Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Wedding Shower Programe

Perspective and Testimony of a Contact ET in Santiago de Chile 1968

Interview by SerSignificaSer on 27 November 2010 in Santiago, Chile.
This video is basically a conversation I had with a person very close to us, who had an experience we could classify as indirect contact with a being from another world. You may ask: "Why indirect?" Well, what happens is that despite being on the site happened to the facts, he was not the person who had contact with this being extraterrestrial, interdimensional, or whatever you call it, but it was a very good friend of his who lived this experience.

The testimony of this person, who for personal reasons chose to hide his face and use a pseudonym to protect her identity, calling himself "Pepe". Pepe is a person of 72 years, very simple, humble, hardworking, and we know thoroughly. Is this reason, beyond his age and 42 years have passed since this event, we place full confidence and credibility in his testimony, as well as respect your opinion concerning the UFO / extraterrestrial and other issues he mentioned from their worldview.

With a little camera, and because we want to also share such personal statements, just asked if I wanted to share this experience with you, to which he gladly agreed.
    Although he provides no empirical evidence, no longer a witness valuable type of experience living anonymous hundreds of thousands of people around the world. And that is why we want to make it clear here: It is a testimony. No more, no less. Each person decides whether to believe or not believe. Zeta & Bala

Interview with English subtitles:

- Data - Interviewee: "Pepe"
Interviewer: Zeta and Bala

- (

Being Mean to Be


Location: La Platina, Santiago, Chile

Date: November 27, 2010

Approx: 35:46 minutes
Production, direction, and editing: Zeta Bala - ( Being Mean to Be
Some comments.
We knew this case for some years now, and almost decided to translate his testimony at the time of the interview, all with the simple aim of sharing it with you. The provision of Pepe was excellent and only asked us to respect confidentiality his identity and that of those involved that he mentions. The completion of the interview was totally improvised and we did not only with a small camera that we use as a recorder, so the audio and video quality may not be optimal. As a last point, we just want to emphasize that extraterrestrial reality can not be treated solely by science, as is the desire of those who try to debug the problem and reduce it to mere treatment of data by the science. We believe that even if the UFO / alien is subject to huge distortions caused inter alia by the very human performances, and similarly accept the imperative need of scientific analysis, we can not get away from the fact that the same exploration a reality still unknown and little socially recognized worldwide, still more experiential in nature and common sense. The thoughts aside as mere observers gives us a very reduced this type of "anomalous interactions, because we are inherently part of the same phenomenon. In peace and gratitude. Zeta & Bala
Being Mean to Be


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