Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Glucose Level More Condition_symptoms


Kawaii Hello friends .... I inform you that we are not currently taking orders, because some of our contributors are on holidays ^ ^
Soon we'll be back with new stock caps.
Greetings to all and thank you for understanding. =^.^=

Monday, February 21, 2011

Free Mini Rail Blueprints



Famous Players Silver City Brampton Ontario

Material Synopsis Cassiopaea. Extracts dated: October, 1994 - January, 1996

Interdimensional Wave.

The C's describe themselves as beings of light from the 6th. density existing in a state that can be described as omnipresence gives them the ability to transcend all densities.
The term "Transient Passengers" is also used by them to describe their particular position within the "Wave Interdimensional" claim to speak from the Crest of the Wave and shape as a whole, "the front lines of the natural system of balance the universe. " Defined as a Wave all-encompassing phenomenon that favors changing realities, an Inter-Dimensional border, a massive power that precipitated the collision between densities and moving toward the Earth. As a result the entire planet and its inhabitants experience a change in the vibrational frequency of the art that facilitate what has been called the "Rise to 4th. Density." As for their relationship with humans, have said: "When we reach the vicinity of the planet, we merge them with you. We 'yourself' in the future."
This statement is explained by its explanation of the real nature of time: only the illusion of the 3rd. Time is the linear density and insurmountable, and in all higher densities Time is manifested in its true nature as a condition "variable" and "selective." C's indicate that many riding on the wave, this is a vehicle for mass use. There are many beings that are in perpetual transit. The existential experience, as derived from its intimations, not necessarily imply a steady living, this is just our particular perception of things that emerged from the familiarity we have with our own present experience. A planet is a vehicle too. Many of the Riders of the Wave "are aspects and essence of our own higher selves on the road to consolidation with us. Some are beings of unfathomable "dark" that come to be enlightened. Some come to dominate. In any case, integration is the prerequisite for all those individuals of the 3rd. density that are candidates to become beings
Another Service (ODS)
can make the transition to the 4th. density.

the food chain.

The admonition which may be repeated with greater insistence

by the C's is: "Knowledge protects, ignorance renders us defenseless." There is a huge operation launched by the Alliance of
Ones Themselves Service (SAS)
Orion and their representatives within the human race, the Consortium, in order to create a new breed that is completely under your control and that in turn serve as a Trojan horse to facilitate control of the rest of humanity. The SAS's advanced engineering processes used to create new bodies for themselves in order to come to occupy in the time of the transition to the 4th. density, because their bodies have ceased to be present satisfactory. They also perform tests and subtraction cloning of human embryos which is designed to determine a fitting for your souls: they plan to make the jump to a different physical reality. Sometimes using twins in genetic experiments. So-called "laboratory vats" that have been addressed in different reports, actually exist. Many inhabitants of the planet are being used as primary ingredients for the creation of this new breed. Some of the people listed as "missing" end up serving this purpose, especially children. The amount of the latter who end up serving for experimental purposes is increased each year by 10%. Their bodies are subjected to endurance limit for determining the needs to amend the DNA bank.

SAS type beings that exist in the 4th. derive their nutrient density of beings in the 3rd. level. The SAS's the 3rd. level, which is what humans are (although some are in progress to ex-existential mode ODS) derive their nourishment from the 2nd beings. and 1st. levels. This is the why humans often cause suffering and pain to the animal kingdom individuals living in the 2nd. level, in the same way they provoke among themselves: the negative energy that results from emotions such as fear and anxiety is an important ingredient in the food chain. Some aliens do the kidnapping of human beings to be subjected to cruel and painful deaths for the purpose of producing a maximum flow of energy. The extreme fear and anxiety levels increase negative energy in the vehicle to be emotional (also called astral body or soul) that is capable of being absorbed as a fuel to feed the creatures that have affinity this energy, this is one form of nutrition designed in accordance with its particular metabolic structure and method is described as "ethereal" nutrition, which also involves other processes such as extracting energy through the basal chakra sexual through advanced technology, usually behind the screen simple gynecological exams or sperm extraction operations. Other methods of nutrition to physical means, such as taking blood and other derivatives thereof through the pores of the skin.

Worshipper Physical Universe.

These ubiquitous creatures popularly known as the "Greys" are probes of the 4th. density created by the Reptilians (beings who in turn gave rise to all religions the Serpent extended throughout the whole world) through cibergenética technology. Their food features keep similarity with the latter. Exist by virtue of its interaction with the souls of the Lizard, a kind of interface connection achieved by advanced technological means that anyone who has knowledge of humans. The "Greys" are not only designed and created artificially, but also function as a mental and physical projection of the Reptilians.
have many of the same capabilities
the latter but differ in their physical appearance and the fact that they have a soul (the morphology and biological structure of your internal organs is also different). Despite this, its performance is similar, and to manifest itself in physical form as solid projections on the 3rd density (which in some cases can only get for limited periods of time and with great investment of energy), must absorb adequate nutrients in the manner described above.
When are likely to be perceived by human beings, the Reptilians have the appearance of lizards erect on two feet, 6 to 8 feet tall and humanoid features. Idolize the physical universe. The C's explain this in the framework of the polarization of consciousness: All people who serve their own ego are consumed by the desire to manifest through physical bodies.

The Quantum Leap. As

humanity approaches the transition to the 4th. level impending event in the evolutionary process and provided in various ways by many faiths religionists throughout history, each individual must make the decision to move towards the mode of existence of ODS or remain at the level of SAS. Is this a decision that will stand a long self-debate, extending over a long period of time known as the Millennium. The Lizard, however, have the firm hope to build a trap cosmic to rule on the 4th. density once the transition.

The Reptilians have decided to stand firmly in the existential mode of SAS and therefore must constantly absorb large amounts of negative energy from the 3rd. and 2nd. levels. Since they have chosen to remain at this level with absolute determination to dig into it and since have given up the natural flow of progress towards higher levels, his race has suffered from stagnation as a result of disease which is a decimation stage, and that is the reason why in this particular time-space coordinates of the cycle, are desperately trying to take as much energy as possible, this also explains his initiative to launch a metabolic reconstruction process racial level.
have been traveling constantly in the "time", either forward or backward, to manipulate the events of history so that the conditions will be conducive to the absorption maximum amount of negative energy, and at the time we make the transition to 3rd. the 4th. level, can achieve several objectives:

1. Preserve their race as a viable species;
2. Thriving in number
3. Increase their power;
4. Expand race over the reality of the 4th. density.
In a state of perfect spatial immobility have been traveling back and forth in time to pave the way towards achieving these objectives.
Their efforts, however, may seem desperate and futile, since they lose sight of the fact that while in the 3rd. density have pulled the strings with relative impunity, the 4th. Density is a playing field more level, that does not give advantages to any of its inhabitants. Here there is a veil that obscures the perception of humans (called by the Hindus the "Veil of Maya") and release the shackles that imprison human beings.

Reptilian Achilles heel, then, lies in the fact that only see things they want to see: experience the highest possible manifestation of what is known as "compulsive eagerness." In the 4th. density of the object of compulsive panting becomes the reality that there is experienced, so that perceived reality is constructed in one's own desires and wishes and these make up our state of consciousness.

Shield of Knowledge.

As the C's have said repeatedly, the only defense humans have to all these machinations is Knowledge. Knowledge protects us against any possible form of threat. The greater our knowledge, our fear and lower the lower the pain that we are exposed, also less psychological stress, distress and danger that can run on any circumstance of life. The value of knowledge is infinite. Knowledge frees us of all forms of limitation. The C's explained that when our main motivation is to make existential greater fund of knowledge, we weave around us a shell that will protect us against any negative event that may happen. The greater the knowledge, the greater the degree of awareness and visibility. This awareness eventually becomes powerful and all-encompassing.
The knowledge is never weak: it is in nature the whole substance of the universe. Cala to the depths of existence. Light is truth. According
explain the C's, the steady progress towards acquiring a growing awareness of the nature of reality is the primary purpose of our lives in this universe. Those who experience negative events in nature are those that are stuck somewhere on that road and suffer from some type of obsession. When one gets dominated by a state experiencing a drop obsessive defenses As a result, gives rise to a vast range of problems and tragedies in his life.
If, however, conscious will focus on progress, greater access to knowledge, in formulating all kinds of questions without notice any of the answers, and discarded any preconceived notions, then remove locks and successfully navigated the trap of obsession.
Conversely, if you choose to limit access to knowledge and put a stop to the natural flow of learning, are invited to all sorts of locks to arise in the middle of the road. When these blockages are manifested in the form of deadlock and failure to progress toward greater growth and learning, this should be read as a sign that we are falling prey to any obsession. Anyway, when an individual chooses to stick the straitjacket of obsession rather than allowing a constant flow to enlightenment, that is their personal decision, and here the C's are clear as to which one of the fundamental guidelines which is based on this universe is the "Free Will". Polls


As for the "plagiarism of the soul" of those who have occupied all the world's shamanic cultures, and in some cases they can also be plagiarism of the body, the C's states that guidance beings ODS engage in these activities as representing a flouting of Free Will Directive why this universe is governed, however, that recognize the fact that they are able to appear on heaven in the form of projections transdimensional with the additional capability to establish communication channels telepathic nature. In some rare cases, some humans have experienced translations transdimensional provided by beings of type ODS and voluntary choice of the individuals involved, but this should not be confused with instances of voluntary carriage hands of SAS's, which is occurs when latter interact with their so-called "agents" or representatives within the chain of command.

There are some aliens belonging to the consortium operating in the 3rd. density, but the work of this consortium is mainly the work of human beings who have been previously contacted and have chosen the path of SAS.
Many "hostages" that testify to positive experiences as a result of the events of plagiarism have been dyed experience rewarding feelings under that reading of aural profile that have been submitted by the SAS's of the 4th. density have been identified as potential agents. However, the C's stress that is never within their spending intentions opinion on anyone, since the Free Will Directive takes precedence in this universe.

The Comet Cluster.

the C's indicate that the phenomenon of the Border Interdimensional quickly coming to this sector of the galaxy, will be preceded by an event that has been occurring approximately every 3600 years in the solar system over several and millennia: the arrival of "comet cluster." They claim that the ruling elite is aware that this "thing" is on its way. This is a group of celestial objects composed of many comets of various sizes or, more correctly, many asteroids, which have an orbit around the sun spirographic. Under the cloud of gases and cometary dust and other materials rather than accompany them, at first sight assume the appearance of a single object of massive proportions.

This comet cluster has brought many changes to the system in the past. About 27 million years, 14 of the bodies constituting the cluster did impact on the planet and caused the extinction of many species of large animals. On another occasion, the cluster entered the solar system around the time described as the "Fall of Eden" as it is known in a poetic way. The "Fall" is the story of the seizure of power by the Reptilian beings, when the entire Earth was known as Eden. This took place 309,882 years ago, in our own way "linear" time estimation.

The Fall.

The true identity of the "Snake of Eden is tied to the coming of the Lizard beings. The event referred to as the bite of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil "is an allegorical figure that describes an implementation process of cognitive limitations by genetic means. C's explained that the core structure DNA exists an enzyme associated with the element carbon. By using light waves intensified, deliberately canceled in the first ten

factors of human DNA, which were virtually vaporized. As a result there was a series of morphological changes, including the development of the "reptilian brain" or cerebellum. The propensity to express their feelings such as jealousy was implanted artificially, and this is what is known in the biblical record as the "mark" of Cain. Reptilian Beings genetic alterations made to mankind in order to consolidate its position of dominance within the cosmic food chain.

Cosmic Memories.

Another significant event that took place in the past was the destruction of the planet Kantek,

indicate that the C's had its orbit where it is now the asteroid belt. Many of the original inhabitants of this planet were transported to Earth about 80,000 years ago as part of a process of genetic experimentation by the Reptilians, the genotype with blue eyes and blond hair originated in this racial group. The characteristics of decreased ocular pigmentation characteristic of blue or green eyes are the result of an adaptation to the longer distance Kantek the planet to the sun. The C's claim that this is the true origin of the Aryan and Celtic races on Earth, both peoples are distinguished for their ferocity and strength.

further explains that the planet Venus is an old traveler coming from the region of Arcturus which made its entry into the solar system due to the gravitational pull exerted by the comet cluster. Apart from the recurrent appearance of the comet cluster, there were numerous interactions between the celestial bodies in the solar system during this period of 80,000 years. There is some confusion in the ancient writings with respect to the celestial activity.

The last appearance of the comet cluster occurred in 1588 BC and, together with the interaction between Venus and Earth, as two of the three celestial events that took place around the same time. The third interaction is related to the planet Maldek, the man known as Mars.

The Reptilians have been instrumental in facilitating the descent to Earth, at least on five separate occasions, beings that the ancients knew as the "Nephilim." These are humanoid beings 3rd. level of great physical stature, which have played roles draconian authoritarian cutting, a behavior similar to the Gestapo officers. It is a fact that sponsorship Hitler by Lizard was a rehearsal in preparation
  • for subsequent launch of a massive plan of domination under the aegis of the SAS of the 4th. density. The huge stone heads of Easter Island are representations of the Nephilim. Reptilians in the past attempted to create a "master race" through the insemination of human females by the Nephilim, as is clear from reading Chapter 6 of the Book of Genesis, however, these giants were unable to survive for long periods of time on the planet's surface as a result of the negative effects of gravity on their body mass. The C's warning The Nephilim are back on track. They also travel on the Wave. It is hoped that an invasion takes place in the vicinity of 2012. This possibility is part of a more coarse that the C's are referred to as a conflict on a cosmic scale: There is a perennial battle between the factions and ODS SAS 4th. density will experience a gradual resurgence in the coming years. Its repercussions are felt in the 3rd. density as atmospheric disturbances and geomagnetic changes. Not rule out the possibility that at any time the battlefield can be transferred to the 3rd. level. Echoes
  • Underground.

Some elements of the local ruling class opened the doors to carry out mass abductions and experimentation with impunity by the "Greys" and the Reptilians. This is the work of those who have chosen faction aligned with the SAS and is seen by the C's as a sad legacy for humanity. Other elements of the government realized the implications of this covenant designed to facilitate the seizure of power on a global scale, and some have tried many different ways to reveal the details. Others have a clear agenda of disinformation aimed at the spread of a state of general confusion by the movement of all kinds of rumors and false information. Once Moreover, they insist the C's, the only protection we have against all this is Knowledge.

Cassiopeia information also confirms the existence of aliens underground bases run by SAS's faction in New Mexico, Colorado, around the coast of Florida, Appalachia and California. Indicates that the underwater rumblings have been heard in recent times near the California coast are sounds from a hidden base in the enlargement process by using techniques of sonic boom and disintegration of matter.

Evolutionary Wheel.

The C's explained that the universe is fundamentally a "school infinite" and insist

that human beings should always keep in mind that all there is is lessons. There is another reason for the existence of all things. Even inanimate matter eventually comes to understanding that everything is an illusion. Each individual has the key that gives access to the entire creation within your own mind. Indicate that they and we, like all other created beings, we are interconnected by virtue of our mutual possession of knowledge of all that exists. Have repeatedly said that human beings have the ability to create alternate universes and dwell within of them when they want, since the human mind represents all that exists, add that the man is a duplicate of the universe within which it dwells. When it has reached deep understanding and assimilation of this fact, we discover the meaning of the game of life and finally see the "fun" involved in the process of acquiring an increasing level of knowledge, to go back, step step in a succession of stages of learning, to meeting with Prime Creator in the 7th. density. All this is an existential challenge the understanding of which indicate the C's, resulting in a fundamental change in our attitude toward life, to perceive the nature of "fun" that permeates the entire process.
As the transition to the 4th. density, the C's explained as part of an evolutionary cycle that has been repeated countless times, they suggest it will be an ecstatic experience. The key concept is the need to understand the "Variability of corporeal nature." Human beings have the ability to change its physical state according to their different needs. Those who can increase their frequency of vibration to a level of resonance with the energy of the wave made the transition successfully and underwent a process of rejuvenation and body reshaping. The average life under the new conditions will increase roughly a factor of 6, and those who leave their bodies will do so voluntarily and with a spirit of joy unspeakable. For the rest, will prolong the experience in the 3rd. density conditions over which the C's have proved somewhat reluctant to reveal, saying that should let everyone discover in due time. Service to others is service to self through the other.

- Article posted by Laura Knight-Jadczyk in:

Zeta & Bala

Being Mean to Be

Kawasaki's Disease More Condition_symptoms

a couple of days ago we discovered that we hijack a Gmail account that we used to manage and publications. It is precisely my account (Bala).
We find it very strange that this has happened, because we are extremely careful with passwords and data to handle. For those who have done this, we do not care how he did it but we made it clear he will continue with our work and that nothing and nobody can not continue with this work.

Because of what happened, we create another account to keep up the blog material. Following this we report that
my old account (Bala) no longer be linked to our sites and the new account
so any comment or any detached the old account, starting from today that we present, does not belong in any way opinions and / or comments made by managers / authors SerSignificaSer.
This we want to make clear, due to possible misunderstandings. Greetings


Zeta & Bala

Being Mean to Be

Friday, February 18, 2011

How To Renew Your Drivers Licnese Columbus

Notice Book "Ufology Aeronautical A New Concept in the Study of UFOs "

"Ufology Aeronautics: A New Concept Study of UFOs "is a book which was published in 2010 by:

- Rodrigo Andrés Bravo Garrido, Chile's army officer belonging to Arma Telecommunications with a minor in Military Pilot, services currently serving in the Aviation Brigade Army.

in 2000 made the argument on "Introduction to Anomalous Aerial Phenomenon and its Implications for Aerospace Safety." Through this study came to participate as a guest of the
Washington Conference of the National Press Club November 12, 2007
. At present works as adviser at the Center for the Study of Aerial Phenomena Anomalous (CEFAA) belonging to the Directorate General of Civil Aviation of Chile.

- Juan Castillo Cornejo, Curator of the Paleontological Museum of Chile and director of the Paleontological Research Group of Chile, GRINPACH. In the area of \u200b\u200bstudy of anomalous phenomena, was one of the founders of the CIO (Center for UFO Research) and OPTO-CHILE (UFO research.)

is currently director of the Center for the Study of Phenomena by Explain (CEFxE) and collaborator of the Committee for the Study of Anomalous Aerial Phenomena (CEFAA).

The book presents 23 cases where aircraft Regular flights are affected by the presence and interaction of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena.

Of the 23 cases, broken down into 11 reports of Chile and 12 from abroad, which are described reports of Peru (1), Argentina (1), Brazil (1), United States (3) , France (1), Belgium (2), Australia (1), Iran (1), and Colombia (1).

Along with the description of each of the reports, accompanied by one or more schemas hypothesized to reflect what happened, an analysis of each aircraft cases where from a security perspective aerospace, there is to understand the reader, why each of these incidents selected were causing a hazard to each aircraft operations which manifests the phenomena.

comments about the book.

After reading this book, both are left with feelings somewhat found. Of course recommend reading it, yet we want to emphasize some key points to consider.

First, the book left us with mixed feelings in the sense that, from the point of view from scientific knowledge and particularly aviation, is extremely interesting the amount of detail and thoroughness which outlines the 23 cases selected by the authors about FANIS (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena) and UFO's, calling the scientific community about the need to address phenomenon systematically. Moreover, we believe that the scientistic spirit and debugger is a double-edged sword with the aim root discard the huge amount of information provided by witnesses and informers throughout the length and breadth of the world on the UFO phenomenon and piping connected directly to the dark budget management within government agencies and military branches the development of secret technologies, also joined the inexorable relationship with the existence of extraterrestrial biological entities / interdimensional operating.

Thus, the authors proposed a daring no more than an attempt to give more power to the scientific study of the UFO phenomenon, particularly from the perspective of the aviation and security of air operations , unable to penetrate or even draw an explanation of their origin. We also believe that unlike what the authors of the book is to highlight the efforts of many independent researchers and / or fans who have paving the way gradually for several decades until this point, which is beginning to seriously discuss from all angles of human society the possibility that we may not be the only intelligent species in the universe and the possibility that we have been visiting at least for a long time. This into consideration it is not unreasonable taking into account, by way of example, the flexibility
which has recently presented the scientific community reluctant

is why, for those who have spent their lives investigating phenomena fan so shunned by the scientific establishment, ridiculed largely academic, and censored by government intelligence, it is quite ridiculous at this point the story that we still have no empirical evidence about the origin of the UFO phenomenon. Also, note that the "UFO", which refer almost inherent in the subject debunkers simply arose as a response to the same secrecy installed in the science and the media through groups financiers. This has become increasingly clear to the public as they have revealed more documents related to the secrecy prevailing in almost all levels of political and military authorities.


- Bravo, R., and Castillo, J. (2010). Ufology
Aeronautics: A new concept in the study of UFOs
. Chile: Mage Publishers.

Zeta & Bala
Being Mean to Be