Origin and development of human races aliens. By Alex Collier.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
What Do A Chalice Look Like
principle Earth was colonized by alien races 22 - 17 human, the rest insectual, botanical and reptilian
. The first continent to sustain colonies were white and Poseidia
. The first continent to sustain colonies were white and Poseidia
Mu. The
Atlantis sank
23.712 years ago. The aliens came to collect minerals and natural resources, especially gold and borax. Atlantis sank
Earthlings - Earth
Our Universe consists of 11 primary levels
However, in the creation of this universe, the most advanced civilizations say the true beginning of the universe begins with the conception of it. First was the idea and then the word, and then said to many levels down the ladder to the physical matter that we call the 3 rd density. It is at this point that we, with our science is still limited, we try to measure time and space to validate our systems meet or exceed belief that most of the time focused on the physical realm.
result, some of the science of extraterrestrial civilizations claim that our universe is 21 billion years old as we measure time, which is equal to how they measure time. But for the sake of all readers will expose all measures of time in Earth years. By using this concept or truth, we are asked to look at our home and see ourselves in a different light. Beings to whom I will from now on as the "once",
have stated that all civilizations in space explain the truths in the same way, so let the reader to absorb and feel the information and trust your own wisdom.
The physical creation of our universe was thus 21 billion years ago. If this is the true nature of what our universe is and how it works, then we must come to understand that there are more about us from the moment we are also connected to this process, in almost all levels, if not all . have stated that all civilizations in space explain the truths in the same way, so let the reader to absorb and feel the information and trust your own wisdom.
The creation of our physical universe came out of nowhere, if we all we'd ever seen. The eleven say that on the 1st level of the 4 th density was accepted through the power of our thoughts to create a lower vibration density. In fact, we were very successful. In the 4 th density, when handed power to this idea, were created 3 large pockets, and as soon as these pockets of energy could not hold more light and all that we wanted to create was manifested, then these pockets of matter exploded in a vacuum of space and time, creating the magnificence we see as our present physical universe.
This is the same process we use to create the ultimate level of the 11 th density. This also explains why our science is the universe as a closed universe, because we have not created any level or lower density below the 3 rd density. This is the lowest level of the dimensional ladder. From here all evolve upward. Black holes are the windows from which they came originally from the Big Bang explosion. The Andromedans think they are portals to another dimension of the universe.
We, the creators and infants of Being (the concept of "God", "source", "consciousness"), all as a collective consciousness to believe it. All thoughts of all forms of spirit, both individually and collectively, created this universe in particular. We all come from another universe and / or dimensional plane of thought. This dimensional plane is said to be at the 45. Here we come together to create another separate density, but density very different physical and spiritual, as well as other bodies of density that accompany any pure energy. Three large groups of souls, totaling billions, they decided that they would leave the source and would create. Being established the rules for the experiment and all had to have agreed to play by the rules. No soul was raped and forced. Free will he ignored all the decisions. We met in our respective portal or black hole.
Each site had a position or path of evolution. The roads were different according to each soul. ![]() |
Each universe is in the mind of God (Being), a living soul. The formation of our universe, history, unique in the vastness of time. Creational love and progress, technology and happiness are second to nothing. But because our other polarity of fear, we agreed to experiment, we have also gone to the end of the war, hate, destruction and self-punishment.
Fear is almost as powerful as the love
The Lyrans are the original white Aryan and what remains of the Aryans are the Pleiadians and Andromedan. The Birth of the humanoid race has all the genetic DNA from this area. The ancient Lyran were the Titans. The giants Bigfoot (Bigfoot) is also descended from the Lyran. All life destroyed on Lyra and the Ring Nebula, the Eye of God. Lyra consisted of 14 inhabited planets, three were destroyed during the war: Bila, Teka and Merok. 50 million were slaughtered. The Negro League Lyran began. The Black Dragon.
Lyrans became The Syrians, Arcturians, Antarianos, Pleiadians, Andromedans, the Cygnus Alpha, Alpha Centauri, Sagittarius A & B, Cassiopea, all human evolution. Based on genetically forms human higher realms and highly evolved Universes, it was decided that many forms of life could be created here in Lyra because it appeared to be ideal in relation to the age of the Sun and planets, and duration of probable stability. The human race would have time to evolve and create space exploration and gravitate by means of energy and spiritual recognition into planetary civilizations and that those races would in turn create there own roots and life. It was also important that these breeds be allowed to manifest and create different aspects of our mental, emotional, and spiritual. In this way we would be creating diversity and expressing our own creative needs.
As the human race is fragmented, the races moved, traveled, and settled in many different planets in many systems, to develop space travel. Humans became aware of other planetary civilizations in these systems. We found different cultures and grew. Belief systems clashed or spread. Philosophical ideas or technologies were born. Mankind was evolving.
A strong social community developed between all in the Lyra System. The Lyran, in general, were a very peaceful race. There were disagreements and conflicts storm, but most have always been clarified and resolved. The Lyran learned to adapt to virtually all planetary environments where they settled.
They learned to live in complete harmony with their respective planets. They developed agricultural communities that were literally breathtaking. Not only were efficient and could feed billions of beings, but they were actually improving the planet itself and creating an atmosphere even more abundantly. All aspects of life seem to benefit from the Lyran commitment to become one with their planets. A strong social community developed between all in the Lyra System. The Lyran, in general, were a very peaceful race. There were disagreements and conflicts storm, but most have always been clarified and resolved. The Lyran learned to adapt to virtually all planetary environments where they settled.
At the same time, life expectancy was between 300 and 425 years on average. This then would increase three times, but everyone worked as a community. They were not in service to themselves, but were a race that beat like a heart, and shared and moved in the same direction as a whole, and sought to ensure that none of their race or delayed fall far from the whole.
In other words:
"The need of the majority, is above the need of the few."
"The need of the majority, is above the need of the few."
They were an incredible race model for all humanity that continued until our day.
The human race is a story. The workings of the mind are a record of that history, since the whole record of the human race is in a man (any). If you read these words, then you are part of the heritage Lyran and some of you take this story on the inside. Pleiadians - Seven Sisters
life expectancy of them than us at least 10 times. Their technology has made it possible to travel anywhere in our universe at speeds faster than the speed of light. They are able to use the oceans for undersea operations.
They are very concerned about misuse that we give to our sciences today and that we have completely lost our spiritual center or harmony with our sciences. They do not give use the money, politics and religions, clearly emphasizing that the latter two religions and politics are really the same. The Pleiadians are worried as most extraterrestrial races are visiting us, that we destroy our planet and ourselves.
The Arcturians
This group of beings settled in the constellation Arcturus. These races of humanity are very quiet, and for very specific reasons, they were involved with the Earth. They see themselves as healers.
They have enormous pride in their technology in the arts of physical healing and emotional and spiritual assemblies. Have been known to intervene in the distant past by helping to resolve serious conflicts in our area of \u200b\u200bthe universe, sharing his unique ability to show others how to integrate their systems of belief and feelings to resolve conflict. They can be very quiet, and can and will be kept much to themselves. As a group, have done much to help raise the overall levels of consciousness in our Universe. So far - The human species evolved from Lyra Pleiades. And develop effective weapons of war that helped to sustain through the Orion Wars and beyond. It has been said that the Pleiadians we know at the time were Lyrans who came to Earth and then went to the Pleiades. However, some of the Lyran that colonized our Earth and for some time, a larger group of Lyrans went to the Seven Sisters (Pleiades) and other star systems during the Orion Wars. The Pleiadians are our distant cousins \u200b\u200band ancestral forefathers of some of our races.
- Pleiadians are also descendants of the Lyran who came from Lyra in space stations or arks because of their star systems and the potential for stable longevity. The Lyrans sent scout teams consisting of scientists and engineers and agricultural specialists to explore the surface of possible habitable planets and to explore and return with the data and information to the mothership. Each planet is explored, and according to its unique nature, are sent to establish colonies. Thus it is that the Pleiadians are so interested in our world and our races here.
- The Pleiades is an open star cluster consisting of 254 stars and many planetary bodies. Many of the stars are very young. This is located in the constellation Taurus. Pleiadians and alphabets of Earth are very similar. This was noted approximately 11.157 years ago when he developed ways of writing here on Earth and were carried back to the seven sisters. This form of writing is the mother of most of our current scripts. Three
- star systems have human life as we know, the more advanced the system Taygeta . And the other is the system Taro, which orbits around Alcyone
- . Most Pleiadians look like us in size and stature, build, hair color, etc.. They are also very affluent and articulate when talking about any of our languages, or discussing our sciences, history, etc.
life expectancy of them than us at least 10 times. Their technology has made it possible to travel anywhere in our universe at speeds faster than the speed of light. They are able to use the oceans for undersea operations.
They are very concerned about misuse that we give to our sciences today and that we have completely lost our spiritual center or harmony with our sciences. They do not give use the money, politics and religions, clearly emphasizing that the latter two religions and politics are really the same. The Pleiadians are worried as most extraterrestrial races are visiting us, that we destroy our planet and ourselves.
All Earths languages \u200b\u200bare derived from an ancient Pre-Sumerian language called
"Tamil" , which was spoken in Lyra and Pleiades. The Pleiadians and other groups in the past have left descendants Earth. They have said they are willing to help, but not to the point of changing our own evolution, and thus becoming responsible for us as a race. They say we create our own future as we go and we must correct our own mistakes or suffer because of them.
The Arcturians
This group of beings settled in the constellation Arcturus. These races of humanity are very quiet, and for very specific reasons, they were involved with the Earth. They see themselves as healers.

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