Thursday, January 27, 2011

What Weave Does Myamme Use

Jerry Wills - 2012 and The Crossroads of Humanity

Jerry Wills is an experienced healer, explorer , and former band musician UFAUX. In this interview conducted by the team of Margaret Wendt In 1995, Jerry talks about 2012 as a benchmark of the changes that confront humanity with a view to the next state of existence, according to information provided by aliens from Tau Ceti contacted him and correlation with different cultures of the Earth also mentioned. From this point, Jerry focuses on trying to explain the crossroads facing humanity today and the imperative need, first, reach a state of peace, both individually and collectively. Jerry Wills

- Data -

Jerry Wills

- (

Jerry Wills's website


Interviewers: (

Margaret Wendt

Location: Unknown Date: 2005
translation and subtitles:

Zeta and Bala

- (
Being Mean to Be )

In previous publication on Jerry Wills and his interview with Alfred Webre mentioned about this old interview found in the "Vault" page of American journalist Margaret Wendt. Here you can see much younger than videoconferencing, and estimating age based on what you mention in the video and the terms of his Facebook profile, this interview was conducted in any month of 1995.
As in the interview with Scott Mandelker
by Margaret Wendt
team, edit the interview to eliminate that unnecessary and harmful to the fluidity of the content. Thus, we specify another subtitling of interview with Jerry Wills, of course, we believe further in relation to such issues.
In peace and gratitude.

Zeta & Bala
Being Mean to Be


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