre se ejercían las funciones gubernativas. Por los acontecimientos de la guerra, esta junta se trasladó a diferentes lugares, y es verosímil que se haya conservado hasta estos últimos momentos, con las modificaciones que los sucesos hayan exigido. Se dice que ha creado un generalísimo o dictador que lo es el ilustre general Morelos; otros hablan del célebre general Rayón; lo cierto es que uno de estos dos grandes hombres o ambos separadamente ejercen la autoridad suprema en aquel país; y recientemente ha aparecido una constitución para el régimen del Estado. En marzo de 1812 el gobierno residente en Zultepec, presented a plan of peace and war to the viceroy of Mexico designed with the most profound wisdom. It claimed the law of nations established principles of indisputable accuracy. He suggested the board that the war hiciese as brothers and fellow citizens, then that should be more cruel than among foreign nations, that the rights of nations and of war, for the same inviolable infidels and barbarians, Christians should be more to subject a sovereign and the same laws, that prisoners were not treated as guilty of treason, which was slaughtered or surrendered their arms, but kept as hostages to exchange them, that does not enter blood and fire on peaceful people , not decimated or removed to sacrifice and concludes that if not accepted this plan, reprisals would be observed strictly. This negotiation was treated with the highest contempt, not responded to the national board, the original communications were publicly burned in the Plaza de Mexico, the executioner, and the continued war of extermination by the English in his anger used, while Mexicans and other American nations did not, even to death with prisoners of war who were English. Here we see that for reasons of convenience retained the appearance of submission to the king and even the constitution of the monarchy. It seems the national board is quite the exercise of legislative, executive and judiciary, and the number of its members very limited.
events on the mainland we have proven that representative institutions are perfectly suited to our nature, customs, and current. In Caracas the party spirit took its origin in societies, assemblies and popular elections, and these games we turned to slavery. And as Venezuela has been the American republic that has been most advanced in its political institutions, has also been the clearest example of the ineffectiveness of the democratic and federal for our nascent states. In New Granada excessive facultades de los gobiernos provinciales y la falta de centralización en el general han conducido aquel precioso país al estado a que se ve reducido en el día. Por esta razón sus débiles enemigos se han conservado contra todas las probabilidades. En tanto que nuestros compatriotas no adquieran los talentos y las virtudes políticas que distinguen a nuestros hermanos del Norte, los sistemas enteramente populares, lejos de sernos favorables, temo mucho que vengan a ser nuestra ruina. Desgraciadamente, estas cualidades parecen estar muy distantes de nosotros en el grado que se requiere; y por el contrario, estamos dominados de los vicios que se contraen bajo la dirección de una nación como la española que sólo ha sobresal ido en fiereza, ambition, revenge and greed.
is harder, Montesquieu says, take a people from bondage, to subdue one free. This truth is proven by the annals of all time, that show the most of free nations under the yoke, and very few of the slaves regain their freedom. Despite this conviction, the South Americans have made efforts to obtain liberal institutions, and even perfect, no doubt, the effect of instinct with all men aspire to the greatest possible happiness, which infallibly reaches civil societies, when they are founded on the principles of justice, freedom and equality. But we we able to maintain proper balance the difficult burden of a republic? Is it conceivable that a people recently triggered, it launches the area of \u200b\u200bfreedom, without which, like Icarus, the wings will fall apart, and falls into the abyss? Such a prodigy is inconceivable, never seen. Consequently, there is no plausible reason, we compliment with this hope.
I want more than anyone to see the formation in America the greatest nation in the world, except for its size and wealth as by her freedom and glory. Although I aspire to the perfection of the government of my country, I can not persuade me that the New World at the moment is governed by a large republic as it is impossible, I dare not desire it, and even less desire for a universal monarchy of America, because this project without being useful, it is also impossible. The abuses that currently exist do not be reformed, and our regeneration would be fruitless. The American states need the care of paternal governments to heal sores and wounds of despotism and war. The country, for example, would be Mexico, which is the only one that can be for its inherent power, without which no metropolis. Suppose that the Isthmus of Panama was the central point for all sides of this vast continent, do not continue them in languor, and even in the current mess? To government gives a single life, anime, put into action all the springs of public prosperity, edit, illustrate and refine the New World would be necessary had the powers of a God and, at least, lights and virtues of all men .
The party spirit that this shakes our states, then would go on to more anger, being absent from the power source, which can only suppress it. In addition, the magnates of capital would not suffer the preponderance of the Metropolitan, who considered as so many tyrants, his jealousy come to the point of comparing them with the odious English. Finally, a monarchy would like a giant deformed, than their own weight plummet to the lowest seizure. M.
has wisely divided America into fifteen or seventeen states independent of each other, governed by as many monarchs. I agree as to what first, as the Latin implies the creation of seventeen nations in the latter, although it is easier to get, is less useful, and so I am of the opinion of American monarchies. Here are my reasons. The enlightened self-interest of a republic are circumscribed in the field of conservation, prosperity and glory. No empire exercising freedom, it is precisely the opposite, no stimulus excites Republicans to extend the terms of his nation, to the detriment of their own, with the sole purpose of engaging their neighbors a liberal constitution. Acquire no right, no beating them take advantage, unless you reduce them to colonies, conquests and allies, following the example of Rome. Highs such examples are in direct opposition to the principles of justice Republicans systems, and even say more, in outspoken opposition to the interests of its citizens, because a too large state itself or its agencies, comes after decline, and become free as a tyranny, relaxes the principles to be retained, and finally to despotism occurs. The distinctive feature of small republics is permanence: that of the great is various, but always leans to the empire. Almost all the former have had a long duration of the second Rome remained only a few centuries, but it was because it was Republic's capital and it was not the rest of their domains that are governed by laws and institutions.
very opposite is the policy of a king, whose constant slope will be directed to their wealth, riches and power, with reason, because their authority grows with these acquisitions, both with respect to its neighbors, and their own subjects who fear him as a formidable power As is the rule that is preserved through war and conquest. For these reasons I think that Americans eager for peace, science, arts, commerce and agriculture, would prefer the republics of the kingdoms, and I think that these desires are satisfied with the view of Europe.
not agree to the federal system between the popular and representative, being too perfect and require political virtues and talents far superior to ours, for the same reason I refuse mixed monarchy aristocracy and democracy that so much wealth and splendor has sought to England . Siendones not be achieved between the republics and monarchies the most perfect and finished, we avoid falling into demagogic anarchy, monocratic or tyrannies. Let's find a middle ground between opposing ends that lead us to the same pitfalls, the misery and dishonor. I'm going to risk the result of my musings on the future destiny of America, not the best, but what is more affordable.
By the nature of the towns, wealth, population and character of Mexicans, I imagine they will try at first to establish a representative republic, which has great powers the executive branch, targeting an individual who, if it performs its functions correctly and justice will come almost naturally to keep a lifelong authority. If your disability or violent driving a shock administration popular triumph, that same executive may be made available in an assembly. If the dominant party is military or aristocratic, is likely to require a monarchy which initially will be limited and constitutional, and then inevitably decline in absolute, because we agree that nothing is more difficult in the political order that the maintenance of a mixed monarchy, and must also agree that only a people as patriotic as English is able to contain the authority of a king, and sustain the spirit of freedom under a scepter and a crown.
States of the Isthmus of Panama to Guatemala may form an association. This magnificent position between the two great oceans, may in time become the emporium of the universe. Their canals will shorten distances in the world, strengthening commercial ties to Europe, America and Asia, will bring a region so happy tribute to the four corners of the globe. Perhaps there can only be fixed one day the capital of the world! As it was intended Byzantium Constantine the old hemisphere.
New Granada will unite with Venezuela, if they agreed to form a central republic, whose capital is Maracaibo or a new city with the name of Las Casas (in honor of this hero of philanthropy), melts within the confines of both countries in the magnificent harbor of Bahia Honda. This position, though unknown, is more advantageous in all respects. Access is easy and his position was strong, which may be impregnable. It has a pure and healthy climate, a peculiar territory for agriculture and for raising cattle, and a great abundance of wood construction. The savages who live there would be civilized, and our possessions would be increased with the acquisition of La Guajira. This nation is called Colombia as a tribute of justice and gratitude to the creator of our hemisphere. Your government may imitate the English, with the difference that instead of a king will be an executive, elected, when more than life, and if you will ever hereditary republic, a hereditary legislative chamber or Senate, that political storms come between waves and rays of popular government and a legislative body of free choice, no restrictions other than those of the lower house England. This constitution would participate in all forms and I hope that does not participate in all services. As this is my country, I have an undeniable right to desire what I think is better. It is quite possible that New Granada would not be in the recognition of a central government, because it is extremely addicted to the federation, and then alone will be a state that, if continues, will be very happy for large resources of every kind.
Little is known about the views that prevail in Buenos Aires, Chile and Peru, judging by what transpires and appearances in Buenos Aires will be a central government that the military take primacy as a result of its internal divisions and external wars. This constitution will necessarily degenerate into an oligarchy, or a monocracy, more or less restrictions, and whose name nobody can guess. This case would be painful to happen, because those people are entitled to the most splendid glory.
Chile's kingdom is destined by the nature of your situation, innocent customs and virtuous of its inhabitants, by the example of their neighbors, the fierce Republican Arauco, to enjoy the blessings just pour the sweet laws of a republic. If one stays long time in America, I am inclined to think it will be the Chilean. There has never been extinguished the spirit of freedom, the vices of Europe and Asia arrive late or not to corrupt the manners of that end of the universe. Its territory is limited, is always out of contact infected the rest of men, not change their laws, customs and practices; preserve uniformity in political and religious views in a word, Chile can be free.
Peru, by contrast, contains two elements enemies of any fair and liberal regime, gold and slaves. The first corrupts everything, the second is corrupt in itself. The soul of a servant rarely healthy enough to appreciate the freedom rages in the riots, or humiliated in the chains. Although these rules would apply to all America, think more justly deserves Lima the concepts I have outlined, and the cooperation it has given to their masters against their own brethren, the illustrious sons of Quito, Chile and Buenos Aires. Is constant than that aspires to freedom, at least he tries. I guess in Lima, the rich will not tolerate democracy, nor freed slaves and brown the aristocracy, the former prefer the tyranny of one, if not riotous suffer persecution and even establish a peaceful order. Much will if conceived regain their independence.
From the above we can deduce the following consequences: the American provinces are struggling for emancipation, the event will end, some will be set up on a regular basis and central federal republics, monarchies, almost inevitably will be based in large sections and some will be so unhappy that devour its entirety, and in the present and in future revs, a great monarchy will not be easy to build, a great republic impossible.
is a great idea to pretend the world form a single nation again with one link that binds the parts together and to the whole. Since it has a common origin, language, customs and religion should, therefore, having one government a confederation of different states to be formed, but it is not possible because remote climates, different situations, opposing interests, divide dissimilar characters to America. How beautiful it would be the Isthmus of Panama were for us what the Corinthian for the Greeks! Hopefully someday we will have the opportunity to install there an August congress of representatives of the republics, kingdoms and empires to deliberate on the high interests of peace and war, with the nations of the other three parts of the world. This type of corporation may be held in a happy time of our regeneration, another hope is unfounded, similar to that of the Abbe St. Pierre who conceived the laudable delirium of a European Congress meet to decide the fate of the interests of those nations .
"Mutuaciones important and happy, continuous can often be caused by individual effects." The South Americans have a tradition that says that when Quetzalcoatl, Hermes, or Buddha of the South American administration and resigned his left, he promised to return after designated the centuries had passed, and that he would restore their government, and renew their happiness. Does this tradition, does not operate and driving a belief that very soon be back? He sees you what effect it will produce, if an individual appearing between them demonstrate the characters of Quetzalcoatl, the Buddha of forest, or Mercury, which has talked so much the other nations? Do not you think that this would tip all parties? Is not it the union what it takes to put them in a state to expel the English troops, and supporters of the corrupt Spain, to enable them to establish a powerful empire with a free government and benevolent laws?
you think as individual causes can produce general results, especially in revolutions. But not the hero, a great prophet, or god of Anahuac, Quetzalcoatl, who is able to operate the prodigious benefits that you propose. This character is only known to the Mexican people and no advantage, because such is the fate of the vanquished, even if they are gods. Only historians and writers have dealt with carefully research its history, true or false mission, his prophecies and the end of his career. It is disputed whether he was an apostle of Christ or a pagan. Some suppose that his name means St. Thomas, Culebra Emplumajada others, and others say it is the famous prophet Yucatan-Cambal Chilan. In a word, most of the Mexican authors, controversial and secular historians have treated more or less extent the question of the true character of Quetzalcoatl. The fact is, according to Acosta, he established a religion, whose rites, dogmas and mysteries have a wonderful affinity with Jesus, and that perhaps is more like it. However, many Catholic writers have sought to remove the idea that this was a true prophet, not wanting to recognize in him a claim St. Thomas as other famous authors. The general opinion is that Quetzalcoatl is a divine lawgiver among the pagan peoples of Anahuac which was the great Moctezuma lieutenant, deriving its authority from him. Hence, it follows that our Mexican not follow the gentle Quetzalcoatl, but appear under the most favorable identical, since they profess a religion the most intolerant and exclusive of the others. Fortunately
directors of the independence of Mexico have taken advantage of fanaticism with the best success proclaiming the famous Virgin of Guadalupe, Queen of the Patriots, in all cases invoking arduous and carrying on their flags. With this, the political enthusiasm has formed a mixture of religion that has produced a passionate zeal for the sacred cause of freedom. The veneration of this image in Mexico is higher than the most exalted that could inspire the most clever prophet.
Surely unity is what we need to complete the work of our regeneration. However, our division is not surprising, because that is the hallmark of the civil wars usually formed between two parties, conservatives and reformers. The former are usually more numerous, because the usual rule of the effect of obedience to the established powers, the latter are always less numerous but more vehement and illustrated. Thus the physical mass is balanced by moral force, and the war is prolonged, and its results are uncertain. For fortunate among us, the mass continued to intelligence.
I'll tell you what you can get in fitness to drive out the English, and to establish a free government. Is the union, certainly, but this union will come about by divine miracles, but by sensible planning and guidance. America is found each other, because it is abandoned by all nations, isolated in the universe, without any diplomatic or military assistance, and opposed by Spain, which has more elements to the war, which few can stealthily acquire.
When events are not insured, when the state is weak, and where companies are remote, all men hesitate, opinions are divided, the stir passions and encourage them to succeed enemies in this simple way. Then we are strong, under the auspices of a liberal nation we pay your protection, we will agree to cultivate the virtues and talents that lead to glory, then follow the majestic march towards the great prosperity that America is destined South, then science and art born in the East and have shown to Europe, fly to free Colombia that treated to an asylum.
Such, Sir, observations and thoughts that I have the honor to submit to you for the correct or discard according to their merit pleading be convinced that I have dared to expose them more for not being rude, because I believe that can enlighten you on the subject. I
you, etc., Etc.