Hello good afternoon to everyone, not today I'll post any recipe that already have some goodies to post to the net and the time is not
From today I start making the tutorials from my friend Carol (http://crtutoriais.blogspot.com/), thanks for letting Carol I make her beautiful tutorials
Carol Present (http://crtutoriais.blogspot.com/)
Present Danielle (http://danielletutoriais.blogspot.com ) and Joanirse (http://dicasetutoriaisjojo.blogspot.com/)

passes the new seal to all friends who visit my blog
Joanirse (http://dicasetutoriaisjojo.blogspot.com/)

The simple rules for who gets this virginity are following: 1
- Display the image of the stamp "Look Who Blog Cool" you just win!
2 - Post a link to the blog that referred you.
3 - Indicate your choice of 10 blogs.
4 - Tell your referrals.
5 - Post the rules.
6 - Check out the blogs is passed along the seal and the rules.
7 - Send your photo or a (a) friend (a) to olhaquemaneiro@gmail.com, along with links to 10 blogs nominated for vericação. If the blogs have passed the seal and the rules correctly, within a few days you will receive a caricature on R & B.
mulled with affection to all friends who visit my blog
Present Rosa Eliza (http://portaldossabores.blogspot.com/)

received this gift from Evan and Lu ( http://unidas.pelo.amor.zip.net/)
goodies Cintia (http://poemas.cintilantes.zip.net/)
Present Jan (http://jandass1959.blogspot.com/)
Present Bella (http://bellaangels.blogspot.com/)

The rules are: 1
. View the stamp image.
2. Post the link to the blog who received the seal.
3. Choose 10 women and resolved.
4. Warn chosen.
mulled with affection for all women who visit my blog
Thank you all for the present, really enjoyed
Continuation of a good week, hugs and kisses
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