Thursday, March 24, 2011

Lokua Kanza In Atlanta

Mexico In The Skin

new is ...

Monday, March 21, 2011

Grinnall Scorpion 3 Sale

X ^ ^ FAN Japan VIÑA 16 and 17 APRIL 2011 in Viña del Mar Vacation

Yes, new version of FanViña 2011, which will take place on 16 & 17 April, in the beloved Quinta Vergara. Shop Kawaii

And be there for you, at the best price and best quality.

Free Admission!

more information: fan
vineyard Viña Facebook fan

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Sound Blaster Extigy Vista

and The C's - Project Camelot Test

interview Kerry Cassidy of Project Camelot Productions Laura Knight-Jadczyk in Toulouse, France. April 2010.

Laura Knight-Jadczyk is a researcher at the nature of consciousness, the matrix and the psychology underlying the pathological. He has also created a unique approach called "critical pipeline, with which it has been in contact with a group of aliens (from sixth density)-called C's, who literally said:" We are you in the future. "

Using a Ouija board with a small group of people, contact Laura engaged in a series of controlled experiments which verified the level of material was getting to ask questions, research answers, and verify the veracity and intent of the source in relation to possible future events. By having contact with this source for about 16 years, Laura and a small group have accumulated a wealth of information while question and investigate what they have been receiving.

His research into the supernatural, past lives, and the unknown have led in many directions. Throughout this, he became a hypnotist, exorcist, writer, and a highly perceptive analyst of what it means to be human.

Laura Knight-Jadzcyk:

Project Camelot Productions:

translation and subtitles:
Zeta and Bala ( / excretandote)

- Data -
Interviewee: Laura Knight-Jadczyk - ( Signs Of thetime)
Interviewer: Kerry Cassidy - ( Project Camelot Productions )

Location: Toulouse, France.
Date: April 2010
Approx: 2:40 hours
translation and subtitles:
Zeta and Bala - ( Being Mean to Be )


After nearly two months to raise the first video of this interview we finally finish the translation and subtitling of the series of videos that were pending.

The reason we chose this interview is because Laura Knight-Jadczyk is one of those researchers who brings a lot of interesting information lot of references linked to world events and science. In this way their work is neat for the clarity that delivers on every article, book, place, together with the validity of many of their assumptions get made.

A personal way, we read excerpts from Volume I of the series The Wave, which greatly complements the information we have exposed a variety of sources through this blog and the videos with subtitles. We can only say, finally, that the information provided by this source named "C's", like any other, requires insight and depth.

Zeta & Bala
Being Mean to Be

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Sound Blaster Extigy Drivers Vista

"Alien Identity," by Scott Mandelker

This questionnaire gives those of you who prefer the scientific method (just kidding!) A more quantitative way to decide whether or not you are a Traveller / Alma alien. Simply answer "Yes" or "No" in the following 20 questions. From my own personal experience as well as from my teaching and counseling, I found that most travelers (Wanderers) and ETs Walk-ins fit the following profile:

Your childhood

1 .- Do you often think, you get excited, or fantasize about Aliens, UFOs, and other worlds?


of those around you?


Your mission is to help Earth and humanity?


of 25-00 points

probably will not be an extraterrestrial soul, but why you are interested in these subjects?

Remember, only you can know for sure if you come from somewhere else, and know your cosmic roots is just the first step. After that, it is essential to consider why you're here and what is your purpose. Being on Earth gives all travelers a perfect opportunity for development, to refine our understanding and expression of love and wisdom, and to help the world with our own special way.


- Article posted by Scott Mandelker, based on the test of his book "Universal Vision: Soul Evolution and the Cosmic Plan":

Over Scott Mandelker in:

- Scott
Mandelker - aliens in human souls

"Loving Truth" by Scott Mandelker

Zeta & Bala

Being Mean to Be