Saturday, March 5, 2011

Sound Blaster Extigy Drivers Vista

"Alien Identity," by Scott Mandelker

This questionnaire gives those of you who prefer the scientific method (just kidding!) A more quantitative way to decide whether or not you are a Traveller / Alma alien. Simply answer "Yes" or "No" in the following 20 questions. From my own personal experience as well as from my teaching and counseling, I found that most travelers (Wanderers) and ETs Walk-ins fit the following profile:

Your childhood

1 .- Do you often think, you get excited, or fantasize about Aliens, UFOs, and other worlds?


of those around you?


Your mission is to help Earth and humanity?


of 25-00 points

probably will not be an extraterrestrial soul, but why you are interested in these subjects?

Remember, only you can know for sure if you come from somewhere else, and know your cosmic roots is just the first step. After that, it is essential to consider why you're here and what is your purpose. Being on Earth gives all travelers a perfect opportunity for development, to refine our understanding and expression of love and wisdom, and to help the world with our own special way.


- Article posted by Scott Mandelker, based on the test of his book "Universal Vision: Soul Evolution and the Cosmic Plan":

Over Scott Mandelker in:

- Scott
Mandelker - aliens in human souls

"Loving Truth" by Scott Mandelker

Zeta & Bala

Being Mean to Be


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