Friday, June 25, 2010

How To Make A Tech Deck

Scott Mandelker - Aliens in Humanity Souls

Due to the constant interruptions meaningless by the interviewers, as were captioning the video interview (unedited material extracted from the "Vault" the website of Margaret Wendt) decided to phase out, by Of course, some of these segments.
is one of the interviews we wanted to finish some time captioning, and now we can share with you. And this is the result. Enjoy!


Scott Mandelker, a researcher of UFO / ET, with a Ph.D. in Western Psychology and Eastern Institute of California Integral Studies (CIIS), talks about his book and research conducted with 25 individuals who claimed be alien souls. After his personal experience and extensive studies in Eastern religions and spiritual practices, many conclusions reached in this interview tries to explain.

Some of the topics Scott Mandelker is as follows:

Video 1 Introduction

Scott Mandelker
Workbook and Study Extraterrestrial

Walk-ins and Travellers
testimony and experience of Scott

extraterrestrial channeling extraterrestrial races
interaction with humanity planetary changes Earth: a school
Election polarity Is there a Creator?
Infinite concept

Video 2

Cosmic Law of Free Will Aliens

How to tell if you are a traveler?

alien's 100 million travelers

service to humanity

Travelers Are you an alien soul? Reviews
New Age movement Many New Age ideas come from the old
Most people in the New Age movement are actually alien souls

Many ancient peoples were aware of extraterrestrial races

negative Extraterrestres and positive

The goal and purpose of the negative extraterrestrial groups

Video 4
negative forces

Star Wars Love versus Fear

Direct contact governments with extraterrestrial groups

Declassification UFO alien / government buildings

alien souls are here on a voluntary basis
Beings of Light "contracts" ending now Leaving Earth
No only the Earth is a school Video 5
2010 to 2012 Transmutation
Graduation Love Lessons

Full interview with English subtitles :

- Data -

Scott Mandelker - ( Scott Mandelker s website )
Interviewers: ( Margaret Wendt
) Location: Unknown

Date: Unknown

Approx: 43:25 minutes
translation and subtitles: Zeta and Bala - ( Being Mean to Be

Zeta & Bala

Being Mean to Be

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Central Jersey Gay Cruising

Alex Collier - Earth Transformation Conference 2010

    • Earth Transformation Conference
    • produced by Exopolitics Institute
    • the January 9, 2010 in Kailua-Kona, Hawaii. Alex Collier explains and references to events that are happening on the world stage, changes are on the horizon, and the decisions we need to take as humanity. Share new information their experience of contact with Zenetaeanos (Andromedans), and above all, he emphasizes the provision of guidance to mankind by benevolent extraterrestrial races.
    • Conference
    complete with English subtitles


    - Data -
    • Speaker: Alex Collier
    • Conference:
    • Earth Transformation 2010
    • (
    • Exopolitics Institute
    • )
    • Location: Kailua-Kona Hawaii.
    • Date: January 9, 2010
    • Approx: 1:30 hrs.
    translation and subtitles:

      Zeta and Bala
    • - (
    • Being Mean to Be
    • )
    • Nebiros
    • - (
    • Shiny Demise


    Mr. Alex Collier clearly mentioned their experiences of recent contacts with Zenetaeanos (Andromedans), and consider how they will guide humanity in the transition to a galactic society. According to Alex, to make contact with aliens require a great insight, because not all aliens have the best intentions for humanity, according to what I have found individuals of this race with whom it has contact. Andromedans warn that some groups (regressive) offer gifts and then we ask something that we can not give them, so that the universe will force us to fully develop our capacity to trial. Therefore, the concept of "Focus on Earth" has never resided in the fact that humanity expect to be saved, as many think and / or want, but on the contrary, is taking responsibility, voluntary introspection and spiritual evolution of our species.
    Alex Collier on the panel of speakers. The second, from left to right.

    Zeta & Bala

    Being Mean to Be

    Saturday, June 5, 2010

    How To Build A Tech Deck Online

    Klaus Dona - The Hidden History of the Human Race - Avalon Project

    Klaus Dona
    , An Austrian researcher

    strange artifacts, along with Bill Ryan of Project Camelot and Avalon Project, exposed through a slide show - held on February 20, 2010 - many of the ancient remains of the world that are not mentioned by science and are lost in the trunk of the unknown by conventional history.

    Being physical parts are irrefutable proof and difficult to dismiss. A

    Search over archaeological artifacts

    inexplicable, his conclusion is clear:
    "We're not
    alone and moreover, were never "

    a great trip in order to reach an apex of what is the unknown history of mankind, in this slide presentation that lasts about 47 minutes, alludes to many of the enigmas of our time converge, such as Atlantis, humanoid reptilians, the Anunnaki ancient symbolism, ancient science, an ancient language and global civilization, and more.

    slideshow, complete with English subtitles

    - Data -

    Presenter: Klaus Dona

    Commentator: Bill Ryan
    - (Avalon Project )
    Date: February 20, 2010
    Approx: 47 minutes

    translation and subtitles:
    Zeta and Bala - ( Being Mean to Be


    I absolutely recommend this video from start to finish. It is a spectacular material provided by Klaus Donate via Avalon Project, with a brief introduction and some comments from Bill Ryan.

    objects presented here are empirical evidence of the lack of consistency that exists in the "official story" of humanity. Finally we reached the point that for many people is no longer a wild and crazy thing the statements of individuals who already do one, two and three decades ago, declared with certainty that human beings in relation to its history, is much more than what has been told. This video clearly gives the relationship "a picture is worth a thousand words" .

    Zeta & Bala

    Being Mean to Be